Sunday, August 31

Sorry, the comments are down for fine tuning, which is sad cuz i really wanted to not care about all ur whinings... anyways, secret mission in gville, actually....

Saturday, August 30

woohooo I'm the 7100 count! damn rich, where you bee? U need to bolster this ticker

new topic... SCOTT if you read this, remind me to post about this... (women slimmin down, men thickening up)
oooo, i found a nice site... hyolee looks sexy in her video... time to mosey on to the lab and d/l all the streams... damn. i wish i had irc...

Am I really a future product of the lawyers of tomorrow? Lawyers, like CSI, need to remember lots of things... I can't remember what i was thinking about 10 seconds ago... it just left my memory all of a sudden... it didnt even stay long enough to process as short term... how sad.. crap... they need to make ritalin and adderall an over the counter medicine, or i need to know some senile doctors that will just write me up a perscription.. really... drugs are the answers to everything....

I'm too addicted to Ebay... its my mall... like how real malls are to bimbos... I'm prolly going to rack up some dough from all the things im buying... trying to sell stuff off too... on half... but the only thing gone is the ti85... i could sell off the 86 because i have a new 89 from mom's vendor (its good to be a slaes person at Texas Instruments). I have some other ones too... hmm.. that finance calculator... ok... i have more stuff... but still... ebay is evil.. you can find all those toys you wish you had when you were a kid... and if your my age... and you have a job... you could buy them... and satisfy that child in you...

Its OFFICIAL: Love makes you dumb!!! don't believe me? the proof is in the show... that Myth show on mtv... Observations of many different primitive coouples also strengthens the theory... More on this later...

Oh, since being on friendster, I have been approached by a complete stranger... Now, frienster was supposed to be a 6 degrees matchmaker, friend thing, but i don't know anyone thats actually used the site to find new ppl... so far, as far as im concerned, everyone is just reconnecting from yesteryear (makes me wish i was in TAS much earlier... damit...) but anyways.. got a msg from sone who is 2 degs from Jami, so 3 degs away... from orlando... yes... little scary... but u know, everyone put on their profile... Making friends/activity partners... etc... and I am a studly piece of candy (hahahahaha)... so... watevers... its not like this gets scary anymore, which leads to my next topic.

I'm a black chick magnet! Its true... I must realllly be black... I think, all my lifetime so far, no color has tried to get fresh with me more than the black folk... its true... ever since freshman year at pre-IB... Do I have that black funk gene or something? I think about it... black ppl are much cooler than white folk most of the time... hispanics... gettin used to (thats where leo comes in)... but, letsee.. the crew at JC, most of them are OG, like Tre, and Josh, and such... cuz their cool, and they drink SoCo like cough syrup... hence, maybe i have the soul of a soul man... and hence the brown sugar is always trying to start something up, whether be mall or walmart...

Oh, I have to detail about my women taste btwn transitions of States and TW... but, in the meantime, my ass hurts.. I'm definitely getting a new chair...

I am NOT Going Back to Gainesville, who didnt want to pick up her damn phone the whole break (no excuses) or go check out the museum (which was half a bust), but still... ESPECIALY NOT FOR YOU... your actions shape the results xiaojie. I'm sitting my ass back down here... besides have any of u peons seen the price for gas? where are we? England?? and 5-0 is everywhere on I75... I'm sitting ehre... must do the kaplan hw...

Friday, August 29

OOO, i almost forgot


Oh my gawd. Did you see that? Madonna and Britney lip locking!! upon further inspection (hail VCRs) it actually looks like Madonna actually was trying to use tongue on britney, actually making contact with her upper lip before the contact... I think there is nothing more arousing to men than girl on girl or women tonguing... really, go ask any guy what they thought of that last night, and I'll tell you, its the same thought, DAMN, "Ladies, i dont want to come between you.... or do i?" (Family Guy, hehehe). I especially liked Justin's reaction to the kiss (stone cold) and his post show rebutal... "I wasnt invited!!" Christina is getting heftier fattish... that just makes me appreciate her music only, no more eying her...

And please, the OLSEN TWINS are still america's fantasy right? right?!?!?!?! please, I'm right... I think I'll take on Mary-Kate though, Ashley is puttin on some cushion. Chris rock was awesome, so was Eminem asskickin special ed... ahhahaha... Ohkay, thats all... Oh wait... 50 cent was priceless the second time he went up "when Em was explaning the extra moonmen" and he just looked downright gangstaish sportingthe three moonmen at the end, holding them all like trophies... that was awesome.... props to missy too... ok.. that is my anal of 2003

Cell Phones

Heres the deal. My first cell phone was this one that came from AT&T back in 95-96... i cant remember what it was, i just know it was a brick, a real brick... bigger than those staple Nokia's back in 98... In tw, I sooo wanted a StarTac cuz they was the shizzle (damn u alex chen for ur flauntingness) So, what does mom do? she goes to europe and gets me an Ericsson... it was tough love from there, but i got used to it, and the phone was decent... Ny: See our alumnus Takeshi Kaneshiro plug the T28 models somewhere ( forgot). Down in FL, new phone was the brick Nokia... but when I moved up to the ville, I changed to the t28 model (4.99 are you outta ur mind)... and its been with me ever since, after numorous replacements for defects... Now the torch for this phone is dying out... its nearing 2 years... and this thing is fragile as fuck, i mean, it is one of the thinnest phones ever made... I just wish I didn't have to give her up... Ive used her here, and in Tw. How useful is that?! pretty damn useful.

Now, I must choose a successor, one that will take over the vestid role of being my secretary, my jester, my pawn. I've analyzed all the phones types, and here is the report.

