Wednesday, July 31

This isnt for you ppl, this is to remind myself to punch out a week 8 entry for my summer journal.


How not to drive This is funny shit, i love it, its like all the ways you can screw up driving,lol
i am sooo bored at work....
i checked my subprofile... ive posted this blog up b4 on my profile, but i was agent under fire last time, so this time im putting it under the subprofile so i can at least tag ppl from there and here
"I need a new computer"

Tuesday, July 30

Mack Leighty's Wacky, Fun Happy Land!!! I knew it all along about britney.

Topics for concern: 1) coins stick, 2)mom is insane, 3)guilt trip about not goin china, 4) 50 days, dammit, this girl is a friggin prude.
1)I leave coins on my bed, cuz im too lazy to put them somehwer to grab later... i have about 200 NT in coins, mad up of ones, fies, tens, and 50NT coins.. since i prolly toss n turn in bed, i dont realize the damn things are stuck to me in the morning, sine i dont wear a shirt to bed (tw is a hot ass mofo)... only when i take a morning shower do i hear the occasional *plink**plink* of change fallin in the tub... seriously, i thought i was growing change or something.
2)mom is insane, or super smart but very old...
3)mom keeps on giving me this guilt trip look like "you sure you dont want to go to china even though i set aside vacation time and booked your visa?" and now im trying to figure ou thte best 4 days to go to beijing without compromising the maximum usage of weekend time for other activities back in tw.... i want to see the wall, otoh, i want to sit at home and find ppl in the daytime... so much decisions.
4)Tomoko is a dam prude, its not her fault, its the dam cops, they keep bustin me.... , damn, im waaaay tooo invested into getting this gurl in a month.

LOG:Usually I get my game at aztec the first couple days of the week, cuz i need to vent stress often... so the occasional headshot to the terrorists always give me euphoria... like how firing a real gun vents all your stress... said American Beauty. I also may put in a game of Starcraft, if theory is there to drag it on us... usually if hes not there me and the other john just CS it out till we're shitfaced. but unfortunately, i got the times messed up and when i got there, they already left.... damn... soo much anger left!!!
but on a bright side... b4 i got to Aztec, I ran into Kristeen, a classmate from HS. Well at least she recognized me, (prolly not my name, though i guess she may have remembered my nickname). I remember my "cousin" alby said she was his cousin, but she said no... so now im confused... anyway, surprised to run into her at the station (fyi: this gurl used to do modeling back in senior year, in the same mag as Bebe, a super-foine chick from hs as well) Gosh I cant remember any information she said about herself during our quick conversation (usually my neurons are more suceptible to women's information, most women), i do remember shes from a uc cuz that was stiched into the warmers or sweatshorts she was wearing (yeah i observe like a mofo). If christine is having a dinner get-together friday, maybe ill see kris there too...
ohh, shabu shabu is excellent food... and I'm still able to decapitate a cooked shrimp all by myself without remorse (god it was horrible back in the day.... about a year ago... what kind of 19-20 yearold cant crack and peel his pwn shrimp in college)

I dont like spiders... even though i want to be spiderman... >.<

The Time Travel Fund[tm]I have no idea.. theory is dumping sites on me... aight, its cool they all have something good.
anyways, went to see the site of my oldfriend exfriend. ill leave them anonymous because at least i have the decency to leave their name out of it, because theyre eveel, and crazie, and psychotic, and hypocritical, and have no regard for concern or opinions of others... and hints on dimentia, and is prejudicial...; and btw no, not all the ppl i know in tw are tas , but obviously when people are shortminded, to them all my friends are tas...... err. i lost my thought process, i had to bail for a half hour on a farewell party at the office.. In any event, I'm slighty saddened from the outcome of our argument I don't really care that much.

on another note, people are warning me about censorship. obviously real world observations and reflections on said world are too much for some ppl. This site is still in "beta", meaning i wont know how much impact/damage i'm gonna give/take until i head back to States. well Bring It On.

