Thursday, May 29

I've gotten another new email adress... I've decided to go with yahoo instead of hotmail, because hotmail SUCKS, and yahoo gives me more space... granted I had 6 megs when it was bigger and with geocities, but i guess yahoo decided 4 megs is still better than hotmail, and can still cut savings... so i got a new account... im not telling you ppl, this one is more or less my new professsional account... only one entity knows it thus far, the LSAC, and thus, if i start getting weird spam, i know who to blame... I still got the other accounts for hotmail and yahoo... four that i usually check, but they are so riddled with crap, i cant stand my longest running account, the drchiang one... i love the thing cuz ive had it stil when i was geocities back in 97, but its getting buffeted with crap... i could take it out for a year, and wait for the spam to stop, and bring it back... but im not a doctor anymore, Im a juris doctor-in training... Oh well, gotta consolidate this crap... Oh yah, need to find whells for the car...

the lighter side of sears... er... jon... er... doggy.

I was rooting around momma's computer at late night, while surfing around, and i found pictures of the apartment b4 mom renovated it... damn... mom can do a good job of trning a standard crappy old median taiwanese apartment into mom's touch of home, complete of bay window... also, I found pictures of my ex-doggie, jessie... I loved my doggy, small ones are cute, but big dogs are manly, and you can wrap your arms around them and feel the love they radiate for you, that, or their stupidity, ahh, but love is stupid too, so it must be the same aura... i miss my doggy...

here she is bummin out on the floor

I think shes giving herself one of feminine cleansings you women don't hardly ever do... hahahaha j/k, I bet you all smell really...

If you dont know the joy dogs love licking frozen water, you gotta give them some ice... aww, such naivity.

Ok, today, I'm going to study alot... no more stuff... Oh wait THIS IS THE COOLEST COMMERCIAL YOULL SEE THIS YEAR!!! Its all real... No smoke and mirrors, no trick cameras, no digital post-prod... the real mccoy WATCH IT!

Wednesday, May 28

Today is Jokes from spammers day

But first, newsbreak: that Gina gershon chick is in the lab. shes got one of those miami asses... you know what they look anyways, stuff i got from ryan.


Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing? And is your voice caught within your chest?
It isn't love, it's like.

You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right?
It isn't love, it's lust.

Are you proud, and eager to show them off?
It isn't love, it's luck.

Do you want them because you know they're there?
It isn't love, it's loneliness.

Are you there because it's what everyone wants?
It isn't love, it's loyalty

Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don't want to hurt them?
It isn't love, it's pity.

Are you willing to give all of your favorite things for their sake?
It isn't love, it's charity.

Are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand?
It isn't love, it's unconfidence.

Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat?
It isn't love, it's infatuation.

Do you pardon their faults because you care about them?
It isn't love, it's friendship.

Do you tell them every day they are the only one you think of?
It isn't love, it's a lie.

But do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and elation pulls you close and holds you?
Then it's love.

Do you accept their faults because they're a part of who they are?
Then it's love.

Does your heart ache and break when they're sad?
Then it's love.

Do you cry for their pain, even when they're strong?
Then it's love.

Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?
Then it's love.

Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret?
Then it's love.

Would you give them your heart, your life, your death?
Then it's love.

"It is better to love a person than to be in love with the person... because love doesn't fade, it never stops, it never ends. Being in love is a feeling, that fleets, that passes when the magic ends..."

"You know you're in love when the person who makes you so happy, makes you so sad ....."


Great Bits of Wisdom for Our Time

(1) "Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house." * Steven Segal

(2) "The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house." * Jeff Foxworthy

(3) "See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time." * Robin Williams

(4) "If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base." * Dave Barry

(5) "What do people mean when they say the computer went down on them?" *Marilyn Pittman

(6) "Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance pay, and before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp." *Ettinger

(7) "My Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying to teach you how to swim." * Paula Poundstone

(8) "A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the author of that study: Duh." * Conan O'Brien

(9) "Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my Goodness. . I could be eating a slow learner." * Lynda Montgomery

(10) "The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner." * Roseanne

(11) "I think that's how Chicago got started. A bunch of people in New York said, 'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't cold enough. Let's go west.'" * Richard Jeni

(12) "If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead." * Johnny Carson

(13) "Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." * Paul Rodriguez

(14) "My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty, and that's the law." * Jerry Seinfeld

(15) "In elementary school, in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic? Do tall people burn slower?" * Warren Hutcherson

(16) "Bigamy is having one wife/husband too many. Monogamy is the same." * Oscar Wilde

(17) "Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution yet." * Mae West

(18) "Suppose you were an idiot . . . And suppose you were a member of Congress . . . But I repeat myself." * Mark Twain

(19) "Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait ." * A. Whitney Brown

(20) "Ah, yes, divorce . . . from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet." * Robin Williams

(21) "Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself." * Roseanne

(23) "You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'My God, you're right! I never would've thought of that!' Dave Barry

(24) "If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten." * George Carlin

(25) "When I die, I want to die like my grandmother who died peacefully in her sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in her car." * Author Unknown

(26) Advice for the day: if you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "Take two aspirin" and "Keep away from children."

(27) "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar." * Drew Carey

"Love vs. Obligation"

A house is a house is a house-until love comes through the door, that is. And love intuitively goes around sprinkling that special brand of angel dust that transforms a house into a very special home for very special people: your family.

Money, of course, can build a charming house, but only love can furnish it with a feeling of home.

Duty can pack an adequate sack lunch, but love may decide to tuck a little love note inside.

Money can provide a television set, but love controls it and cares enough to say no and take the guff that comes with it.

Obligation sends the children to bed on time, but love tucks the covers in around their necks and passes out kisses and hugs (even to teenagers!).

Obligation can cook a meal, but love embellishes the table with a potted ivy trailing around slender candles.

Duty writes many letters, but love tucks a joke or a picture or a fresh stick of gum inside.

Compulsion keeps a sparkling house. But love and prayer stand a better chance of producing a happy family.

Duty gets offended quickly if it isn't appreciated. But love learns to laugh a lot and to work for the sheer joy of doing it.

Obligation can pour a glass of milk, but quite often love will add a little chocolate.