Motorola: Ever since the star tac, Motos have had the worst user interface I could ever conceive... its very complex, hinging on the stupid middle menu keystroke. its not aesthetically pleasing... I just hope the new motos that came out this season are better design.

Nokia: Once the staple giant of the cell phone industry (remember when almost everyone had a nokia), now nokias are being pushed to the side from new underdogs like Samsung and Siemens... And some of the new line isnt looking so grreat... I think theyre stuck in a time bubble since last year. I mean, did you SEE THAT PIECE OF SHIT phone with THE ROTARY PLACED BUTTONS AND CAMERA? that thing is a piece of SHIT... the new 7250 looks better than that. damn... if i want some bulky electronic device, I'll get that new Clie brick that has EVERYTHING!

Ericsson: (little bias) Learning curve for this interface is alot better than that moto crap... Im not too fond of the new models that came out ever since Sony and Ericsson partnered up to take over the world, but its still pretty cool... I mean... those are t68i phones in the Spiderman cartoon. gimme my flip anyday

Samsun: Once, I used to shun at this korean product, because it wasn't hitting my btton right, either with the model or interface. But I think recently they made a comback... I was infatuated with the new phone of theirs, the one witht eh swivel camera... The model with the swivel screen is sketchy, because the poll shows there is no other use for a swivel screen if the camera can swivel... I think, if I can't get a nokia or ericson... Samsun is on my new list... esp that phone...

Sprint PCS: what a set of POS.. argh, I feel sorry for you ppl... just shoot urself.

Phone I want: one that has flash, and bluetooth, and some cool games, not stupid games.

That's all...


Thursday, August 28

oh shit, I've relapsed back into Ebay: newest aquisitions... Air force patch, FLCL Kanchi... maybe i should sell my yf-19... hmmm...

YAY, i'M SOOOO GLAD that helen found me on the network... shes gotten more glamorous since our times at tas... she looks like shes gotten thinner than evy... still... warms my cold despotic heart, heheh.... Friendster, where everybody knows your name!

BURGER KING, where all GREAT DRAGONSLayers eat!

first off, i SOOO want this for my cell or cordless

Heres the dealio on the past events...

Kaplan day 2: got my score back... unimpressive... but... *dum dum dum* surprising... like im surprised my logic games were better than the other sections... like... i was floored... holy shit, i thought i reeked that... now it turns out my majority of logic is "average" which is more than i can say for reasoning and anal... but... lets face it... ive never done well with reading since 8th grade... cuz thats when they switched from making u learn new words with spelling, to actually reading and doing hard thinking... i only really improved my writing skills while at JC... which was a revelation... but i have a long way to go to grsp the ideals of stupid assumptions... stupid things... but at least, i DONT suck at games as much as i though, i just SUCK at everything else... but no fret... 171, here i come...

also... finally watched a Paradise Hotel today... this show sucked me in... theyve been having twists in this damn show ever since ive watched it... now the new thing... ZACK the evil fag is bac *cocky prick* (keith still reminds me of rayray... sorta) and... EVERYONE IS COMING BACK (how twisted eh?) sooo, all those ppl u thought you would never have to see again when u kicked them off... oooo, they coming back, and they maddddddd... see what my life is reduced too... ill be watching soaps soon... ill be gossiping with vick everyday around the virtual cellphone water cooler and junk...

I've been in ebay mode lately... latest buys... Airforce logo things... patches... stickers...pins... and STargate stuff... going for a toothbrush from braun soon... yeah sic... this is sick... i need money... buy my books on dammit!!!!

getting fattttttt... really... cant see it cuz i hide it well with moomoos... but i saw my ass... its not looking well... like one of those fat asses u see on chicks... not the bulbous fat ass, but the undefined one that hasnt ran and worked out in seasons... its more like... my ass is blending back in with my leg... so... i will fork over the 45 dollars for the Long Center gym fee... and, i will try to go there more often, and not spend 2 hours reviewing b5 recordings in the morning (someone buy me a pvr for my computer??? please???)

wow an actually day where me and scott did not end it with name calling... im impressed...

Oh, i did a favor for my sicko friends and went to AnimeNation store to get Elogin magazing, or something.. but they dont have it cuz they dont stock hentai magazines there... ahhh, its hentai i found out... so i was gonna be a courier for smut... i c... i shoulda get more money if i got it.... damn

Oh... the next two weeks will ahve Mars closest to earth in 66 milenia... so, get ur ass outside from 10pm to 5am and go look for it damn...

Wednesday, August 27

Thank god I have huge tolerance for stupid ppl who bicker to death because they are the gayest fruit humper in the state. *mental note- buy digicam for incriminating funny sleeping positions*

i stole this from raren too, because it reminds me of how me and scott bicker... ohh, u should see the one last night; little gay ass queer always starts something.

me: how was esol?
another person: i dont have esol
me: you don't??
me: but i thought you were in MY esol class?!?!
me: fuck you [person i am talking to], fuck you!!
another person: ok
me: all i wanted to do was talk about our classes together...but no!
me: you ignore me!
me: you bastard!
another person: i dont want to talk to u if it doesnt make any sense
another person: your fucking crazy
another person: whats wrong with u
me: why can't you just pretend ?
me: what's wrong with you?
me: why do you take yourself so god damned seriously?
another person: i dont
me: you obviously do
me: if you think i'm crazy
another person: ???
another person: what
me: oh sorry that was a smart person thing

LSA is back up, thats where i'll be in the afternoon most of the time... yay, hispeed

Tuesday, August 26

heres a real question: do you actually know wtf I'm detailing about half the time? I'm sure some of it will not mean shit to you... because u dont know who phong or my roomie or other factors mean... i'll try to be more clear and objective in the future, but i could just as well not be... because i too am a dick...

like, I stole this from Raren
it's an interesting feeling you get when you realize you treat your friends like crap. and they still like you, and they treat you better. and you could care less.