1 day of work. woohoo

Monday, July 29

True Porn Clerk Stories
I found this rather amusing... and I guess it is sensible to put a female as a clerk here... at least she won't be stealing company supplies, i think...
oh I struckout the post i had last week about deadbeat cheaters, due to events this morning... i'm not removing it, im just crossing it off.

I write more than I talk. I just noticed that.... i can write up a storm about nothing... but ill be quiet as hell while out on social functions...
What does that mean? Am I the next Unibomber? Yeah, if only i was that smart... i guess sticking to a future in interrupting your dinnertime will do.

This Post was for last friday, and was written saturday morning because I was too traumatized to sleep... but the post got lost so im posting again...

ARGH, MY FRAGILE LITTLE MIND HAS BEEN SHATTERED, THE LAST BIT OF SENSIBILITY AND PURITY GONE WITHIN A SINGLE NITE. WHY DO RICH AND JUSTIN DO THIS TO ME? WHAT HAVE I WRONGED THEM? WHYY?? ARGH, I CANT GET CLEAN!!! I HAVE TO BURN MYSELF!! ARGH (if your trying to guess whats wrong, ill tell you, after i summerize it with a short phrase and two words: wrong place wrong time/ Gay Night
It was a good nite turned bad... First it was the usual game café after I twisted little john hsiung's arm to go out even with his cold (im such an ass)... then afterward We went to some newe ass bar that was devoid of life except the bartender and waitress... justin gave the waitress a hard time, wit stuff like "theres no vodka in here" or "could you say that again?" or something like that... the enviroment itself was alirght, and cozy, nice chairs, but no ppl means boring, so we bounced, walked a damn couple Km to the next bar (I hate walking) played some dice there and surveyed the peculiarity of a Humvee parked outside (Does that thing actualy fit in the Taiwan Streets?)
After all the beer was drunk and the peanuts eaten, and the peanuts thrown (by justin at some chick to get her attention), someone made the idea to go to @LIVE/2ndFloor... So we taxied to 2F, and justin grabbed some strangers arm outside the club, licked the stamp on the arm, and inked himself a free ticket inside. Then We found out it was gay night, so im thinking we're gonna bounce after J comes out screaming, but noooo we have to pay our 600NT to go and get him... And that was the biggest decision error ever made............................
AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! IM BLIND!!!! b4 this night, ive never seen any gay asian dudes b4, lezbians yes... from the plush night, but no gays... until now.... if richard simmons were there, he'd call it a chinese buffet.... most of the ppl there were men (and of that, maybe 4/5 of them had no shirts on). God, kill me, why do i have friends that do this to me?? it was horrible, there were things you would shudder to imagine that were upon this club... I was scared for my life (which is rare, cuz the only other thing that scares me are schizo ppl). I mean, gay ppl aren't bad/evil/out to rape rich, but you throw in thousands of them , all half naked, DRUNK, and you get big trouble for 4 heterosexual straight guys stuck in this evil debauchery in action. Finally we left, and not a moment too soon, because i think the number of drunk and drugged up gay men were increasing, and the other homeys would never have made it out alive (good thing i can fit through the ventilation window just in case)
So overall, that was the worst clubbing night by far I have ever witnessed, and god I hope you ppl never have to go through that shit again.... except you jelly, you and your lezbian experiences =P

I give props to theory for his link to this gurl joyce's site. The girl is cute, but i think its fscinating that this gurl is addicted to the game... for a gurl... i would think this was for men mostly (je suis desole pour moi narrowmindedness)... but yeah. the game, the nihon game Ive gotten stuck on too, its called SimGurl, and .... its a hookup game with a manga gurl... you just have to play it... My highest Ive gotten on the thing is 53 today, but thats cuz i got busted once... lucky me... twelve grand and 1 bust... but if i didnt, i wouldve gotten like a 46 or so... anyways... play it... get addicted...

I'm feeling alot better, only 3 more days of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS work left... woohoo!!!

