Thursday, June 23


So many synonyms for one word. downsized, reorganized, outsourced, laid off, seperated from employment... but its always coined best by the don. "Your Fired" and so i am... i never liked the people anyways, I just went for the hot women.

Wednesday, June 22

when xanga and life collide... it gets weird

I work at the most heinous and evil place in the county. Its called SDP or special data processing. If you even google it, you'll probably get hits for names like NME NPE NLE, National Magazine( or Publisher, or List) Exchange. Think of us as the Publisher's Clearing house of the phone business... no stupid mails that say "HOLY SHIT YOU COULD BE A WINNER... if you have this number".. no, ours are sneaky... or not... It just says something like "we want you to call us and activate this number... and buy shit... and give us your CC, oh yeah and dont be afraid that MC fucked up your CC, you're all right with us." Yeah, this company is legitamate, for a small part (that labor issues spanning this company, and the lack of feedback btwn higher and lower level workers due to the level-concious-stigma, is still widespread), but people just don't want to buy mags... or do they... no... i don't know... i listen to these calls and I think to myself, wow, we must be like giving these mailers to rednecks or hobos or minors, but damned if i know how the hell they get these people to buy then, those troglodytes (thank the DC top lobbyist Abramoff for that word) find they don't want shit, and call the Customer Retention center to bitch, and the CS people cancel, and then I have to deal with listening to a 20 minute digital tape that doesn't mean shit because customer service cancelled the order... so is life as a supervisor of Lalaland... now... about the story...

CS had some new people come in recently, and there were two asians in the group. usually the asians that come in here are super FOb. like, "they still have hats on from the fields" inspired persona... besides this place is a wonderland candy store of eyecandy... albeit Milfs in their 20-30's or younger, crackwhores, geriatrics, convicted felons, et al. But these new trainees, these two, looked familiar... one looked very familiar, like this xanga girl I've seen before by random xsurfing, with a profile pict of her on a beach, with sunsets behind, (maybe it was on friendster, I'm not sure), the other was this beautiful Viet girl one who, surprisingly is xangalinked to people I know, even Cauca-tino Ryan. but, I wasn't sure about the latter... until I was confirmed by Rhyce.. and it was further affirmed when the latter and i ran into each other at the door of the building, and she goes "hi jon, ryan's friend," to which I reply "..." (ok I don't remember, but I don't think it was a good comback since I was broadsided by this icebreaker from Crazy land) so, it is the girl. what the hell are the odds of something like this happening at my company, the place i secretly loathe, the organization that I will burn down the minute I get a confo from law school or a job akin to van's miracle job offerings.

more later... apps to miami

Tuesday, June 21

cars, ebay, stuff

need to find some stuff to buy sell on ebay... both... i have things ... many things... that i need to unload, like several ultimate choppers et al.


wow, who knew i posted 750 times on this thing.... i wouldve been a cool thousand if i actually stayed on instead of being a buster on xanga... yeah, fuck xanga.

life has become very grim in all aspects... it could get worse if nothing happens in the next couple weeks... i could go apeshit and burn down sdp... because i hate the place secretly and thats why i want to piss off all the people so much, and steal their cookies, and get people fired and shit on daves desk and blame that troll lee. but at least they gave me a arduous task that spares me from getting sent home early like everyone else did (dman, it would suck if i had to leave 3 hours b4 work if i needed every single dollar)... and, i think i did well in the call department... who knows... they reallly need to give me a raise, or i'll kill someone.

Monday, June 20

school... progressive... ATC

myabe i should become an atc...

i'm too tired and nerved to type...
pray for broadband and a computer for me. thankx

Monday, June 6

Full circle (also, TAiwan Booth Babes)

Yeah, if you noticed, I havented done anything much with the blog or xlog. i blame my working on hooking up with this chick, who could be vastly underaged. but I'll just adhere to the addled "Don't ask, don't tell" principle to circumvent any trouble. It works pretty well in situations such as "no officer I did not no with was a prostitute" or "No officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that" Ahh, all well that end well... come back you all... and when you do comment ppl, please remember to add your cell number and relationship status (hee)

ok, gtg do stuff that would make jacko look like oj... err... nevermind.,