Ok, chris day did NOT stay fit.

Ownage DejaVu

Again I took the Lsats, Again I felt like i got owned half the time... stupid logic games... oh wait, i have the book... hmmm... anyways, it sucked... being cooped up there for 3 hours taking the test... agh... i think during the test, i started doubting my future as a law student at that time... a sure sgn I have A.D.D. I mean... only ppl with add would think of stupid things while reading long boring things, instead of focusing... oh well... i get teh report on wed to figure out how much i got boned.

Also, i had the ghastly opportunity to play holmes v. moriaty with my old dubious roomie... that took like forever... u really dont want to see how long it took to guess based on clues and elimination... also, phong shanghai'd me with ang's phone, so , at least i know he's alive, damn little turd doesnt pick up his fone when i actualy call...

I'm thinking about visitn the alma mater, but its labor day, i could just as well sit down here, cuz i bet jojo is making bbq again... Fcuk, this chair im sitting on suxors... i need to buy a new one... i need to use my jedi monkey poweres and get a damn bband...

oh, finally... holy shit, did you see the price of gasoline? I need a bike... I think I will join the LONG CENTER because of the 3mo/$45 member fee...

SCREW YOU ALL... FLCL was the best. I loooove SG-1... Macguyver is my idol... how he got to bone terri hatcher is still a mystery... thats all

Monday, August 25

To-do list (longterm)

I swear, I am going to go back to tw this chrismas and the first thing im gonna do is mug the fuck outta rich and get my mashimaro doll back from him (its been a year already, argh, aww fuck! I should ask sean to get it... FCK) I'm gonna lobby for Civic si 03 halo lights, because they dont exist. Also, gonna get the Motegi wheels, they have a cool painted and machine look on them... maybe i can get 18 inch dubs... also, a body kit (buddy club), and altezza lights... maybe paint the car red or white... also... intake and catback... maybe lower a couple inches... well see///

damn, should sleep early... ok... sleeping early today... payin my bills today...

Sucks for you colege ppl starting ur jobs...
also, i am curretnly looking for offers to buy my Commuter Decal privelige.... or, i could just give it to the ppl who dont need it, like my hamuta...

I think i have a lttle tolerance for that kim possible cartoon... i blame the Kiki version of the theme song for softening me up...

kaplan lsats start .... i need to do menial things today... no more sleeping long time... no more browsing stuff on ebay... no more friendster... (well, considereing the fact, ive exhausted all the names i could think of, w/o going over to the La crew)

Sunday, August 24

Hi! No one is here right now to write anything thats irrelavent, please leave some comment about something that could be the next topic for discussion at the next Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, here at AnimeNation...

Saturday, August 23

The Most important people on the list

Surprisingly, i haven't had the need to amend the group, contrary to the other buddy categories in my list (ill show you a screenshot next time):Those ppl are.

Me (I gotta love me), xuan, lizz, thai, phong (see, ur still important =P), Jim's (sadly Vick, you don't come online, so ur not on here), crazy raren, Cowhead, and Van...

Thats pretty much on the top of the list... to be eligible for the list, you must have at least called me or talked to me often online, or given me deathsticks... yups. and frequency counts. Oh, wait, forgot about my hitman JConz, my ringer to wipe out chili and family from the cyberworld. yup, thats it...

Just for the avid stalkers, the ppl on the bottum of the list, b/c of special inactive status, are: bluestreak (whoever stole this name from me), Jen, Peter'sTim, some eliza chick, some fubu guy, In, priscilla, some girl Ludy, some really fucked up name, maylin, bee, ooh ruth, pimpy, Crazy spiky hair dan?(from bentos), old koreanJon (the one who ditched me and van's class), howard (2degrees via minivick),mimi,lezlie,jeanie... thats pretty much all of them... i prolly will allocate more from the other folders, and afterwards, most of these names are going to be flushed into the bin to make roon for old schoolers, or something, cuz buddylists max out at 200.

On a final note, I dont think I discussedthis, but why are soo many bf's names mostly Mike and Ryan? I havent heard any other frequent name other than those, ringing in my ears... box my ears... I'd like to hear some cool names, like Ivan Dimitrov Dimitrov, and Taku, and Mori (that is an awesome name too), or Jason, or JAZN, or, ROcco, or, Train... oh well, too many stupid parents with limited originality... Im an exception, cuz its catchy having a name like Jon C., which when spoken with a huge accent, sounds like Jon Jiang, which sounds like, Jonjon, which is just a stupid nickname...

Finally, (yes, for real), I think I figured out how u ppl can get onto my exclusive first tier just by chatting on IM.... for guys, you must annoy me with slick antagonizing, like kevin's incessant homestar homage, or scotts badgering, or giving me money, or performing a hit for me, or just smokin up, those are the most efficient ways... girls, be hot, make me be attracted to ur hotness, and be a good intellectual whore with no ladder (see ladder theory, previous day), or at least, not be a total poser, or be a little rationally crazy, not psychoskank crazy (wayyy too many ppl like that). yup, so, good luck ^_^.... Via phone: have some reason for bothering me and my royal ass time, heheh (that ould include dreamanalyzing or some other nonsucky topic)

Oo: heres some advice... If you don't want ur car to smell like ass or ashtray, dont smoke in the car... really, or air out ur car thoroughly for a week if you do, and dont do it again. not sayin i did that... but, BUY SALEM SILVER Cool Mist!

oh kay, bye

From Dan Mintz, funniest abnormally speaking comedian. (monotonous voice)

Wouldn't it be confusing if during an abortion someone ran in and yelled "Abort! Abort!".....