Sunday, July 28

LOG:well, saturday was a better day. slept till 1am to get all the horrid memories purged... the day was basically stuff with mother. Went to MIB2, which wasnt that bad (i dont know what you ppl think about, i liked it), and had teppanyaki... i wasnt returning theory's calls bcause of last night, and my mom doesnt like half my friends here... something like bad influence... im surprised i can even go out at all... stayed home watching tv until 1 when i realized i needed one damn good night from this weekend, so good thing theory was still out at room 18. got there, got a stamp from licked on, got a ton of names thrown at me, and i can remember only a few though... kenny, eric, mya, oscar?, christy?, winnie(winnie is the only person i can remember the most from the club, prolly since i saw her first out of the horde of ppl, sexy cute, didnt like justin[justin is a horny ass] for his shrewdness, too bad je ne pas devote enough resources, i think theyre leaving soon too =(. anyways, it wasnt bad... after i put down maybe 1600 nt in drinks to help me.... alot of women there, most werent there, but alot of fucking cocks too(god it as gay night again, but with shirts). didnt know if your gonna get cockblocked or anything... by the time i was in 3rd-4th gear though it was closing time... dammit...
on the way out, ran into duke and jamie (tas 98 97) we basically tagged with them to a bar until the trains opened... didnt know or talk to anyone at the bar, watever its alright... went home... yadda.. i bbelieve today was a good day... a hell of alot better than friday.

Friday, July 26

Im feeling alot better, not in my evil death kill mood anymore... and ive been scouting around the other ppls journals... through madtheory... joyjoy has a good log, and theres a pretty cool game ive been playing on it... lets say its japanese... ill show you later.

How to know you pissed off streak...
There is no certain answer to that... usually it is the normal way anyone could be pissed off, though it varies between individuals... but when you know, you know.
How does streak deal with assholes from the former
stage one: pure avoidance: I dont want to talk with you, I will immediately defer your cell call to my voicemail, (not let you waste my battery by ringing my phone), I will not respond to your Instant messages on aim, icq, or msn. If we come in personal contact, I will regard you as stray matter. Let me bide my time.
stage two: Defcon two: THis is stage two, which case you wont back down/leaveme alone/dont know shit/want-to-settle-it-too-early. SOlution is two steps: mild bitch session- argument in the least hostile way. Of course, the moment it gets dicey or words like fuck and shit come into play it goes to step two: ALL OUT Bitch Session... Where I just go out to vex you, in everyway I can think of, cuz im frankly runing on adrenaline and no remorse... thankfully the latter has only happened a couple times... but i dont like being pushed around if its not toward anything in my favor.

Next time: The 6 gears of drinking

Thursday, July 25

im not going to shanghai, or beijing, i already made this decision a few days ago... becasue after work is done, if i left for a week, i would only have 5 days to get stuff done... and there is still stuff to do, so ive deferred that to xmas, i hope i come back... seems alot of ppl will be back here permantly or indefinitely... yeah... i havent even gone to hk in a long time...
woohoo, 45 visitors, prolly half are me, but who cares... anyways, as i was saying in my first entry... these are thoughts and observations, taken from the real macrocosm that is the damn world and shoved into my microcosm of perception... and i will note it. but unfortunately, i cant note everything... cuz i think of adding stuff so much, alot of it is lost... so what goes on the log? whatever is the most recent when i get to a computer, or whatever has kept in my mind... usually that is emotional personal stuff... the stupid stuff usually go away faster... but always, i can remember the days events... its just whether i want to put those in or put in an actual topic..
does anyone think all brad pitts movies were great??? someone tell me that...
I like how ppl are hypocritical... most of the world are hypocrits.. i can name you a ton of ppl ive met in life that are hypocritical... some arent, they are straight up, but mostly they smoke weed too, so they cant be posers.... alot of other ppl are.. i found out what a hypocrite was in college (wow, didnt even know in high school), and yes i am one sometimes... i have masks, like all the damn ppl in the world... sometimes they dont know, others do. Only nuns dont wear masks... i think... but back to te point... i have hypocrites for friends... all of them... they are in every part of the world, in tw, in florida, in ny, in cali, everywhere. dont worry, i dont know you, so i cant say your one of them... how lucky...
Anyways, 3 hours of sleep... ohh jelly sez i dont appreciate her singing to cheer me up... which is half true, but it doesnt matter, cheating on me by going to starbucks... tsk tsk tsk.. all the milk tea for me