Top Ten Rejected Valentines Day Cards

10. I admire your strength, I admire your spunk
But the thing I like best, is getting you drunk.

9. Our love will never become cold and hollow
Unless, one day, you refuse to swallow.

8. I bought this Valentine's card at the sto.
In hopes that later, you'd be my ho.

7. This feels so good, it feels so right
I just wish it wasn't $250 a night.

6. You're a woman of style, you're a woman of class
Especially when I'm spanking, your big-round-fat ass.

5. Before I met you, my heart was so famished
But now I'm fulfilled. . . SO MAKE ME A SAMICH!!!

4. Through all the things that came to pass
Our love has grown. . . but so's your ass.

3. You're a honey. . . and you're a cutie
I just wished you had J-Lo's "booty".

2. I don't wanna be sappy or silly or corny
So, right to the point, let's do it, I'm horny!

1. If you think that hickey looks like a blister
You should check out the one that I gave to your sister!

Tomorrow... something meaningful

Tuesday, May 27

Besides JD, I should recap on the other things btwn today and saturday...

letsee... dreams are best when in the morning and completely realistic...I had two of them.... I cant even remember most of one of them.... one was very DBZ type/ final fantasy/ alot of asian ppl on a quest with stupid stuff and swords and staffs and something.... some ppl died... well, it was a good dream when i remember it.... SOOOO, the other one... much more recollective... its because of playing too much Desert Combat, and obsessing over a game I only played once... but basically the whole dream was like Desert combat, cept you pick which service your in, ie Air Force Marines Army Navy... And you can respawn... The only part I can remember is being air force trying to take off in a jet but after takeoff, my engines overheat and the plane explodes (this is taken from the DC battle I remember)... so I respawn in the middle of the battle, and then next thing i know, I'm killing ppl left and right in melee, like, real impressive stuff, and wrestled a shotgun and slaughtered a few of the enemy, i did so well, that when I died, I automatically respawned as an Army guy, and was much more deadlier and intrepid in fending off an assault at my post, so much, the enemy's platoon gave up, gave me the flag (CTF) and left, so my team one that part of the map... then somehow in the dream, i was in some night market in taiwan... ok, it cant remember anythig else... thats dreams for you...

LUKE!, WHAT DID THOSE CUTE GURLS DO TO UR HAIR!!!! @_o its MADNESS, u've been CHIA-sized!!! Get the new Chia Luke all you need is to spread the seeds on his head, water, and let the hair grow... get it today... But really, don't do that again... it's scary.

the troi are stupid, they can't even get the stupid teen gurl/guy squad thing right.... it needs FOUR ppl, not THREE ... fugly

in other news... I need to find new idance files....
gtg, later douchenozzles

Serve your country

This is for all the law students, PRE-LAW STUDENTS, and ppl thinking about law... Nothing is more fun thansitting in a courtrrom trying to get your ass seated in a jury box!!! lol, I crack me up.

No really, its more interesting thatn you think. Today was jury day... fyi: I was randomly selected, by a search engine of the DMV for ppl over 21 who dont have any record, to do jury service at the Criminal Justice Complex at 49th Street. The Criminal Justice Complex is just city talk for JAIL COURTHouse... and this thing is pretty modern and state-of-the-art.... but anyways... got selected... I was actually reluctant to serve this thing because LSATS are in two weeks, I was actually thinking ways to get excused... I mean... "I love black ppl!" or "Down with Whitey" were my ideas... But once I went through the thing, i wish I got to serve a trial... but, HERES A RECAP...

get to the complex at 8:15am (yeah, traffic was actually a bitch near county jail), got face-scanned and metal-wand swiped b4 i could get past the lobby (I was actually getting scared at the checkpoint), but luckily after that, the building is pretty convienient, where the jury assembly room is near the lobby and the cafeteria, and the assembly itself had a lounge and coutesy phones... the orientation consisted of filling out a form (thats given to lawyers to evaluate your candidacy for jury selection, and includes questions like, were you a victim of a crime, or do you know lawyers or cops who are friends, or did you have sex with farm animals before... really it said that), then a video by one of the judges of the 6th circuit court (Pinellas is part of the 6th circuit) explaining some terminology and what to face... then afterwards, you wait for the courts to call you upstairs... so that didnt start till 925.... but whew, I didnt get the first call... but nooo.... ten minutes later, I get called for the 2nd string...

So here I am with 25 other ppl waiting outside the courtroom, waiting for the bailiff to call us in by number... and whadayaknow... I get called LAST to go in, obviously cuz I had no real problems and my eval form said Student,no,no,no,etc... indifferent things... So now im sitting in the court... the Judge starts talking, shes nice, has a reassuring voice, so I think no one had to much anxiety... The case is about a burglary at some cafe in st pete last november Then the lawyers and judge ask us questions to see if we are good choices... all this time, I can feel anxiety at the anticipation that I'm gonna be called... Im not too sure now if i want to get selected or not... the judge says shes pretty quick and that trial would last at most a day and a half to les than a day... so I think, this would be a good opp to see a trial... I could fell my heart beat through my neck... thump thump... damn, I only get this when I'm anticipating some big thing... like public speaking, or presentations... the state attorney didnt ask me any questions, cuz her side was looking for ppl who would be siding with the state... The defender called me and I (i almost drew a blank) answered his questions... it was funny cuz it turned into me explaining my life and where I lived and what schools I attended in the past 5 years, thats like 5-6 schools... and then my part was done, and all the jurors were excused for 20 minutes and came back... and 6 of 25 ppl were picked, and I werent one of them... so I was dejected (i feel like i was kicked of Idol or something)

So, leaving the courtroom, through the process, I had a new perspective of the judicial system governing jury service... being a juror is a privilege that you dont have to worry about if you have no job or school... and, maybe you will get a small case, and you can actually see what a trial is like, b4 your on trial yourself... I would suggest going to attend a session at least... it lasts awhile, but you can see how direct and circumstantial evidence work...

Next blog (mayber later or next day)... stupid dreams again... and how my life much different than yours and how i am BETTER than you are..

Till next time, Don't skip out on jury duty... if you do, you are a terrorist, and should be deported or shot... at least go, so you can get it over with and get paid... Oh yeah, you get paid to do jury duty... its better than the unemployment you already have.... so do it you damn tree-hugging terrorist scud asses!

Saturday, May 24

Make this quick, somewhere at the I-mall.

My actress infatuations: Catherine Bell: did you see her on Jimmy Kimmel? OMG, what legs!, and such a swan-like neck, and... well, not to go into detail, but damn... hot!!! and she looks great six months after punching out a baby!! what kind of woman looks like that after 6 moths. I'll tell you: a GODDESS... oh, and shes like the perfect actress wife: she has a mobile home, and she loves to ride hogs, cruisers, racer bikes... and has a dog!! Thats one perfect lady... the other one would be the new Terminator , Katrina Loken... if you havent seen her in the maxim@damovies magazine, you should right now.... I mean now!@!!!!!! those are my choices for and brown actresses... whew...

At the I-mall, at the sptimes kiosk... I'm bored running around... like, I could do other stuff, but i need to update.... damn... I had other thoughts tooo.... oh yeah.... What level of a relationship are you at when phone calls btwn friends usually have the words ass, skank, wrinkle, sock r, and cat suppository in the dialogue?? really, someone answer that... no callls you asses...

I hurt my foot trying to practice pop-and-lock style.... heres a hint: dont do it without shoes on... you wont bust ur bones if you do... Damn, that catherine bell is hot... i wanna be an actor in cali now... screw that, I wanna ride around LA on a Yamaha R6 and find her... heheheh... ok, ill monologue later (mental note... ppl and dogs)

Friday, May 23

And the dreamweaver was high again

No I wasn't, but still... wtf?

