Saturday, July 31

FREE IPOD, get it now. Follow the directions, don't be stupid

OK, things you need to get a free ipod.

Its true. It may seem like a farce, but you can actually get a free ipod, stupid. Noted technology watchdogs like Gizmodo, Engadget have lauded the viability of this offer, and ForeverGeek has disclosed that he received his free ipod a couple days ago. Even that Hottie on my SIR seems to have gotten hers. Me, I'm waiting on mine; oh, precious precious ipod. mmm, what wonderous things I will do with you. Course, overthe course of time that I have attempted to help you, the bumbling hoard, manage an ipodus gratis, you dorks can't seem to follow the directions that I gave out to you. so, in the way that I , the would be Technical Writer, can convey the simplicity of this offer, I will list your requirements and steps to get this.

Things you need:

1: a Spam address, or an email you don't give a shit for anymore (you need to check it at least too)

2: Some credit card, preferably one that you don't use, or one that you use often... relax, we're not taking your money, wino.

3: your address.

4: You shouldn't be an AOL member, but if you are... under your parents, you still are eligible (this is the least complex offer to master, which is why you shouldn't be part of AOL)

5: Finally, this link... No, really, this link stupid.

Ok, so you got it? good. This is what you do.

1: Click on the Link and register for a free ipod (you have to register for any contest or offer, so no bitching!)

2: Ok, so now, you have to complete at least one offer. The only offer that will give you the least Bullshit is the AOL offer (because, hey, AOL sends you rolls of AOL 9.0 CDs to open your own Sam Goody's store) So, sign up for AOL's 2 month trial. This is where your credit card is needed. Don't worry, pussy. Goddamn, you worry too much.

3: Wait a few days after registering, and check the status of your ipod. If you weren't inept, you should see checkmarks on your AOL offer, and the thing that says completed offer. Congratulations. now to deal with AOL.

4: Cancel AOL. Simple. Of course, some of you don't have balls to just cancel outright. So, heres a template excuse for the AOL op when you call to cancel: "Hi, I want to cancel my AOL account." "ok, and do you have a reason for leaving?" "yeah, AOL sucks, you made my sister kill herself!" "what?!?" "Fuck you! Just cancel my account bitch!" There you go.

5: Wait a week or two for your ipod. Hey, this isn't Fedex stupid. They send out Ipods every day, so wait your turn. Congrats, you got one!.

Happy? Now, Make Daddy Proud!

Everyone get an Ipod, follow the generation.

If you have questions, feel free to ask them so that I might yell at you for being stupid and not following directions.

Tuesday, July 27

The Famous Strip Club

I went to the strip club. You may have heard about it. Its been noted by stars, jocks, and rappers the world over. It was in Wyclef's "Perfect GentleMan" song. It is Mons Venus.
Compared to other clubs I've been to, this one takes the cake. and fondles it too. well, most of the cake.

So, eight people went in. Me, Van, Scott, Troi, Tevin, Tony Foley, and Dave. Scott had the most Money, 300. The final tally for the Dances was:
Basically, Dave had 4-5, the most.  Dave also is the only one out of everyone who has a girlfriend.
Down the list of drama past lives, Tony broke up with his a year ago, but tony goes to clubs like catholics to mass. Troi has off/on's with his ex. Van with non-girl non-issues. Scott's first. Foley, I dunno, he's just happy. Tevin's first. And, well me, I am the Hyde of the group, half mellow, half apathy. Mostly Jaded and Pessi, but more of a don't care bunch. But most of all, I was picky as hell, and Tony and Scott stole the ones I wanted.  Yes. Bastards.
The platter of women was fine quality. Speaking with the bouncer, the club runs host to 300 girls in its roster, usually its 30-80 on the weekdays, and peakends, its 50-100. Damn, the women were fione too... Fake and Real all around. My only woman was the cowboy girl, with her cowboy hat on and stuff.. One of scotts best was the long haired woman with the fringe on her bra, and everyone seemed to praise the asian girl, for half of them got at least doubles from her, dave mostly. I think he might have had three. I'm not sure.  If they weren't roaming or dancing, they were on stage, going on the pole, or sometimes just touching themselves. But, the time did fly fast, and before long, 1am rolled to 530 am, and we all left. I left having spent 50 dollars, while others went a whole c-note. Damn, I want to get legs and brunette next time. I'm still picky, but next time around i have my choices so when they come around, I'll have my mental list... unless they get new girls... then I'll have t think again.

Afterwards, I went impulse and drove with the guys to Otown to chill at trois house, b4 we all went to Dimsum (chinese food) in the morning, followed by a 2 games of laser tag, where, with my experience in Counter-terrorism tactics and weapons, trounced the whole game in FFA melee. Since it was melee, the guys started gettin stupid; mostly tony. Him and Van were grabbing each others gunes firing point blank, and he did that with me. Scott was doing rambo shit with his God Vest (best with missing sensor points, so he would get hit less), just walking around like the terminator shooting people.  I did sniping, camping, and assault.  Also, my first vest may have had some advantage, or maybe scott wasn't using his vest to full capacity, because I rocked everyone in the first round with the highest score, and the accolade "Imperial Major." I don't mind that I fell backwards alot, and that I also fell onto my knee, sending waves of pain through my system. Thats the price of being the best player on the board. I kill in my sleep. I should be able to kill in my waking moments. Anyways, I killed. I'm da best, yay is me.

Thats the weekend, that the update for Monday-Tuesday. Catch me in a week for another update.

Friday, July 23

Biding Time

I'm starting to understand slowly why rich left the blogger world. I myself find myself with less and less to disseminate about as of late. I've left stupid crap to xanga, because thats where the vultures feed. But, I've found myself with less and less things to write about. it probably is due to less drama in life, and more sloth activity.

I could talk about many things that recurr in my mind, but alas, I have forgotten them.  Thats what this notebook I bought was for, but I have trouble writing things down. 

I guess I'll work on this, and I'll try and have comments up.

otherwise,  I'll try and set a regment of posting on SUNDAYS... only. Ok? If you still follow my words, come on sunday. wait, if I post sunday night, then you come on MONDAY, yeah, thats it.

Wednesday, July 21

All about unkempt nookie

I think i realized something. Past crushes that we have yet to resolve will always point us to a yearning, rather than ones we already hooked up with.  Don't ask me how, but thats the way it goes.  Don't ask me to explain either, I'm doing very important work. heh

Tuesday, July 20


my foot is going to be chopped off. phuck

Friday, July 16

What kind of lawyer would I be?

The lazy kind!
I can't even amass the energy to fiill out a few appliations. I am the pure spunk of laziness. Oh, right, I have stuff to do. bye.

Saturday, July 3

Zombie mode commence.

I'm sooo tired. Today is one of those few days I've actually surpassed twenty four hours of insomnia. I haven't eaten anything considered food in 12 hours. My vast nutrition in substitute has been 3 bottles of bawls, which have sustained me thus far. I have no idea how I will be able to drive back, as I am tired as hell. I thought that Killing people would keep me awake. It did, keep me away, but in respite, it gave me no sense of feeling to kill or be killed. Mostly I was raped in most half the games. The other times I can't recollect how I dided, though every death probably ended with a shot in the face. Anyways, sicne I'm drink or tired, I am gonna stop here, because I'm tired. Working on comments.