i dont like authority figures... i dont like cops, i dont like the MRT conductors, mrt ticket ppl (lets jst say all mrt personnel, they are fucking anal), basically any type of law enforcement that has crossed me wrong because they can't seem to go get real criminals and stop with the harassment. I dont need help. Im perfectly helpful buying myself an MP-10 and defending who i love, and what i love. I think I will learn how to do heat shots, thats the most efficient way to ensure a good takedown... besides i feel beter if i have the submachine gun and my intruders be left with their dinky 9-mm... Sorry, im just not thinking straight... i didnt get any aztec down tonite and im built up full of emotional duress thats poured on me in the past while. Oh i think im not gonna make it to work, my organic alarm clock, mother, is not home, and thus im basically screwed... but it doesnt matter, i got my last month's pay yesterday

So I was a philosophic cat eh? well i need one more try to get an avg >.< ok I have one cat and two philos.... it could be worse... I couldve been a model, a queen, a jester, a lumberjack, or a murderer(the murderer one is funny, it has a picture of oj
What Was Your PastLife?
I got bored with work so I did the other tests too. The selection of results werent very funny, though i did like the springheeled fellow and his ripping clothes off women thingy... like jack the ripper on speed or something

guys gys guys, wat have we learned about cheating? well heres another lesson.
if your going to cheat on your gf with some slutty whore of yours that she know from the last time you cheated on her with the same slutty whore... make sure your whore doesnt write everything she says in a webjournal on AA that your gf checks on occasionally; specifically, make sure the whore doesnt write stuff about you in it, like how you want tobe with her in california and stuff... gf's just wuuuuve it when you talk about your aftection towards other women (maybe they might also luv a triple pentrate)
and why da hell would you cheat on ur gf in the first place? do they not satisfy you? are they flawed in that you need to find some slut you can blast with? or is the long distance thing not working out? the ole self maintenance isnt cutting it eh? so instead, youd want to go with someone else? shouldnt you be more afraid that someones gonna bag ur woman from you? well maybe if you had no affection at all then you wouldnt. bastard. but when you find a woman that is way better than you and she cheats on you... your going to be uber pissed since you really did have amore towards the fille. can i get a hell yeah from gundam?
supplemental: I guess if you were cheating with someone else... it would be because your woman is a total bitch, but if she was a total bitch who whipped you, you wouldnt even think about cheating on her, cuz youd be a pathetic little puppy. back to the bitch theory... so you think shes a bitch, but you dont want to break it off, since you havent found a slut who wants to be ur new woman, so you want to string the old bag along until you find someone new.... elementary my dear peon.
let the bitchslapping begin

Joke of the Moment:
Why Do they call it PMS?
Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken!!! Lol

I think guys have some sort of pms, although it may not be on a timed basis...... ok, I have mood swings... but i think its hereditary. My little baby sister has mood swings all the time... one time she can be an angel when your helping her... the next she is the spawn of the devil with all his might and glorious evil underpower... and thats when i have to put the smackdown on her...(basically spin her around till he hurls or something)... but i think maybe theres a gene in me that makes me help some person one hour and be all nice, and then later i am totally pissed off and break off all contact with them, sometimes for days at a time, and rarely, weeks.
Its just natural I guess, when your getting blown off or neglected, you cut them off fromyour life and see how they last without you...
ech i have no idea what im saying, cuz im food deprived, im going to mcd's.... tomoroow is the MashiMaro special... woohooo, the dog butt face doll is the coolest...