So anyways, after playing X-com2, the only game I can enjoy on my OG laptop (no idance training, fuck, and I was so gonna learn those boa dances and the pop-and-locking style), I zonked out and had several differing dreams until noon... bear in mind, I forgot most all the unimportant stuff... so, the first one, I was at some concert for some singer, and afterwards the singer was riding down the escalator w/o usual bodyguards. When i turned around though, i can't remember, it was either boa or my friend's sister's friend donna. One of them anyways, it doesnt matter since their both pretty (o_@), but then had this big discussion about concerts and subway trains (didn't i mention it would get stupid?) then I woke up to mom asking me if i want to go golf, and i said no. went back to sleep, no boa/donna... now the dream is a amalgamation of star wars/x-men with sharon stone as the lead whore, wolverine, gene hackman as the bad guy, and me as a bureaucratic stamper... I think i added the cutscene from the Enter the Matrix getaway in there too... the whole setting was on some private beach mansion with cookie cutter apts developing alongside the house.... LONG STORY SHORT, i grabbed a killer light saber and sliced off the saber wielding arm of gene hackman, then the other arm holding sharon stone hostage, then i accidentally sabered off his legs, then it got stupid... and i woke up... Stupid dream... I wanted the korean dream one....

There are NO good sites to look for Aftermarket parts for my Civie... well, they take awhile, it is new... im mostly waiting for the halo headlights and altezza tails... get 2.0 inch drop springs, 18' rims, new intake and exhausts, and maybe a jdm body kit and spoiler, or a cooler kit and spoiler (gotta have that spoiler)

I knew ruben was gonna win... yup....

I need to find a better place to study, this lab is way too distracting, with its computers... grrrr.

Thursday, May 22


This reminded me of last year when jenny made me guess who was viet and who was laot, and i guessed because i dont bother telling a difference. Wherever I am, they beat the shit outta each other (i still got yo back Chinh Tran). Still TAKE THIS TEST, SEE IF YOU CAN GUESS THE CHINESE JAPANESE AND KOREAN also, VICKYLouie, there is a nice article about Lisa Ling, maybe you want to read about that.


Ok, I definitely spent too much time trying to find the valenti and no.1 idance files... damn, so close too.

Reason #33 Why I like being back in TPA

I LOVE WFLA-TV Ch.8 Jennifer Leigh... She's so hot as an anchorwoman/reporter, for a blonde. You don't know what she looks like? Youre missing out... She seems so bubbly and yet professional at the same time... I want to start a fan club of hot tv journalists, heheheh. Yay, she was on tv today... she should get a permenant anchor spot, not filling in for ppl on baby leave and so on...

Theres a person here on campus to look like a hot-college version of Gina Gershon... really... (or a jen s-mole-ansky with brown hair), super hot movie star type... I dont have too much time to study... Jury duty on Tuesday... blah...

Oh, playing Enter the Matrix my eternal impression is THIS IS A FUCKING AWESOME GAME!!!!!! I'm slowing time down and kicking people's ass, jump kicking so hard that cops twirl in the air, stabbing guards with my stiletto heel, disarming ppl and using their gun to shoot them in one move, doing wall flips, handless cartwheels, etc... AWESOME!!! Its like Max Payne only better!!! with KUNGFU IN IT!... How much more can I drool over it? I'm prolly go back to bestbuy to play it after studying!! heheheh... love it... GO BUY ENTER THE MATRIX, PREFEREABLY FOR PS2, cuz u need all those buttons...

Wednesday, May 21

hmm, update to blogger!

BoA* - Shine We Are <--<--<--<--<--Watch the Video HERE

Gonna take a chance

Something new? O shiete, What's your dream?
Roukute nozuku yo Try me boy
Futari chika kuku kimochi
Oo miyori maboshi kuyura sou oo maku

Yuku koto mo somo janaku sukiru koto datte
Demo shinjiteru itsuno hika
So Shine We Are!

* I feel the brightness love
Tai yo dakishimete dara
No kotasu With you kanaeru Happiness!
Shiroi namika sou sou kigomu mirai nala
Hadashi no mama de hashiite yukiru

Zutto ou naji basho wou iitari
Kitari shite iita
Sore ga o mawari demo chika michi
Datari shite ne

Hashaki sui ta ato nando naku
Sabishi ko natari
Doko ganete iru futari demo
So Shine We Are!

** I feel the brightness love
Dare demo ii wake janai
Naida deno atsawa hitosu
Kanata o miru hitomi nii ikiwo tometa
Afureru yume ga oo kan data kara

Yes I'm gonna feel alright, Gonna take a chance
Shiawa se ninare, All I need is love
Yes I'm gonna feel alright, Gonna take a chance
Shiawa se ninare, All I need is love

Oo maku you kotomo somo janaku
Sukiru koto date
Demo shinjiteru itsuno hika
So Shine We Are!

To show how much I love Strong Bad emails, I put the CGNU dumples anthem on my phone

Man, I am soooo losing money in hsx, dammit. I gotta sell on mondays...

Looking at BoA's Shine We Are, and some songs by Richie Ren and Edison and Kelly. (IF YOU HAVENT SEEN ANY VIDEOS FROM ASIA, MAYBE YOU SHOULD LOOK NOW)

For mine own reference, ZOID THEME on my phone F#GG'beFf#GG'beFf#GG'beFFFFpF#GG'beFf#GG'beFf#GG#a+C+C
I think that pinay, the one that was the hula dancer for def talent jam, the fsa girl that helped liz try to act all "sexy" for the dance, was here at the LSC... I could swear its her, but since I've never talked to her, or too many of FSA, I can't exactly go, "hey arent you the one that taught liz to shake the bootay?!"

And now, some jokes bad proverbs.

Passionate kiss like spider web, soon lead to undoing of fly.
>> ******
>> Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone.
>> ******
>> Man who run in front of car get tired.
>> ******
>> Man who run behind car get exhausted.
>> ******
>> Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.
>> ******
>> Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright
>> organ.
>> ******
>> Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok.
>> ******
>> Man with one chopstick go hungry.
>> ******
>> Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails.
>> ******
>> Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
>> ******
>> Baseball is wrong: man with four balls cannot walk.
>> ******
>> Panties not best thing on earth but next to best thing on earth.
>> ******
>> War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left.
>> ******
>> Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house.
>> ******
>> Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.
>> ******
>> It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.
>> ******
>> Man who drive like hell, bound to get there.
>> ******
>> Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
>> ******
>> Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.
>> ******
>> Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.
>> ******
>> Man who fart in church sit in own pew.

Tuesday, May 20


You are Dr. Nick Riviera!!

You're a fake. In all walks of life you're putting up a front. However, your clever front brings you money and fortune as you are able to fool the dumb masses of the world! You clever bitch!

Which Simpsons Character are YOU?

Bored? or screwed

I am sooo bored... i got wat, like 3 weeks now until lsats, yeah, I'm taking my time like soe laid back underling... ahh...

anyways, looking up more BoA stuff as fast as I can, I'm basically in another frenzy, after my Ebay fiasco yesterday, I'll have to wait until the result of that b4 i buy anything else....