I've got this new pickup line that doesn't seem to be working: "Did you fall from heaven? Because it looked like you hit the ground and smashed up your face."

My parents are getting old and sick and I think I'm going to have to put them in a nursing home. I don't like that because I live with my parents and I don't want to live in a nursing home.

My voice sounds different from normal people, and its a problem. One time I was walking with a girl and said,"You look beautiful in the moonlight," and then she said,"Are you going to rape me?"

He's funny
Damn, dad invited me to Todai, and I didnt go... damn, I'm never gonna get to go to that buffet... anyways... heres an article I read...

The Weird And Seriously Tragic

At night, people's fears escalate. The paranoid become more so.

Operators get ``regulars'' - two or three callers who dial 911 several times a month. Sometimes, they call several times a night.

The ``Pin Lady'' calls often to complain about the midgets that won't leave her alone, supervisor Menendez said. Apparently, they keep sticking pins in her and she doesn't much like it. She always refuses offers of police patrols and says she just wants to tell someone. The Pin Lady is courteous enough to dial the nonemergency number instead of 911.

Operator Dunbar, 62, remembered a regular caller from years ago. He used to dial 911 then yell and curse at operators. Once, he called from Massachusetts, Dunbar said. When asked why he was calling from so far away, he said he was on vacation but still felt the need to call the Tampa 911 office to complain.

Many years ago, officers were sent to the regular callers' homes, Menendez said. But nowadays, the operators know they don't actually need assistance, just someone to talk to. But, Menendez said, if the Pin Lady ever changed her story, they would send a car just to make sure everything is OK.

Dunbar recalled the strangest call he's received in his 13 years at 911.

``I had one guy that wanted us to help him secure his spacecraft on Kennedy Boulevard,'' Dunbar said in a quiet and matter-of-fact tone. ``He was very insistent. He stayed on the line five or six minutes until we got someone out there. He was afraid someone was going to steal it.''

Friday, August 22


FLCL is only 6 episodes, doesnt that just make you cry? If you haven't seen the show, you are or have missed out on the newest hook anime to come out since Evangelion. It will hook you and make you try to analyze it from every point, but you cant because ther eis alot of fondling and head bashing and guitars and robots...

actually had a good dream that involved twins... but im not sure about anything else in the dream... oh and went to see Uptown Girls, because LXG was over... damn... at least, it wasnt as bloodwrenching as Lose a guy in 10 days....

My ssister is heading back to LA, i think my dad called me to ask me to help take her to the airport, but im not sure... ill just have to wake up early and call...
fine, I will sleep early, and call dad earlier...

Oh, i successfully lobbied for a comparison pic of pink and her cousin, and she shouldnt be jealous of her too, cuz shes way more cuter than her cousin. and that is an objective opinion

Thursday, August 21

Its soo lame when u call someone and they dont pick up but when they call you back you don't remember what you called for in the firstplace... for shame... we're the stupid mong nan hai

dammit, this is sorta the reason i didnt want to add mom as an acct to my citi... now she can tell where i've been with the card, if i use it... like, when i ran off to school... yeah, she found out... im like... i dont think i can hide crap from her... but i still try

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
Ezekiel 25:17

Just because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character.

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

Um, letsee... had a dream, cant remember it, excet that it was the first in a long time that crys was in it... i was like, "HEY, what are YOU doing here?"

I had a really lengthy but informed and well debated conversation with helly about relationships and stuff, me being the great observer in all facets of all women bitchings and male arrogance and stuff... it spans an hour, prolly the longest conversation ever with someone i don't even know that well. i think one of similar type was with ang back in 10/01, couple hours about drunk roomates and stuff... i have it still... somwhere.. hmm... ran into Jon...

Ran into Jon, hes my boy since JC... ass is moving to UCF... apparently his parents are too sick of him and are kicking him out to college and paying for his apt and crap in otown... now who am i going to chill with at movie matinees. dammit... ill need to crash at roccos place... oh, shit, gtg pay ills

Wednesday, August 20

And yet here's another reason you should all phear/hate me

Guess who got to ride a Segway?!?!?!?! HMMM?!?!?!? Yah, take that and suck it... It was sorta awesome (although the 5 buck handle fee sucked), you have to just get onto it, don't stabilize urself, cuz thats what the damn thing is for... and then, you can't lean half your body (well, you can, but it feels more weird), you have to lean the whole body, and when the thing moves, you and instinctively try to self adjust urself... So, in an abstract conclusion, it was pretty cool... i got a pic too, but its in my sis's cam. oh, and the reason Dubya fell on his face is because the machine was off when he got on, isnt that funny?

So, the segway was at MOSI, the museum of Science and Industry, across from USF. Its different from last i went. They closed down the old wing of the musem and converted it into some learning center, or something; most of the exhibits that were over there... actually, some of them... were moved over to the annex building side with the IMAX... But that leaves notable classics as the kinetic pinball (super-life-size pinball machine) nixed, as well as the explorer program (that program the kids in six grade got to do for school)... so, now i am a little dissappointed, cuz the tix price didnt go along way... (oh, there is a DDRX machine there, but its a rip; $1 for one song?!?!? wtf???) ... but the IMAX movie was decent; something about Coral Reefs... Damn... there mustve been somethin better to do with my sister and my nephew.. little piss bucket screams and whines when mom isnt in site for two damn secs... argh... i shoulda went to find jon for spy-kids...

