Sunday, May 30

wow, alot happens in 3 weeks

I dissappear, and wtf happens? blogger revamps their page to some new ass interface that I'm not too familiar with as of now. Also, everything is weird looking, similar to how eBay is retooling its MyeBay page on their site. But, a lot can happen in 3 weeks. I went on a secret vacation to new york city for a week, w/o telling anyone of my immediate family. I slept in a crackhouse of a dissarrayed apartment, complete with whorecats, and I walked everyday around manhattan until 4am, so I could pass out when I got back to the crackhouse. I spent about 390 dollars there, not counting the airfare (175 round), and one diner dinner. But I'm back in florida, working on a documentary series that I will xpost, and maybe bpost too, but I'm more in favor of bitching to the democratic party and the kerry campaign for the recent flip-flops. Also, all my primary schools hate me, so I'm not going to be a top notch law student; aiming for the dregs now. And, finally, reading this book, "Brush with the Law," which was written by two students from harvard and stanford, detailing how they gave up law diligence to gamble and fcuk around, and still managed to graduate.

All in all, life still sucks, and I have no health insurance, and I'm looking for a nice spiffy job just in case,.... not a crackerbarrel bank job, I want one that pays more.

Friday, May 7

hello? anyone here?

get ready, cuz I'm coming back!

Don't laugh, I'm really coming back... its the summer, I have to anyways... so gimme a holla on my comment thingy so i can see how jazzed up you are, whores