I LOVE WMR, ALL those stream vids I couldnt save, I can save, IFF they be winMedia, not Quicks or RMs. woohoooooooooo

I never banked on the idea that Crystal could've been Korean... I mean... Lee, thats Korean... and she looks very similar to Joanne Lee. Hmm, I never thought about that.... except for the fact that her sister looks NOTHING like korean, so that would throw a wrench in my idea

Japanese sitcoms never have subtitling, but chinese (check, tw esp.) have subtitling whenever possible... I dont understand the reasons why.... is it because chinese like to read while they listen? the US doesnt have subtitles unless its in another language or ppl are deaf (CC1).. Im very confused, my brain hurt >_<

Monday, May 19


l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl< l=ucl<

SHIT, I just bidded on the wrong model, and I won it!!! FUCK! now I gotta sell that thing off as soon as possible, IFF that asshole of a seller is intent on making me buy that shit!!! FUICK FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKFUS A ARGHH FUCKER... And I used to be sooo good at this trickery shit!!! fFUCKFJKAJLKDSJILFLAJ

First Some jokes


A male whale and a female whale were swimming off the coast of Japan when they noticed a whaling ship. The male whale recognized it as the same ship that had harpooned his father many years earlier. He said to the female whale, "Let's both swim under the ship and blow out of our air holes at the same time and it should cause the ship to turn over and sink."

They tried it and sure enough, the ship turned over and quickly sank. Soon, however, the whales realized the sailors had jumped overboard and were swimming to the safety of shore. The male was enraged that they were going to get away and said to the female, "Let's swim after them and
gobble them up before they reach the shore."

At this point, he realized that the female was becoming reluctant to follow him. "Look," she said, "I went along with the blow job, but I absolutely
refuse to swallow the seamen."

Its shocking, how when your in a dream, it doesnt occur to you that its only a dream, that to ur mind, its real, and your getting these failing grades such as "FH" and "FD" instead of "F"... welll, to me, when they tack on more letters, its gets scary.

Been playing this new infatuation game ... BATTLEFIELD 1942 mod: DESERT COMBAT!!! its like Codename: Eagle, except with modern warfare!! i love the game... sure, I don't get anywhere in the points as compared to Counterstrike, but, the premise of the game, flying harriers and f-16s, jumping out of flying gunships, strafing ppl in apaches, blowling up support crew in an Abrams, or just running around taking out aircraft with stinger missles, or going underwater and blowing up battleships... thats awesome...

I need to study more... gtg... argh

FUnktastic 4 ---> ATHF

So, I havent gone back to gaines since school ended, which skews the team... b4, there were four of us, which made up the fantastic 4... though there were member conflicts about who was who... I said I was Mr. Funktastic and phong would be the invisible woman, an yadda yadda yadda...

But since I havent been up there, and the rumors to my impending future are still up in the air, I think the team should switch images to something better that has 3 ppl, like the Aqua Teen Hunger Force (pick ur persona), or maybe the team Strong, with Strong Bad, Mad and Sad... And I'll be THE CHEAT .... muahahahha... ok... did no studyiung watcsover...

Saturday, May 17

Yes, its like fridaynight,saturday morning

Missed the friday post... guess why... stupid thing, didnt go to lab... oh well... stole the computer to jack online when im supposed to be zonking out... gotta recap experiences the last couple days...

COSTCO opened at clearwater mall on thursday... I havent been to one in a long time (fyi: Costco is like Sam's Club, something you know about)... the last time I went to Costco was in Taiwan. They ahve this HUGGE Costco store in Neihu, Taipei County. When I say huggge, I mean, gargantuan... its sooo large, the warehouse, that its actually TWO stories... you can get lost in there... the new one here... near my uncle's... its large, like a Sam's, but not gargantuan... The best thing about Costco, esp. on grand opening... THE FREE SAMPLES... There were sample stations for everything, foodwise... I had smoked salmon on crackers, tequila lime chicken wings, 3 cheese ravioli, tuna/chicken salad, yogurt... smoothies.. etc... soo much that i almost got full running through the 30-something stations, eating as much as possible... yum... thank god Costco membership cards are internationally recognized...

GOLF: Friday... Dam... mom actually got me up at 7am... to tell me that the earliest tee time was 8:45... so back to sleep... laterz... on the 'way... man, my game has gotten soo much better in a short time (think of my comeback in CS)... with my Honma 3 Wood (I sorta shattered my Driver... damn defects... but it was awesome)... I can drive upwards of 150-200 yards... with a 3 wood!!! just think what I can do with a Driver... All I have to do is work on my damn aiming... because somehow Im ontrack, and sometimes, my ball flies far, but onto another fairway... (just driving around in cars looking for the ball was aggrivating/fun enough)... so, Wood aiming, and Working on my Irons... which I really need to work my stance, which sucksss

Deep thoughts... (This is where you should start reading)

The survey or recent interest was about how the girls of today, (the ones in schools, k12-University) have trended to the current manifestation of less sensitive and more hostile/aggressive... which, to man terms... is more Bitchy... or more of a bitch... and catty... It can be obvious from such evidence as the shocking video repeated INFINITELY on MSNBC about the Girls hazing in a high school, or even to the girl beef on girl issues in the battle of the sexes (MTV)... such testimonials include an incident where, when a limo driver in Broward Cnty disposed of the alcoholic beverages smuggled into the limo by the parents for a group of freshmen/sophomore girls... the women jumped into the road, while the driver was changing a flat, and attempted to force oncoming cars to swerve into the stationary limo... hows that for bitchy... the new women these days coming out of middle school and high schools have little by little any moral sense as much as yore, flaring at the hint of anything that does not go their way, retaliating onto any adversary, beit emotionally or physically... though this trend could flatten out, with the state of how society functions these days, the status quo for the neo-culture girls will never revert to those your older sister was.

The same stupid pose Go to Blockbuster. Go to the comedy or drama section... then walk along all the rows for the sections and tell me this... how many movies can you find that have a female in a leaning forward to the side stance with her eyes looking up, while a guy is behind her and is stanced the other direction and leaning likewise... Trust me, when you see the pattern, you'll know what I'm talking about... its the dumbest duo pose I've ever seen, and it is the obvious sign that the movie is a uber-chickflick... (I think that How to kill a guy... er... lose a guy in 90 minutes... er... ten days has that stupid stance) and the distance from the camera is about the sme when you see it on the VHS box or dvd cover... and I say... can't you have a better cover?!? hello!?!, put on a scene or something... goddamn the girl-guy pose is way to redundant.. ill be truly scared when they have a whole row that looks like that.

My cousin is doing the multiple dating thing... whatever that means... well obviously that means she is going to see one guy then another, then another... right? obviously then, she can't stick with one guy... but see, shes allowed to pick from a sampler... and men aren't allowed to do this?!? hmm, maybe they are... if they dont tell the other women... ahh yes...

KOREA and japan have had minimum SARS casualties or reports... which bolsters my conspiracy theory that this virus is genetically selected to target mostly chinese genes... the most devastating way to try and trim down the 1.3 billion ppl in the country, and possibly lead to another Asia economic crisis (remember '99?) That being said, its probably a good time for you to get cheap ass tickets to HK and Asia... oh cmon, your not that afraid of SARS are you?

I can't find my Dreamweaver and Pshop Burn CD I got last summer... damn... That Sue Johansen from ToughSex on Oxygen is one sick old bag of a lady... really... really sick... everyone watch it... laugh ur ass off The old ppl golfer couples are alright, nice to talk to... great encouragement when I hit an awesome drive... oops... gtg, I'll tell you later...