Oh, VICK: if your getting axed soon, shouldnt you take advantage of the summer house thingy then... I told you i bet i knew where the damn summer home was... and .. I'm not going to go to ny to see BoA if you don't give me exact dates... i could be very busy with prep calss u know... ahh, i still suck at typing... i can et words right most of the time, ut when im not looking at the screen i can fuck up so easily, especially when it comes to numbers and the stupid symbols above numbers... agh... gtg pay bills...

Tuesday, August 19

On my hiatus day, not much to report... just testing the blog publishing... oh heres a tidbit... in the blogger world... I MEAN THE BLOGGER WORLD NOT FCUK XANGA... in the past ten minutes, when i pushed this button, 400 blogs were updated... In the past 3 hours, 4500 blogs were updated... and this is at midnite PST... just think when this is at dinner time or something... dayamn... Oh... weird dream, stupid al being in it... yeah... ITS OVER *TEEN GIRL SQUAD*

Monday, August 18

Banzai, keepit or can it?

Has anyone seend that show yet? Im sure you have, if you havent, you werent watching Simpsons or Futurama around it. Anyways, What do you think of the show (its London Based). Alot of the flak on the msg boards (really, why do i go read that crap, its always both sides, like america's wishy-washy style) was like,"Ah, its racist, ah, the show sucks, ah, offending to asian americans, ah, blah blah blah" I think, everyone has to look at it from a general perspective. Remember, the first minute disclaimer says "PARODY" and "not to be mimicked". So, its a satire, a Satire of Japanese Game shows, which is more or less true to life (have you seen any b4? mud-bikini women contests and shizit). I mean, how do you want a real portrayal of Japenes game shows... I think the alot of the ppl that find it offensive really never seen one in their life, so it makes them more dickwads... Don't preach things you havent seen b4... and its not a take on "all asian american's have accents." I mean, if we were going to believe everything on tv, I might as well have a belief that stupid white 20year olds like to tie lit-rockets to their dicks and eat yellow snow cones and get wanged in the balls with a jai-alai ball deliberately (Jackass)... really, America is a whiny sensitive little bitch sometimes... blah blah blah...

Oh, on a final note, Did you see banzai tonite? That Shooting LAdy Jakki was HOT! I think she looked even hottter weilding that hunting rifle and shooting down the blow-up dolls, but dayamn, hunting boots and short shorts, with an english cap and hunting scarf, that is one deadly vixen...

Oh DREAMWEAVER: I had a weird ass dream that was pseudo Highlander, surprisingly had amy au in it (???) then another one with Zoids and huge ass sentry cannons that scared the shit outta me

Sunday, August 17


Did anyone notice my saturday edition was below my thursday edition?! WTF is up with that?

Bought me the Antec case fr the new mainframe... now i just have to decide on the mobo and cpu... this is startting to get a little more complicated... how much should i spend on a mobo... i really need to outline my prices again, and i lost the list sheet that frankie made up for me, so i'm on my own... i really with TIM VOTHANG would get his ass online at 3AM so i could pick his brain... really, i need to poll some ppl on their prices...

Oh, on another note, i told cow, but i might as well shar the info... I had what i figured afterwards was after the fact, a horrible nightmare... you know all those stories about ur firnds or you popping into the room and seeing some ppl, like ur parents, whom u would never imagine having sex or something? Yeah, well, thats what my first dream ended up with... oh no, it wasn't my parents or nothing, it was more the friends i know who would never have sex, having sex... like, pure grunting and sweating bodies and doggie style, all over the place... god, why oh why did i need to use the computer in my dream... well, sufficed to say, the subsequent dreams weren't as churning, but still... And i didn't even realize the dream until the afternoon, upon a word Cueing, and then, ARGH, my fragile virgin-like mind is shattered and blind!! aghh! Unlearn! Unlearn!! So, there you have it, scary dream... scary reality... I just hope that was never brought forth into realife, for many people would kill everyone, and monkeys would fling fecal bullets at you...

oh, my cousin beat BN2... took her awhile

Saturday, August 16

Ya know, i think there are some, more than other, ppl who are really like a hub of which the only way you would know THIS MANY PPL is through these few... i", talking about Cathy and Winnie, so far... there may be more... but im stumped... Aight callin my captain about this

I'm Watching F.L.C.L. I wish I was in tw, or had bband. What is FLCL, someone explain it... just the FLCL part.. its funny, i guess... or something... FLCL

See? I'm not a total bastard, which i guess is bad

I've been leaving testimonials for ppl on friendster. Left a special one for Kat because she found me out first and I didn't go looking for her, i think. It was more or less a sweet test touting how cute kat is and her great acting talent after pushing me down stairs and junk, and how her dad, my trig teacher, yelled at me alot, and had the meanest look, and i would run the other way if i see him, anyways, she liked it, so she wrote back Jon- Oh man! Your testimonial made me feel sooooo good! Ah! Thanks so much... wow, you really know how to make somebody's day/week/month. So there you have it. Jon does good things still , even if not for personal gain. she still looks the same(maybe betta) from her days with Joevo (ahh the stories i had with flojo... he better add me in soon so i can talk about how we stole crap from Section 7). Anyways, that wasnt the only msg of the day... I got stupid responses to my BB test on FS... I dont even know what a BB broadcast looks like... does it pop on ur home, or ur inbox or something? This is scoots... yea............... and i want some sushi ....pissssssssssssssssssssssss Kevin's was just as dumb and not as funny... oh well... Did absolutel nothing today.. i have to wake up early to pay bills and maybe go somewhere... maybe i will dragg out my sisiter... i sid maybe... where the fuck can you go if you have to bring a 1 year old with you... pls... SOMEONE TELL ME!!

