Thursday, February 10


Man, working in a clearing house has its perks... i can't believe i signed up for friggin 4 free years of maxim... i'll be 28 b4 my subscription is up...

anyways... i wonder if anyone wants some subscriptions...


2 year subs: Allure, Cargo, Details, Entrepeneur, Forbes, Jane, Sync.

3 year subs: Best Life, Cargo, Men's Fitness, MPH (Maximum Performance Horsepower), Popular Science, Razor, Shape, Spin, Vibe.

4 year subs: Backpacker, Black Enterprise, Blender, Family Circle, Field and Stream, GQ, Inc, Maxim, Men's Journal, Stuff, Sync, Western Interiors and Design.

Anyone that helps me get an ipod by signing up w/ my referral will get two subscriptions to any of the 2, 3, or 4 year mags. I figure, you might as well help me, help you.

Tips for low-risk offers: I recommend the Buyer's Advantage or Great Fun for the offers since my company partners with them, and Trilegiant the parent company, is a bitch on regulations... ... they give you some stuff, only need a dollar, and you can cancel for a full refund, even after the trial (Great Fun Cancel: 1-800-290 8603.. Buyer's: 1-800-553-4948 ) If you are a pussy about giving CC numbers, you are a dork.

Anyways, if I see any completed offers from the referral, I'll email the eligible ppl...

Hurry Up, these Free Magazines subscriptions change every month. Open to all ppl, Xangan's and Non-Xangans...

Thanks! get these damn mags off my hands!