Thursday, May 15

I was dared to put this on:

uNfRiEnDlYcow: ass
a: skank ho
uNfRiEnDlYcow: ass
a: penis wrinkle
uNfRiEnDlYcow: skank
a: slutty bagoho
uNfRiEnDlYcow: penis wrinkle
a: ass
uNfRiEnDlYcow: is ur comp recordin this?
uNfRiEnDlYcow: u should post it
a: raight
uNfRiEnDlYcow: aniwayz, im gonna eat somehting
a: fine skank
uNfRiEnDlYcow: im hungry
a: go eat some skank
uNfRiEnDlYcow: eat some pig crap u ho
a: u slutty bag of ho
uNfRiEnDlYcow: ass
a: skank


1. often Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern.
2. Oriental Of or designating the biogeographic region that includes Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.
3. Lustrous and valuable: oriental pearls.
often Oriental Often Offensive. An Asian.

Usage Note: Asian is now strongly preferred in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people. The usual objection to Orientalmeaning “eastern”is that it identifies Asian countries and peoples in terms of their location relative to Europe. However, this objection is not generally made of other Eurocentric terms such as Near and Middle Eastern. The real problem with Oriental is more likely its connotations stemming from an earlier era when Europeans viewed the regions east of the Mediterranean as exotic lands full of romance and intrigue, the home of despotic empires and inscrutable customs. At the least these associations can give Oriental a dated feel, and as a noun in contemporary contexts (as in the first Oriental to be elected from the district) it is now widely taken to be offensive. However, Oriental should not be thought of as an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. As with Asiatic, its use other than as an ethnonym, in phrases such as Oriental cuisine or Oriental medicine, is not usually considered objectionable.

I put this up because this is the only restraint that was keeping me from pounding down on this old decrepid white lady who can't seem to replace Oriental with Asian in her vocabulary for her students here at SPC, and this is a teacher... I thought these white hags were all knowing-wise ppl... i had a few choices upon hearing her talk about the fobs in her class as oriental instead of asian or chinese (its obvious they're chinese, because ive met those students b4): I couldve pounded her, corrected her, or write this to keep from pounding her and correcting her... because frankly, she looks like that Cruella Deville from the 101 dalmations movie... I'd have to pound her with my eyes close so i wouldn't have to see the bloodiness...


Ok, reading some ppl's sites(i mean, stalkin phong or something heh), no, I mean stalking phong... i mean... finally that ass is updating...

In one way I'm glad that I'm not there because if i was chillin at Pdiddy's place, I'd have to drive all the other asses home, muahahahhaah... So I dont have to do that... YOUR TOTALLY SCREWED FONGUS... on a dimmer note, I have no gym here, well, i could work out here at the SPC gym but i dont have a card, id card... and in some way i miss the pyschotic regiment that kevin was grueling me through. did i mention my gut and stomach get to where im going two seconds before the rest of me does? I can still run, but i dont like the fact im back up to 170, and its not eh end of the summer yet, and its not lean muscle mass...its wayyy to fucking hot here... so take off alll ur clothes... (music interlude). If I eve run into Jessie again, I dont want her going from "wow, jon you got bigger, like less skinnier," to "GodDAMN that is one fat ass!"... well, luky im not going to cali, where she is... oh yeah.. gotta get her cali numba...


GEO added me to his subscriptions... woohoo... i didnt even add him first... so to my 5 newest viewing subscribers... for Xanga (the anti-christ of bloggin) ... welcome geo bobby jinah roxy and 'manda. I hope you get reallly really dissappointed...

Id like to also thank the ppl who stumble here from the blogger main site by my catchy title "A Life of A Person." I think this title attracts more people than "I'm going to KILL you ALL" or "bluestreak's non-xanga site" or "dead end"... well... maybe dead end... It always have to be a mind-catching title... something not tooo direct... wat am i saying


heheh, no, I kid... it was great!!!

Since, I saw it first at 11:00pm on wednesday, I'm entitled to talk about it, and maybe spoil you all later too... First, I didn't know when the movie was going to end; it was sorta like They, except I didn't mind not knowing when it was going to end... Second, replacing the hispania operator, Tank or Dozer or one of them, with a black operator that says alot of remarks justifies him as the token funny guy in a movie 2 and a half hours long... 3rd, I'm a little confused at the end... when they said all the people are dead, and there were no more survivors, did they mean the ships or the city... Well, I didnt have that great seating this time, (3rd row far left in stadium seating), but ill compensate by watching the movie in Digital Picture (A Texas Instruments Technology HeEHEE ^_^) or watch SUPER HUGE MATRIX ON IMAX... one of those...

Tomorrow, something about me, somethings not about me... (pre/post summer)

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

Wednesday, May 14

I think...Its better to be super paranoid than to be super naive (damn, i miss rich's ramblings... boo, there is no one else that i frequent that has a blog that is about life in general than their own life.... sigh... maybe im gonna have to search around...

I swear, I get more work done when I'm NOT in this stupid support center... ok... after matrix.... i will come to lab, BUT i will just be on Aim long enough to belittle phongus' sister, and look up mail, and look up ebay.

Think you are a movie guru? JOIN HSX! Its Hollywood meets Wall Street... Try it out... tell me who you are, and ill add you to the league... its fun... I made big on Rush Hour when it came out, I intend to make more from Matrix (super geek!!!)

Have you ever wondered if your dreams were telepathic links? Like, if you dreams had your friend in it, would they be dreaming the same dream and you were in theirs? Did you ever wonder that? Or that our dreams could be just the parallel universes that intersect with our own, and our dreams are the glimpses of what is happening over in that reality... think about it... maybe it could be true

I wonder what Korea TV views the US as... maybe the protector or the protagonist for imperialism...


Werid dream again... something like the italian job meets maximum velocity.

CLARK AND LANA GETTIN IT ON FINALLY!!! (waiit, that screws my chances doesn't it... ARGHH) Also, this si the first time I seen Clarks heat vision... coool... Buffy... ANGEL is Back, and Spike is more jealous than ever... and Faith is kickin ass (there is seriously nothing to do at night here).

I should call sandy soon.

more studying... more looking at stuff I wish i could buy... we'll see... how to divvy up a grand of slush money

Tuesday, May 13

oh, apparently i was 1 foot away from warren sapp and i didnt know about it, last week, at the seafood bar.. Why didnt I see him, hes huuuuge, Dammit, why didnt nobody tell me Warren sapp was at the bar?!?!?!?! DAMMIT, I couldve touched warren Sapp!!! (in the idolistic way, mind you) ARGHHH

This is one of the many reasons I miss rich's site, b/c of all the stuff i jack from him, heheh.. seriously, dude, come back. <---(this is for all you bitching ppl about yourpast and how your ex was a bitch or fucker)
if rich is down, how is the arks hitting my site


If you read this b4 6 or 7pm, make sure to watch all of Conan on Comedy Central tonite a 6 or 7... it has tom selleck killing his old mustache, the big show tickling everyone, and the old lady from The Oxygen Network show Tough Sex showing all kinds of weird objects that double as women vibrators... Sick... but wayyy too funny, specially the quote, "It doesnt matter about the size of the man, because the top 2/3 of the woman's vagina has no nerve endings." (well, it sounded funny on the show, so you have to watch it)

Two games I played today that I like very much... Wolverine's revenge (killing ppl is awesome), and King of monsters (climbing up buildings is awesome)... I also printed up another pic of myself at bestbuy, cuz im supa bored...