Friday, August 15

WEll, from my vantage, Xanga is STILL down again... I dunno if its the AOL line or not... really... I TOLD YOU PPL THAT XANGA WAS A PIECE OF CRAP, CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP! WHY DIDNT YOU ALL LISTEN TO RICH 12 MONTHS AGO!?! MUAHAHAH! Anyways... I'm waiting for the ten ppl on my queue to approve me, so i can move onto the next ten i need to queue up... So, now I'll just start spamming ppl and they will add ME... the tables are turned I see... you all love me anyways... I'm crazy! Im more than you can handle.

Anywyas, speaking of more than I can handle, I had to split today in half: one was for Jojo and his birthday (i am such a dork for ice cream cakes from Dairy Queen), the daytime was spent with my fiendish sister. Let this be a listen to all you fuckups and women who can't tell her man to pull out or wear a condom, or at least use the pill: having a child before you even mature is not a smart thing. Did you even see "where the heart is" with Portman? Granted the little spawn child is adorable (he kisses everyone and everything, even window panes) and ia an automatic chick magnet for me (i really shoulda hit that jewelry girl up for her number), prepping my sled for a baby seat, then having a nag session by her about my "wreckless" driving (plz ppl, im super safe) and being nagged to let her Test-drive my baby (after letting larry try it out, no one else will ever touch her again!), and and the other nagging things... I mean, if I have a whole day set aside for her, then fine I will spend time with her... but I am not a fucking money tree too. She should be living off her man's money, not the po brother who needs that money to buy jojo a cake.... I am certainly not going to divvy my money on a girl who is my sister, maybe if this was someone more interesting/meaningful.. I mean... she whines like xuan sometimes... like ... really, shoot me... I'll give her time tomrorow... i meant... saturday... Friday, I'm heading to mosi... I hope... after Kaplan...

ALSO: CRISIS IN NE: At 1612 hours, The northeast was in a blackout... For all you crazy psycho bitches who don't listen to the news, New York (the city, the state, and all pts in btwn), NJ, and parts of Penn, Michigan, and Ohio, as well as Toronto and Ottowa, was struck by a massive blackout... 70 million (or 38, i forogot) ppl were left in the dark as a cascading failure at a power station rippled across the power grid and shut down 9 nuke plants in 4 states (including all six in ny)... power has been slowly restarting, but alot of areas are still without power... The mayor has told everyone to treat today as a snow day. This was not a terrorist plot or incident, just a huge strain on Power allocations to the point one shut down and pulled everyone else down too... There was a mass Exodus of ppl out the thoroughfares to New Jersey from manhatttan... Jimmy and Vicki Shek were among the missing for a few hours (Cell towers were dead then), but fortunately Jimmy called his mommy to say he was alive, and Vicki hung up on me for her sister. Conan did not air live today, (rerun). Florida was not affected because CM's blanced the surplus power that came available after the cities that usually siphon them went black... There are three grids that comprise the states: EAstern bloc (up to the dakota area), the western bloc (the others), and Texas (some areas of it, including dallas and austin)... Airports opened later... but there will be an investigation as to the cause... said Dubya... In the meantime... Everyone is to conserve power/energy/water by showering with some hot person of the opposite sex, and also to produce alot of thermal energy by engaging in vigorous brain busting mindless grunting animal sex. (you realize, this damn article i just wrote is not organized at all... monkeys could do better than this) Now I sorta wished I had everyone's number in NY...

Oh, final thing... I think I am REally a Jedi... according to Chinese Zodiac... from what I read, "You are intelligent and able to influence ppl (like force persuade). Though entusiastic, you are easily distracted and confused (like, to the dark side)... Avoid the tiger (like Darth Maul's colors), seek a rat (like yoda)." I think thats how it went... oh well... Xanga still sucks.. you all suck... I rule.

Thursday, August 14

ive been on friendster most this night, adding testimonials and friends and junk... oh fyi vick, Alby is on this, so you best get ur ass on here too... i know you will, you and jim wil...
my view on this still is unfaltered, its another AA or xanga, but since its gotten most anyone i know from tas here, im impressed and ill sign on... what does amaze me is that CATHY has the most connections... i mean, its always coming from her most the time, i wonder why... i really need to call her up and ask.. damn i need to call sandy... oh i talked with PATYY McG... hes funny... i like him.. he has the coolest stories, like his "clerks" episode with shit on the ceiling...

Oh, watch paradise... Dave is the most player and neutral.. but i still wouldve like to see Alex go... I want Amy out next... ad Tara needs to show more skin...

today is uncles birthday... but i have to drag my siter around for half the day.. dammit.

Wednesday, August 13

Lets start off with my main agenda


I heard about ppl talking of this Friendster thing (hereforth known as Fster, for FuckSter, or just FS), I didnt worry nothing about it... i thought it was a fad thing, or another dating thing, or it would be another Xanga bandwagon, like out AsianAvenue... I guess the thing that switched me was hearing my sis talk about it, which was around the lines of "Hey gege, are you on friendster? I went on, and i found crystal." I guess, when i heard ppl like crys were going on here, it was worth my attention. And low and behold it is... after getting on this thing, ive found ppl i havent been able to google ever, like bebe, or michyu, or phylie, basically ppl that are not high profile enough to get a ping... but when the tas community joins into FS, everyone put more effort into being on this than registering for the TAS alumni registry... how fucked up is that. now, the weird thing is that, eventually, i found a person that would connect between ppl i know here (as in florida), and ppl i know there, through a line that involves kathy to ___ to ___ to Tammy to *ahem* Pris and Jinah phytes... this is where that small world thing sinks in, like... aw fuck, six degrees of seperation just looped around. but at least, i know everyone exists still... yeah... even the ppl i wish died... yup... now... my only downside... this damn site takes forever... i dunno if its the worm goin around or the crappy overhead... but i could make a smoothie faster than the load time...