Wednesday, July 24

adding to the last post... I was going to recite the past conversation i had with theory, but it went into an hour and frankly its not fworth using up 10k of my blogger space to prove phasers do not work at warp 7.
also, yes i luve women. I would probably drop my friends at a moments notice for women (assuming my friends are deadbeats which most of them are anyways, or stoners or just plain assholes)... besides, all men are out to get the poon... I remember that in freshaman year in new york, all my friends were women hungry bastards (again, assuming they were my "friends" at all). Besides, it doesnt matter, guys are forgiving... as long as it has a plausible reason like "oh for the tail, eh?" or something like that.
Correllary: I love half of the women... the other half i can't stand, so usually i play them or play around with them, because either they are not that nice of women or, i have no interest, or i just don't give a fuck, or i was stressed.... boohoo... watever ... like today, im in a post-stress time... and if not for someomes semi -britney type of singing the lilo and stich song, I prolly would have another demented day.

I had a whole shit of stuff i tried to post last time, involved a coversation i overheard on the train btween 2 asians and an indian, on getting caught in the act, and 20+ partners for the asian femail (DAMN) and on rich's misfortune (raiiight), but i lost it since i have fucking problesm with the company network and lost 2 hours of writing... so you missed a good amount of nothing.....
anyways, DOT (from ny) is in town. and Mochi came to play aztec (shes fucking good, i felt i was being whipped by marshalls sister.... oh wait, i was)... steak night tuesday.... and more aztec wedsnday...
I was watching Voyager, and i noticed another error in the show... two ships at warp speed... and both are fireing phasers at each other... now im no engineer, but isnt it scientifically impossible to fire speed-of-light laser beams while going 6000 times the speed of light... that is just absurd.... at least in the later seasons when voyager was chasing the equinox, they were using torpedoes during warp (which is correct and looks much cooler when you blow off an engine, thus making ths ships come out of warp and then engaging with phasers and torps).

Saturday, July 20

damn, i bet im as bad as theory, pushing ppl to come out.... ok, not bad... just determined when i want to... like when i want ppl to come pla cs or sc with me. i bet if chris called up this morning he wouldve stayed for another round of aztec or maybe go club so we could find the shih-da and the gurls. But of course, circumstances arise, such as being dragged to tainan for a conference thingy and leaving the phone at home where it DIED. Pathetic. Shorty doesn't want to see MIB2 now. Something about it sucking... that totally broke my heart... HOW CAN MIB2 suck?? Hopefully not as bad as fucking Soldier. I still blame hsiabury. Im going to go to church in the morning i hope...
I think I am a very violent person. VERRRY violent... look at all the holes I put in walls. Why if i was a carpenter Id be rich. Gosh, I wish death on alot of things... anymals, teechurs, and maybe even some peepal. But i have the restraint to keep that inside and just let it pass... which is why i have so many greys... otherwise, if i had the souless mind, and an H&K MP-10, Id go happily down me some Shaft justice. I want to learn to kill with my pinky only. But first things first is to learn how to fire a real gun, nt train on cs or r6 or use the auto-beretta gasgun. thats my goal: weapons training.
I wonder what good movies are out to watch in tw? friends are short in this season and i wish there were more, but shorty is the best thing to come out of the latter half, and michy, and *sigh, I hate to admit it* Theory... rocky dont count, he didnt invite me to any crazy indian partys yet =P

I miss all the cute/pretty/hot/exceptionallyhot tas gurls. If you came to my school, you would agree. they were "the best of the best of the best, SIR!" (sigh, mib) geez, did MIB2 suck that bad??
ok i was kidding about doing justice on ppl, im not violent... in real life (dont count cs though), and i dont have weapons, except that damn autoberetta BB, but damn its powerful; geo's welded its power at nissan balloons, mccarthy's felt its power in my car... its just a badassmofo... and im glad i spent that 400nt to show some sort of chauvinism from my otherwise devoid lyfe.
Bad joke of the moment: (this should ensure some damage)
An asian goes into a bar and says to the bartender, "Hey nigga, give me a jigga." The bartender is shocked and replies, WTF, that is the most racist thing you could say. How the fuck would you feel if someone did that to you? In fact, let's switch places. I'm going to come in and let you see how hurtful shit like that is." So they agree and the bartender walks out and comes into the bar. The asian is behind the bar as the bartender goes, "Hey chink, gimme a drink."
Sorry, we don't server niggas here