If you need some anti-adware, get this from

I'll tell you more from the lab... time to memorize some han-gu

Monday, May 12


At the lab, reading the TAS website about when they closed down... then doing some more digging around... reading the staff updates... and low behold, a memo about trying to encourage faculty to start a xanga? XANGA?!? wtf, this xanga is worse than any plague, now its going to corrupt the minds of the harvard and stanford educated teachers into writing little secrets on their sites too? like, "I think Jason Choi is a crappy student, and he should deserve a D+," or something? whose idea was it to plug it to the teachers?!? They already got a blogring up too, Taipei American School Faculty... Isn't that a riot? I swear, when Xanga starts popping up more ads, yall be sorry you all were hooked into it.

And now, random passages I grabbed from some stranger's log a long time ago

What did I even do that you makes you supposively hate me? I never did quite figure that little problem out... I don't know why it's so hard to talk instead of running from issues that really really need to be solved w/out legal actions. We all have questions and need answers, so why don't you try. Don't use legal stuff it's pointless because she will never stop talking to me. It's not hard to figure that out. Just remember he gets her drunk. She was groped at that cabin shows how much you know!!!!!Someone she can only talk to about stuff like that is me......HMMmmmm I guess I'm not the big psycho you think I am if she comes to me for things that should be on your shoulders not mine. But you ppl call her fat.. no wonder she still loves me. it's hard on that girl if you could only see what she goes through. I don't think it's necessary having Wagers watch me, that' a good idea but I'm not what you think I am or heard and I'd appreciate that you stop making ppl think I'm insane or am out to brainwash her or other ppl. It won't work, ppl don't hate me so why do you? You have no reason too. I don't hate you two at all, I have no reason to I would like for you to see the love she has and just accept she's growin up and won't stay little and sheltered her entire life. He was going to get her drunk tonight bet you didn't know that!!! HMMmmm guess why I asked them to go.....I DIDNT WANT A DAMN THING To happen to her I SAVED HER AND YOU TWO! maybe I shouldn't have risked my own reputation you attempt to ruin and my other plans I had. But no I heard and didn't want her hurt! and I get screwed over for doing good things. you don't hate me or else things wouldn't be this way. email me on your thoughts please, this isn't to be taken in a smart way so stop thinking I am a neg. influence and get over it!! forgive and forget or you'll hurt your self.

I keep reading it because theres nothing else to do.

Oops, crapp, no internet connection

Miss me? sure, I know you do, thats why im still keeping strong a good 15 hits... woohoo... even the ones im surprised are hitting me up... through other links... tsk tsk, you are a crazy and pixiegurl...

HEY, SUPPORT MY SITE! Put me on your profile, and spread the infinite bull that is my words, the words of a deity! muahahahh!!! just link me... thats all.. not like ur profile has anything useful anyways

~Its not that much fun trying to explain X2 to your mother, i.e.: "so that guy wasn't a mutant b4 they added the claws?" "no, he was already a mutant with healing powers, and they added claws." "so, he was a mutant." "yeah." not that much fun. but fun to watch X2 in digital Film.

~lukey told me the status in tw is getting worse... they had to shut down tas for the rest of the year because of the outbreak. oh, and ppl wear bras over their faces b/c of the shortage of masks... and parliament is instituting a 10 day holiday. I'd like to thank the mainland for trying to engineer a global plague in a virus that they couldn't control and now through their own stupidity is going to wipe out the rest of the world in a twisted plan of genetic natural selection. something like that (did i mention this is a conspiracy theory site?).

~Listening to korean, nihongo, guandonghua, taiyu, and guoyu, I made up another baseless theory (this is because I didnt get to take Asian studies in tas or any other real course besides brit lit and the humanities.) I mean baseless because its probably completely untrue but it could have merit in the 202th dimensional universe: according to the elder ppl, korean and taiwanese (aka, a dialect from Fujian) have similar words and the way they have things pronounced (i dont have the examples, but like trust me)... Korean and japanese have similar sentence structures where they have subjects first most of the time, (err, u know, that way). But then taiwanese has words and sounds that sound really close to japanese dialect. Then again, cantonese has a closer sounding base to that of vietnamese. my idea was that then there were some main dialects: mandarin, viet, korean, and japanese, and that alot of the other dialects were merges of the aformentioned languages, like twnese being mandarin and japanese and then cantonese being from vietnamese and chinese. I'm sure there are other similar tongues too, but i dont major in any asian language classes.... Of course, mom's story of how taiwanese and cantonese are the real dialects of old china that stayed the same while the royal language progressed to modern day, though meritable, completely debunks my theories... maybe.

~Watching the news about cowboy bush and his admin eyeing N.Korea... though I can't give any opinion right now over whose the idiot and whose the buffoon, I am wary of a potential skirmish that might and probably will happen given the only thing Bush likes to do is shoot from the hip and drink later. I just hope there wont be any seige that happens over the summer that deals with the two nations, because then s.korea will be dragged in, and donna's there right now, and i don't want to see anything bad happen to her (well not just her, all koreans, but especially her >_<) , (you know, artillery bombardment on seoul, the likely outcome in a retalliatory strike), seeing as shes over there till, what, august or so? So... until that gurl gets back, no attack okay!?!? (frankly, I'm surprise bush didnt do anything stupid already I voted for the other guy and I'm surprised the Kim Jong il hasn't done anything equally dumb as to launch his one and only nuclear bomb at someone (Suddenly, I'm reminded of the Dilbert strip of Elbonia and their only warhead. and I'm still surprised no one has pointed a finger at china for being the downfall of the asian mkt for '03 with their own superintelligence leading to the next great cataclysm.

~Man, I get so bord alot, i start calling all the numbers on the cell... ok, all the numbers of ppl i dont hate... even called jims and vicks (so gurl, dont be chewing off your man's head because you don't IM when I'm on and don't talk and etc.) and lukie... hmm, i'll have to call sandy and helen soon... yay... seeing how the alums are doin...

~Got mom a rose for Mom day, actually, had to smuggle it into the house... after she slept... I'm pretty good at keeping stuff from her radar, like my cd case, and the grand of money i have... but i can't see to find the necklace from my 18th bday... im sorta fcuked with that... and moms gonna find out about the $400 citibank from the last month of school

~basically, I've been tentatively bugging all the women whose digits I have on the cell... I am realllly reallllllly bored...
~I like Scarborough Country. I'm going to build up a list of news shows that I like...
~I went golfing, I rock in golfing sometimes... I like driving Golf Carts, it reminds me of GTAVC and Jackass...

~Finally able to translate Josie's letter, Gan Xie ni Yu. I'm moved by what she wrote me... I dont even know how to reply it... maybe i should write one back in chinese... I'll need my best buddy's help in typing it up.

~Golfing Monday Morning... I'll talk later... bai.

Wednesday, May 7

Boa as a Ravenclaw?!?!?