Another thing... If you remember me talking with leo about the sorostitute ho, Jolie (with the fake as T)... guess what i discovered... while i chilled at my boy Vanny's place, i happened upon the Floridas Finest girls Calender on the wall (Buy a calender plz) well, i flipped through the names, and looked at the girls name while flipping, and stopped upon a Jolie, look up, and "Holy shit!" (in the middle of the night, while everone passed out), its fucking JOLIE... and, dayamn, she looked like a super ho in her spread. My classmates' modeling gigs in Coco and Beauty were more tasteful thatn that... I mean, the cover model's spread was more tasteful... I was thinking They obviously picked her for her boobs, not her brain... well, duh Still, it was a surprise... the girl that would play with leveling her junk in the middle of class, and her skirt, and she would be in this thing... Still, I liked having the only good seat of the house, seeing above and below the table... what a ho...

I need broadband soon... hope you all will give me money...

Oh, and Xanga is down... I TOLD YOU that thing was a PIECE OF SHIT!!! God, I love it when im RIGHT, and youre all douche bags.

Tuesday, August 12

I have the willpower, I can resist. Ive been through this be fore. We already have it settled. Were just friends. Were just friends. friends. Were only watching a movie. Were not doing anything. she loves her boo truly, and i respect the man. shes a good person to hang with, and i respect that. So, resist at all costs. This is not a relapse, because I can resist. we're not advancing anything, we aren't provoking anything. just, get up. spent too much time anyways. too many days. fun days, but the days are over, i resisted. Inches away, and I resisted, because we're friends. I'm getting up, I'm opening the door. I'm outta here. I'm outside. I feel better, like I just survived a storm of all the evil darkness that can envelop me to turn to darkness. Thank god I procrastinate. I feel better.Let's get outta here. *look back* I guess thats the only right decision I can make. I'm not out to be a homewrecker. Life's just too simple to ruin it with stupid decisions. Get in Syvia, get outta here, back to the apt. *look back* I hope she locks the door... I need some tacos

A week in Da Ville

I couldnt stand living at Uncles place with his family rules and unfair curfews... I needed the outlet. I needed to get outta that house and get up here, regardless if ppl were here or not.. I needed to just escape so I wouldn't be subjected to those curfew times.... (11pm midnight are too early). Really, I needed to chill... Mom won't know anyways, she was in China for a week.... So, packed my bags, cleaned my room, I'm off to Gville.

First thing done: call up the ppl. hooked up with the big group to go to chopsticks... swung by phongs first, picked up scott, went to chopstix sans phong, since, phon can't go b/c of Tevin (long story short, ppl still can't get along ok? not blaming T) and phong already ate, AND he has no money, really.. like, dry funds.... Anyway, since that day satruday, me and Scott never returned to phongs house for an entire week... I guess you could blame us for our addictability for new games we want to blame, and you have to blame Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic for Xbox... So, to Phong:We didnt shift away or whatever, we just didnt want to leave the house until the game was played in its entirety In any event, our phones died because my charger was missing still... how crappy...

Star wars: Knights of the Old Republic is NOT like Jedi Outcast. Its more like Balders gate, if you ever played that... Regardless, the game is awesome to play... No wonder it got rave reviews, like Galaxies... This game, you can pick M/F of varying ethnicities, and you set about on a journey that will have you escaping a ship onto a gangland planet, zip to a Jedi Academy to learn the ways of the Order, and travel planets in search of a Mystical item called the star Forge. During the game, you'll upgrade your various skills that you choose from: you can be a scout or a soldier or a scoundrel when you start out, and when you Jedi morph you can choose what kind, even pick ur saber color... the options for everything is vast: skills in computers, lockpicking, or repairing, to a large selection of Force powers like Heal or Lightning to even KILL... And through out the game you make choices that decide whether you will walk the path of the light side, or stray into the darkness... there are two endings... one for each side... Me and scott got both... it took 80 hours of game time (about a week) to do both, and after the game, we can honestly say, its GOOD to be BAD... killing is just so much cooler... however, sometimes I was wondering if we were tooo evil... I mean... really... fealt like we were satan... yeah... I rate it a 10... I really like betraying my team and having the jedi slaughtered and a girl killed by her best friend (force persuading is awesome).

Besides the game, not much... just hermited at Van's most of the time (not to be confused with going AWOL off the map) but I did make time to finish off all financial craps for school and sold some books (30 bucks so far). chilled with Ang alot, helping her pack and junk, dragged Van and Andy to help me move the immense crap that is scotts stuff from one room in one building to another room in another building on another floor. Even helped out thai with Walking the cutest ugliest dogs in the world... I dont like hyper pugs... they gave me a leash burn... and then after walkking the dogs, I helped evade a crisis by scaring off a cockroach and stomping it away, only to have my head bashed in by an A/c box when I was following the roach; that basically floored me and i blacked out. Also, talked with Vik about Paradise. Vik is PR for Lisa Ling, and she told me she and Rick Yune are back together, but then our conversations lead to Rick will beat Lisa, because Lore is korean's beat their wives (her lore, not mine, though those guys are too violent), and she finds guys beating women sexy... or something (women, please help me out wiht this problem)... I'm like, ahha, sucks for you, if thats what you want, your lo gong wont beat you, hes chinese, haha... still.. maybe she was joking about violent beating men as hot/sexy... I mean, if that was it, Tyson should be a fucking god. Oh, talked with emily too...