Ok so the naacp/aclu is gonna bitch... or are they... i am minor... i dont care, im prolly gonna get bitched by others besides the nra or now or wateva

Friday, July 19

Damn, I spent 5 hours at aztec (game-cafe) instead of going out to club or anywhere. I think i should since teena is leaving soon and I'd prolly never see that young un again. but of course Justin has a big ass gripe with some ppl and yadda yada yada... so i dunno, maybe i wont go clubbing this weekend... yeah... more tomororw... and ill have a real thought soon... (OH BOY A REAL THOUGHT)

I did some changes to the site... wow, its soo much more customized, except the damn template isnt mine... oh well, when i perfect my WEaver skills ill get it all done.
Note to self: Must find Fireworks MX for Jess

OMG, NAMIE AMURO IS GETTING A DIVORCE!! I Still Have A Chance! muahahahahaha
Oh, In other news, Angelina Jolie found her marbles and left Billy Bob.

Yesterday was one of the happiest days I've had in summerTw so far. I finally got to meet up with Jessie. ^.^ its been like 2 years since i seen her and called her on a phone. I didn't know if she was going to be changed like little michelle either. So after evading a manhunt at work (I'll explain later) I met up with shortyJ at starbucks and we had a big talk about everything up to now. I got gossip from her side of the class, and i told alot of stories from my side of the class. (Lisa C. is hot! and stuff like that) Then I slowly realized the more I talked with her, when she talks or her head nods to one side, damn, is it me or does she look like crystal? like, really look like crystal? I dunno, I just had that gan jue, and you know how strong that is when it pertains to the cheerleader. Maybe it was cuz j had longer hair too.. She did look different though; we all look different. Said I didnt look skinny anymore Funny, I still feel skinny, or fat with my homer tummy. Course I was saddened that she didn't believe that my drivers license and Gator 1 ID were me; actually, in the yearbook, she couldnt even locate me in alot of pictures... >.< Letsee, thought i was going to be darker too (like my black homeland , j/p Tre). Lets just say Surprises and naught. Naught surprised shes still with Kylee; alot of couples tend to stay together after graduation, sans a few exceptions. Seenms alot of TAS ppl still date inside tas, after college. Based on my geographical location, FL, I would never have the opp to even see any old alumni, since everyone is in Cali or New England. So many things I never had. At least I was not deprived of seeing the munchkin. I luv that girl too much that If i didn't talk with her, i could implode. And It was a good 4-5 hours of hanging out, I just didnt want to keep thinking the resemblence btwn her and Crys was close, b/c Crys is a whole nother arena. I did feel like shit the whole night though, maybe b/c my headache or i didnt eat, but then I crashed when I got home for once instead of stayin up. Maybe cuz I was actually happy or satisfied... whoknows... It doesn't matter, no one has cameto read my log yet. it has no usefulness unlike Theory's. Im completely safe. I may talk about this laters

Wednesday, July 17

Yeah its 3am i gotta sleep. but i gottawrite this while i can remember. I'm remembered of something my best friend said of me. She said I looked like an anime character cuz i had big eyes (i think that just skewed the stereotype IMO). I didn't know what she meant with big eyes. I thought we were all not like those characters on Japanimation. But then I was surfing around and found Rena. She has big eyes i think, though i can't take a ruler and make sure. She is very kawaii too, and only a few months older than streak. Unfortunately, she is also a famous actress in Nihon and has moolah of money, and I haven't seen kawaii of that caliper in the southeast coast. Its when i stare into those eyes that stare back, I see a deep mysteriousness that adds to her supercute complexion. She looks like an anime.