Surfing around for BoA translations for Valenti (damn, only the jpop version one so far) I came across some fascinating if true rumors... BoA could be Cho Chang in the next Harry Potter sequel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Wouldnt that be awesome? maybe she can put in a song in the soundtrack. Then her popularity could grow. Damn, too bad this rumour is FALSE Ohh, and theres also a rumor of BoA in an interview for a Korean documentary on PBS on May 17th, so you should set your vcr for that time. Note to Self: Get Windows Media Recorder for Streams; Yeah, so no luck finding lyrics or trans.

Back at the lab, not too many ppl around... where are the hotties? dammit... hmm... I'm bored... what to talk about... did anybody see that Verizon commercial with the chimp and the banana? That thing cracks me up. The youngest one from Shinvi looks soo hai shou... ok

Two Nuns

Heres a joke I got

There were two nuns...
One of them was known as Sister Mathematical (SM),
and the other one was known as Sister Logical (SL).
It is getting dark and they are still far away from the convent.

SM: Have you noticed that a man has been following us for the past thirty-eight and a half minutes? I wonder what he wants.

SL: It's logical. He wants to rape us.

SM: Oh, no! At this rate he will reach us in 15 minutes at the most? What can we do?

SL: The only logical thing to do of course is to walk faster.

SM: It's not working.

SL: Of course it's not working. The man did the only logical thing. He started to walk faster, too.

SM: So, what shall we do? At this rate he will reach us in one minute.

SL: The only logical thing we can do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He cannot follow us both.

So the man decided to follow Sister Logical.

Sister Mathematical arrives at the convent and is worried about what has happened to Sister Logical.

Then Sister Logical arrives.

SM: Sister Logical! Thank God you are here! Tell me what happened!

SL: The only logical thing happened. The man couldn't follow us both,so he followed me

SM: Yes, yes! But what happened then?

SL: The only logical thing happened. I started to run as fast as I could and he started to run as fast as he could.

SM: And?

SL: The only logical thing happened. He reached me.

SM: Oh, dear! What did you do?

SL: The only logical thing to do. I lifted my dress up.

SM: Oh, Sister! What did the man do?

SL: The only logical thing to do. He pulled down his pants.
SM: Oh, no! What happened then?

SL: Isn't it logical, Sister? A nun with her dress up can run faster than man with his pants down.

And for those of you who thought it would be dirty, say two Hail Marys!

Ok, that was sorta funny, you gotta admit that
Ryan, the guy from Def Jam who I know from JC, he just happend to come by and lo and behold, ran into me... its like runninginto all the ppl i've seen b4. last night, out of pure God is toying with my emotions and thowing me weird situations dumb fate, I ran into Kittie at Blockbuster, out of all the times to go... sometimes, its obvious there is a God, and he only does what he wants, not what ppl ask of him... argh... bak to studying... gtg...

Valenti Trans. (ahhh, Valenti means "purity" or "courage")
My future has been truly attracted from within
Love starts to move on as I hold your hand
As if flames that is beginning to blaze from the two sections
Can’t seem to turn away from that sight Oh, Step In, Step In, Baby
Why are we meeting together Why must that person be me?
Boy, I fall in love with you
Even though it is in this instant

Dressing tightly in a pair of jeans
The feeling of battle in my body
No matter how miniature my wish is
Please let me have the chance to fulfill My Dream

A pair of tattered and torn jeans A pair of eyes that looked so diminutive
Just because I hoped to protect them Still I can’t even explain it to my family
Precious stuff I will protect them myself
Soaring over that point Oh, Step In, Step In, Baby
No matter how meaningless it is just to be stronger than others Nevertheless, I still can’t hide it from my mouth
Just, I fall in love with you
I will accept everything

If we can’t find the love between you and I
In this world or anywhere
Then that cannot possibly have been existed My Dream

It would be meaningless if we’re separated I hoped to decide even now
Boy, I fall in love with you
Fight here

Choosing to accelerate the heartbeat
The two living bodies
No matter how miniature the prediction is
Please give me the strength to believe My Dream

Dressing tightly in a pair of jeans
The feeling of battle in my body
No matter how miniature my wish is
Please give me the chance to brighten out My Dream

Tuesday, May 6


Its SUMMER TIME!!! = SUmmer SUN , Fling, TESTS!~

Yes, i think with it being tuesday, and us ppl out of school... I can safely call it, Summatime!!! with it comes the relentless and unadulterated fun that comes with it... And it all starts with coming back to the JC campus to use the lab... the weird thing... I happen upon all the hottie girls that were here when I was still in this school... like the cute hispanic one that bears some eerie similarity (feelingwise) to Naree, and the really hot viet chick that used to wear navy blue all the time... well, that was weird to see her, and her driving an Escalade.... do none of these people go to real colleges or what?

So, its another day... i was supposed to start studying my lsats, but WUHAHAHHAHAHAH, i didnt do shit other than sit around, change my addresses for my cards, and browse all the happening eye-candy around the LSC... how i forgot about this place for the past two years.... wow... and the fact that alot of ppl are stil here too... damn... at least i got somewhere in life...

Dammit, i have a noticable scar from phongs stupid hellcat, i didnt even intentionally pick at the scab... it just came off... now i got a scar... dammit, stupid thing... one day that cat is going to get his due in full... tiramisu-cat or something.... anyways... damn... that whatshername...well i guess i have more reasons to come back tot he campus to study... yah...

dammit, how many mikes are in this asian world? i just counted two more from xangas and stuff... wtf.. get a real name, like... Trogdor, or.... Kerrig... Speaking of which... please help decide WHO WOULD BE A BETTER PRESIDENT, DUBYA, or TICTACS

ok, another unproductive day of oogling... heheheh... gotta all someone to pick me up so i can get the f* outta here... WELCOME TO SUMMERTIME... hmm that sounds familiar...

Oh, happy belated Birthday to Josh P. Kieu, pessimist extraordinaire O_o

Monday, May 5

Day2, Jonathan "Jazn" Yuhwa "awhuy" Chiang, OG (Post-school)

I'm sitting in the computer lab at SPC near my uncles house... this is the first time since I disconnected my ethernet connection from my baby micron that I've been able to jack into the net. its been crazy the past few days now... I feel better, no headache.. . so, just so you want to figure out whats happened, I have a BSBA in BSing... heheh. No, actually, I'm DONE WITH SKEWL!

Thursday/Friday: after stressing all about that paper that I was writing for my sales class, I turned it in finally and grabbed scott and sophie to Fazoli's the italian place for pasta.. (Memory blurry) Friday, Awake.... so I figure, since I said I'd try to get donna that decal, I drove to parking services... bumped into Sara (thank god, I need a tag to get a decal)... so, go to parking services, dam, I didnt have a housing contract... well, this is one of those times I have to back out of something i promised because its outta my power... unless... they dont mind commuter... which is equally hard to get... you need 110 credz to get it... and u get to park next to the stadium... thats like, almost there... Anyways, god works in weird fate ways... cuz somehow, I run from criser (paid my bills) towards my car... run into Donna... this must be gods way of letting me say bai and see her b4 i get out of the country because of the people i killed... so, I still basked in the short time of talking b4 i had to get... but... god is a sick man, playing his sick game... u gotta give him props sometimes, and then sometimes you wanna say, I wanna kick ur ass... really, i bet gods a weakling =P

Uh... then somehwere, I finally got to hang out with Thai in like, forever. I swear, its like making appointments to see the pope, but it was worth it, hanging out... cept i was but tired and i fell asleep at her place, and didnt get any pasta, but i did help fix the sink, which shows, I'm super smart... (or something)... saw X2 YAY ITS AWESOME, THE FIRST TEN MINUTES ARE THE BEST FOR ME!!!