Hops has good beer, really, its fresh and tasts good... just word of advice: when nachos are priced at 5-6 dollars, do not buy an entree, because chances are, the whole plate of nachos + beef + other crap will be larger than your whole digestive system... me and van should know, we were almost shitting ourselves when we saw the monster plate... goddamn... thats huge... ugh, my steak wont fit anymore... no more nachos... (I WASTED A BUTt OF MONEY)

At van's place, its convenient that Van has started smoking... Don't blame me, I'm a light smoker, and mostly with others (like drinking which i only do with ppl), blame the korean eric or taiwan angelo, but at least with me, van has someone else to burn with, and we all get to chat and gossip outside... about all the crap, like his beating hell get from his parents or women or how there should be drama, or something... its alot of talk around the invisible water cooler, gives you lateral insight with everything, because most of the house is comparing notes, at least it keeps my ears peeled and brain chunring with questions like, "shes been with him that long, and he doesnt do shit for her, and doesnt take her to movies and go out with her, and she still hasnt dumped him??? " or "yeah, just when you think you could be fucked up, you can always compare yourself to your cousins." or something...

Question: Does anyone know the Emmy or Emily girl from Bento, the Japanese one? how old is she? this si for Roger...

My sister is back in tampa, after getting knocked up and stayin in cali.. shes buggin me to go back, but i like being here, albeit, i dont have school and stuff, but i just sorta like here better... i wish i could stay here more... i wish I won that 70 million lottery.

So, hopefully that just outlined what i have been doing for the past 9 days... my sleep schedule is way off... I'll start updating when im back home... maybe ill add more later today./... oh... If you have Joined Friendster, please let me know... we join up, and ill see if you have any hot lady friends....muahahahah JOIN TAS

Sunday, August 3

Oh, mental note, talk about relationships, and how its all pointless for ppl going for masters or docterates to have their emotions ripped out before they're done

I'll make this very short for the ADD in everyone, even me...
Drove up; god the rain was torrential, and still driving 70 miles in kneedeep water... made it to the ville.
Ate food with the old guys, chopstix... damn, did i mention i loooove Chop Chay...
Was supposed to watch american wedding, but apparently everyone here is lazy like a ho...
Played some CS, owned a server... saw shinlay, chili, play, laughed at her lousy style...
watching knights of the old republic... that game blows... I think i forgot my eyeglasses... damn, I'm like bradpitt chan....
I think my skills on CS are almost back to excellent, just a few more minutes and ill have total ownage...

owe, I'm going to steal tevin's photos in his room... a couple are from the red dancers last year, and one is from our paintball trip... I look so eveel, cuz i am..

Talked with emily, tormented emily, thai,Jimmy... ok, ADD kick in, now... wha?!?

Saturday, August 2

Its like, alot of ppl died online, and i dont really care.. really... theyre like ghosts, u see them, but they dont interact.

Anyways, you ever have that feeling you should call somebody, and instead your phone rings and they called u, and its spooky? yeah, i had that, but i didnt realize until i had the missed call the next day. maybe me and ang still think on some remote lvl...

anyways... i cleaned up my room... its relatively spotless... and i got grilled by Uncle for my midnight soiree and not coming home on curfew (old and living by the family rules... that sucks, i bet danielles mother doesnt give as much sterness, from the conversation "her mom knows she goes drinking, etc.") Anyways, again, gought some mags... gona work on the specs for the system... apparantly leo the lion already bilt his system... so, a jock hispanic beat me? the uberasian? dat aint raight yo...

gtg... slep early means wake p early and shit early...

Friday, August 1

Damn, i just found out, ppl have been leaving mad comments, but i havent seen them cz when newblogger came out, the code was wired wrong... thanks to laur and jims for the post about my devil sibs and saito

scott is the worst antagnoizer ever! u know why he calls himself bob the cow? cuz hes got a third nipple! yeah, thats right, just like that guy on friends... thats prolly why the cat attacks him so much, it can smell the fresh lactose glands preparing for its daily dispensing... is that what my ppl in gainesville have digressed to? cowteat ppl who start off conversations with "ass". to put it in more famous words from the everybody-hates-keith show, "My god, look at yourselves, you're acting like two-year olds!"
This is the outlook of florida lawyers

Its wathing the damn movie all over again for the first time!!

I was at Imall's Bang and Olufsen store today, and I happened upon one of their theatre rooms showing Attack of the Clones. The weird thing is, when i was watching it, I got the distinct feeling that this version I was watching was better than any version I have ever seen of Ep 2. Have you ever seen those behind the scenes look where they use mini dv or actual video type footage instead of movie camera footage (ie, looks like ur American Idol footage instead of Friends footage). Well, thats what the movie was like. It was like the movie was brought to more realism... Mere words cannot describe enough of how much more clarity went into this version, I can only say, it rocked... the sales guy says its some chipset video type amp that remasters a dvd b4 sending it to the screen, oh and it wouldnt hur if the screen was a plasma tv with hdtv... but still, it was prett good, that quality... it was just like watching the movie all over again, only BETTER!

Oh, funny sign I saw at this restaraunt Joe's crab shack: "MEET THE LEE SISTERS: HOME-LEE, UG-LEE, GHAST-LEE" it just cracked me up. They had other signs too. Joe's crab shack, located next to perkins near clearwater mall.