Author's note
I would like to take this opportunity to recognize MadTheoretical. Why? I already have him linked... Well I'd like to give further ackknoledgement since I am pulling ideas and techniques from him site, mostly all the extra remote components that he uses (well, lots of others use those services too, but im a little lazy to go more than a few blogs out of my blog) Its nothing bad. His life is web design, so its nothing big that me, a ComputerEngineer/ Info Science/Tech major, with more coding skills for an Intel Risc processor than html and ColdFusion, would just mooch ideas from my homeboy's older brother. He changes the layout anyways often, so I should be pretty cleared. Im just giving my shoutout to Theory for my mooching resources off the same resources he mooches from. MOOCHIE MOOCHIE
Oh well it wont matter for a while. In a few hours or so, Theory is going back to HK for quality time As I sit on my bed/desk with my jurassic laptop in front of me, I cant wait to get back home to my less seasoned P2 450 computer, giving it a new brain filled with XP and all new stuff. Hopefully I will spend those short few days making a new design for my BitchLog. Ive been toying with the new mx weaver/flash and Photo 7. If I had more resources I could get something really good going... Or maybe I an punch out something decent from here.... hmm

How to Impress a Woman
-Compliment her, cuddle her, kiss her, caress her, love her, stroke her, tease her, comfort her, protect her, hug her, hold her, spend money on her, wine & dine her, buy things for her, listen to her, care for her, stand by her, support her, go to the ends of the earth for her....

How to Impress a Man
-Show up naked. Bring Beer.

I was thinking before I left my chair at work...There are alot of words that are formed from the merging of two words to make one word that still retains the meaning of the two words.
Such examples would be con (to con people) and insult.... put them together, and you get consult, which is to belittle people and take their money.
Also Supreme(to be a bigshot) and racist(...) and you put that together and get supremacist(a loud bigshot ...)
Ok, im not sure about the latter one... But it would make sense right?

Can't write long, two minutes till quitting time...

mitch(pm 04:37:48): what problems
streak (pm 04:38:42): power calibration error
streak (pm 04:38:50): some shit like that; i cant read the chinese errors
mitch (pm 04:39:11): that's not good
mitch (pm 04:39:14): not good at all
streak (pm 04:42:28): nopenope
mitch (pm 04:45:30): you never close your eyes anymore
mitch (pm 04:45:32): when we kiss
mitch (pm 04:45:40): ba bum ba bum
mitch (pm 04:45:50): ther'es no tenderness
streak (pm 04:46:22): dude, did the lez rub gay all over you or something?

did I mention that lezbians are awesome... but only the cute ones, not the butch ones. Im very sorry for being narrow... wait... no I'm not.

Why is procrastination such an addictive trait? When you start it, you dont ever seem to get rid of it... this could explain why I havent registered for classes yet..... OK... some 411 if anyone reads this... school: University of Florida Gators. Current Summer Occupation: IT Department, Texas Instruments,you konw, the ppl that make the best calulators to play mario off of. Oops gtg... argh... brb