Grad DAy

Can you believe its actually that day, when you get to wear the gown and the cap and the tail thingy?... no.. cuz its 12 hours from then... in the meantime, my room looks like shit, and I'm scrambling around trying to get most all stuff boxed, all the incriminating stuff boxed at V's place, al the stuff I can't take back now at Cow's place, and the rest of stuff at the dumpster... oh, yeah, i call it crunch time, cuz my bro and mommy were coming up and i didnt want to be screwed with the "what the hell is this shit!" routine... ok... but i got it all done, mostly...

Got my threads on, me and leo walked to O'Connell for the ceremony... I only told a few ppl to come... notably Yu, phon and sis(i think) van and co., ... thats pretty much all... me and leo ran into Christine perez so we all stuck together... its better to graduate with ppl u know around you... but had we known Jimmy's bro jonny was gradding, we wouldve sought him out. Chriss said it didn't get to her that we were graduating, or that it was that time... that was up until right b4 we were going to walk across the stage, and me and her felt the wave of overwhelming pressure and tension in the steps that ascend to the stage, and then it hits you... your getting outta here... and then... your done... u got ur moment in the sun...

Special luv to lori and liz who did try to find me after the show, and for the gifts... thanx girls... half an eprop to fong and scott and maybe vick for coming and leaving halfway during the show... at least you couldve slept through it like i did... everyone else... you may have had a reason, so watever... not like ill go to ur crappy one, im wayyy too important to show up at your thing... heheheh j/p

then the moving... 2 hours b4 my RA punches down my door and kicks me out... and mom, the miracle worker, got it all done... moms still the best... I love my mommy... I'm dissappointed I couldnt meet up with her and brother at the sushi restarant in countryside, because I've been so pooped from the past days of relentless working that i almost died on the highway and stopped at exits 279 and 355 b/c I was tired, and slept an hour... oh well... my brother had an overly pissed mood.. but its more of the "i love my brother, but he's a dumass." feeling... oh well...

Back home

I am back in the old stomping grounds... its weird... what to do... lots of stuff... cashed payroll, registered for LSATS in jax... yeah, that sucks... and other things... i tried to tie up some loose ends b4 i left... more prominently say bye to jen, but the little dolly princess doesnt pick up her calls, so, its her fault. i still have alot of ppls digits on my cell, so i can always find someone to talk to, if im bored, and im sure ill be that... yeah... I'm a little bushed... i'll start writing stuff down in a notepad and just uploading them later.... but, now, i'm a little tired... plus the infinitely repeating BoA vid im playing is getting to me finally. =P (ur still my No. 1)

i think of the movie Better Luck Tommorrow, what the guy at the end says... something like, "what the future holds, I dont know" what does it hold?... we'll see. i'll talk to you all later...

JC '03 '01 '98 '94 '91

Saturday, May 3

Grad day, blech... Can't believe im super stressing about packing... i just dont want mom to see the crap i buy all the time.... this is my last entry from keys.... next time, i'll be back down south..... grad day 2pm oconnell... if you want to come, come then...

Thursday, May 1


ok, remember earlier today i was talking about how had 13-14 questions down, and I had to cris-cross the rest of them based on 4-4-4-4? well, shoot me full of crack, cuz my guessing was good... The answers were posted and tommy told me, so i was checkin the answers and ....

DAMN! I GOT THE RECAP ANSWER RIGHT!!! WOOHOO... Another Point.... damn, I thought I got the EAA right... point off... ooh, the hard WACC one..... WOOHOO I GOT THAT SHIT TOO!!! Another point!!!... Conceptuals... (i didnt study for shit for concepts), 4 questions... 3 wrong ... ?!?!? 3 wrong?!?!? 1 RIGHT!!! woohoo, I GUESSED and GOT ONE RIGHT!!! ANOTHER POINT... EQUALS .... 16/20... EQUALS... 80%... EQUALS... I GOT A B+ in the TEST... woohoo... (aww, just shy an A)... WAIt, Igot a B... WOHOO I KEpt A B..!!! Im so tired I can't type straight... Argh... but... WOOHOOO


My thoughts still turn to grandpa sometimes... I remember when he took me down the road to this store called wo jia nio pai... "My Steak House" and he took me to this store downstairs when i was little and got my first soy milk in a bag... mmm... grandpa gave me money when i got on the deans list and stuff... i remember tons of times i was with gramps... but unfortunately, i was always naive, so i never heeded too much from grandpa... because i was a, all the knowlege that could be taught to me from him resides with nainai and dad... i still keep thinking grandpa is still alive... but hes not... hes been gone for a year and a half... still pains me... i didnt get to see him at the end of his journey, becuase i was stuck here punching walls in houses, and blowing my temper finally... but maybe its good that i think grandpa is alive... because its jsut too hard thinking otherwise...

Still writing paper... dammit

El tu, Rich

Another person decides to reclaim their soul and cease weblogging indefinitely... which is a shame, because the online journals are a way for us reader to make a subjective judgement of the writer based on all the information he puts for on his site... and without any further content, one is unable to base that opinion anymore... quel bon annee.

Anyways... I havent slept yet... Its bad... i suck... how? I'm on BoA OD... Ive tried to d/l as much as i can from Kazaa and irc... (woohoo, I forgot how irc was... like back in the day of tas)... have to burn the stuff off the computer just so i have more space to get more stuff... but u know you OD on BoA when your singing or humming her songs in her head, or think about her songs... WHILE your TAKING the MOST important TEST in ur CLASSES... I'm surprise I could even finish... but ... dammit... ok, heres the problem... I need a B+ to keep a B in the class... thre are 20 questions... the teacher does a 4-4-4-4-4 rule, where there is exactly 4 instances of every answer (A,B,C,D,E) in the test... i had 12-13 questions down in this style... A2,B3,C2,D3,E4... ok... maybe 6-7 left... so... i have 2 A's and C's left, and 1 B and C... so... the best way to maximize a score is to go down one row to at least get 2 more answers right... right? so then... I'll have 16/20 which is an 80 which is a B+... right?... NO! what did I do? I GUESSED...thats worse than having a plan... its like trying to cut hair in the dark: its stupid... so.. instead of maximizing a score of 16... i'll prolly maintain just a 14.. which is a B, which is a C+ or a B... one of those craps... argh... and... i was sooo good this time on the test... going through it like no ones business... dammit... now I gotta paper to finish up... thats why i'm still up/... just have the recommendations left to do... but its still alot of work... and packing... beginning to pack or eat the rest of my food... so much stuff to do... who wants to help pack... you get a free poster from my collection of stuff you can only get in tw...

Now I put BoA and Ayu on the same level... its unbelievable... but true...