Tuesday, July 16

Between the last blog and this one, not much happened too much. Theory called me out... wait... I called him out, after work to go with me to guang hua. Its sort of a market where you can get elicit stuff and electronics at some pretty good deals. the upper floor has electronics, hardware, software, computer games, and other peripherals that you could possible want. The lower level has alot of little stores of books and videos. Many of these book stores are mainly books/mags dating back a few years... Hell i found one women's beauty mag that I bought 4 years ago because on e of my classmate's is a model in it... that shows the relic degree of these things. The videos are essentially vcd's and Dvd's of movies from States, HK, Japan, and Korea. Half are movies and sitcom series, half are Unrated Foreign Films, basically the softer types of adult video from the east...crappier than Jenna films, but better than crap on Showtime/HBO. My agenda was to browse the prices for the MZ-N1 and see if there was any new AV to get later... You know how Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sunday's and Perkins has that one Wednesday in a month where they are not 24/7 and close for cleaning and you happend to go to either place at that bad time, Well Gues Wat... YEAH THE DAMN MARKET WAS CLOSE. Apperently for some tomb-sweep day or something, I dont know, I can't read. Signs directed us to some little mini market that was some refugee camp for the merchants needing to sell their devil products, but selection sucks when its only a handful of guys. Theory was looking for fake dvd movies or else hed buy them in hk on friday. Anyways, Went to the 24/7 mall so theory could sit in a nice clean bathroom to return natures call with a vengeance. Actually it turned out he was keeping me company till nine to meet his friends and then ditch me Anyways, after that, which was about 1015pm, I jogged to the train station. WHY? CUZ I NEED LESS OF A FAT GUT WHEN I GET BACK TO SCHOOL!. I used to think I was still skinny, but i guess when you look from the POV of your head and not a mirror, you could think you were skinny(if your a dude) or fat(if you were a chick) Oh I think I can safely agree with the status quo of men that lezbians are really funky... and men really get fascinated, intrigued and turned on by lezbians and the acts that lesbians do at a club while they're drunk. FYI: b4 my blogs, I had a weekly summer journal going on my AIM Subprofile, and last friday at a club I witnessed for the first time real lezbian grinding, dry humping, and tonguing, all very erotic looking too. The women were cute too (damnit) and apprently the cuter lezbian wouldnt give me much attention or even prove to me how professional lesbians are at erotic kissing (i guess thhats why theyre lesbians).... I think I just told you the most interesting part of Friday... anyways thats pretty much all. My arms hurt from the Burn out the night b4.I'm never doing 200 rep curls with 20lb weights Oh btw, my DAMN subprofile is down, I cant update my last week journal... DAMN you JUPITER Damn you!!! oh i need to email my insurance adjuster since i have about a month b4 i need my car, which was wrecked in an accident the day b4 i went overseas for summer, and subsequently may not even been fixed at all since then. Ill also try to add those damn classes I havent yet. GOD having a Blog is great.! Why didnt anyone give me this b4?
ONE MORE THING (I got this from Grandpa of the Jackie Chan Cartoon, That fogey is da shit), I tried to click the remember me check in the login, and BOOM, I just spent 30 minutes trying to get back on to blogger. samething when i used NetCom, not just IE. apparently the cookie kept making the App go somewhere bad and kept screwing up the address, and i just spent half an hour erasing all my files and cookies from the browser, so this post is 30 minutes not as fresh... I can smell the stench already.... wait, thats him taking a dump again =P

Hi, this is the second entry, wow, Im screwed. Im 3 weks late into registering for classes, 3 weeks from deadline too, and i am sure my classes are all taken, which means maybe i wont be graduating next spring, which means ill be a year and a summer behind my people... I really loathe the fact that everyone is either in an IVY school, in the ny/NE area or in cali, and im stuck in FLorida, all by myself... sure, a couple ppl like Sands and Helly came but thats over a span of 4 years.... where the rest of the ppl?? dam you all.!

Monday, July 15

Oh god, I'm going too fast.... I have so much other stuff to do that I've messed up my priorities and did the worst thing I could do... go mainstream with my life. Well, this is my inaugaraul (i forgot how to spell) entry into the web, a far leap from jotting stuff down on a notepad, a real journal, a tape recorder, and my own mind. Before, only I knew my own secrets, all the hardships, the joys, the pains, the comforts, and never any the wiser as to who i thought was my friend/enemy/crush/stalker, or who i loved/liked/chilled/tolerated/avoided/hated.
And soon, all you people who I don't even know will find about this insignifigant blue particle of light, who's only job is zipping from one place to another, like a little blue streak. But it's in that journey that the adventure, the story, the observations come out. And there's alot, because drama is around me; and, like my friend, if their ain't no drama, I gotta catalyze the drama. But anyways, I doubt anyone cares about the first entry. I don't. I just want to get some word in. And I need to find out how to do CSS and XML stuff. I'm really feeling beaten over by madtheoretical's ayumi blog. ARgh. ANyways, if you did read this, then maybe youll stay to listen to the good stuff later.