Friday, February 28

Ack, fast post

I can't remember much of what I was going to talk about, so I'll just limit it to wat I remember.

I just woke up from a long nap from 6-now... soo tired... but the dream was good, like I was in a snow covered area coming out of a bento-plaza-like structure, and i was chatting to angela about the cute girl that came out of the meeting b4 us... yeah... then I woke up... so, I can't remember which girl that was supposed to be embodying... I hate dreams... we should have recorders for our dreams.. then i could just remember what i dreamt about... errr...i think the girl was hot... er... i hate that you can't go back to the same dream...

welll, b4 the dream ,b4 the nap, ate lunch-dinner or something with angela... or something... it was like 2 hours or so... i wanted my nails trimmed since i dont know how long my nails are upposed to be.... b4 the dinner-lunch, had a meeting that was boring and which i was unprepared because I still dont know what I should be doing for the project. b4 that, I also killed time by makeing a sign for annie for winning the senate seat. b4 that, suffered through rain to get to the morning class, of which, what boring too... like kill myself.

The wednes Night, I was getting tired because my energy is still not the same... I still dont know whats wrong with me... i dont want to blame the transition from the two cities, but thats my only option... im not sick, just exhausted... oh, annie made me go herlp her do some thing for her, because she couldnt do it herself... and i might have better influence... raiiight... b4 that, went to tutoringzone which was good, becauseI barely got into the stupid turoing session, it was packed, packed with slackers that didnt watch lectures who, like me, wanted an easy way out... b4 that, we had role play, and we kicked ass... all thanks to my wonderful powerpoint presentation that I, the great Jazn, drafted up..... and the cake we bribed everyone with...

Oh also, went to library that day... tons of ppl were there, that i know, but dont know... like Trinh+2, vicky+2, Hot-tall-korean-girl-from-party+1, Vy+2, leslie and gabe... uh, thats pretty much all that i can remember... everyone else must not be important

Oh this is an interesting thing that happened on wedsday... this whole sememster, no one has ever barged into the apt and into my room when i was not awake... until today... cuz xuan wanted her wallet that she left in the car b4, and she kept calling and i didnt wake up, or bother to pick up the phone... so what happens next? I roll around when I hear sound and I see xuan busting into my room and knee me in the stomach to wake me up ok, I dont think any person, even a girl, has been assertive to the point of just coming into the apt, my room, and kicking me... and then this happened, so I guess i check that off the list... i thought this only happened in tv. so I wake up and get her stupid purse for her

aights, I'm going to bring my recorder, so when I do remember what Im supposed to write about, I'll recorde it for posterity... crap... blah... sucks,, and i had alot of other stuff to talk about... oh well... itllbe later... and I'll wrap up dc in the weekend...

Time to cram... SUPER CRAM

Wednesday, February 26

eBay Motors item 2405088364 (Ends Mar-05-03 18:41:30 PST ) - 03 CIVIC HATCHBACK EP3 JDM BODY KIT
I want this shit, anyone wanna buy it for me?

More bitchin

I find it useless and stupid to sign on to such things like blogger an xanga because someone else dragged you into it... for one thing, you take up more space on the db servers; two, cuz you aren't going to write anything in the first place, unless ohter ppl coerce you to, and 3) you have no creative mind to write stuff, you are just a lazy bum... really... if you dont have a periodic writing style... why even bother signing up for one of these free speech outlets if you have no valuable mind to express... its just useless...... write about your day, write about your thoughts, write to advocate something, write about how you feel, just dont waste the damn badnwidth, fcuk head. and another thing, fuck xanga.

huy is cool, shout outz to him, not cuz he give me recognition, and not cuz hes got my same name (aw huy), but cuz he's just funky silly... watching him at barrio dance practive (i just stumbled on the thing, i wasnt watching it for any real reason).

ive watched 3 outta 12 hours of lectures... how lazy i am, just wait, after i go to tutoring, i gonna stop altogether. i hope all the questions this test are math ones and not stupid conceptuals... ack, chapter 4 fucked me over, i thought it was all math for the xm, now i see 5, its all talkin shit... aghh

is it me, or do couples have to have stupid fights to stay together... really, thats like 4 couples ive observed in the past 2 weeks that have had really, stupid arguments and stuff ... and they are really intesnse ones... waddup wit that...

I thought, since im bored while listening to chapter 5, ill critique Charlotte Sometimes..

Charlotte Sometimes

This movie was a really good indie movie. It was created and written by this half white asian guy. the story revolves around 4 ppl: Michael, the loner mechanic, lori, michael's tenant and good friend, and the fcuk toy gf of ...uh...I think Jason? the half asian white guy... and also, "Darcy", the drifter girl that comes into Michael's life. I can't go into detail as to the plot of the story, because i dont know where to begin... but i must say, it was a very fascinating movie... maybe because some part of it will touch everyone some way...

too bad much of this movie detailed someone's life to a T. a huge T. like really, deja vu for the guy, hehe... But some things I realized from the movie: I'm not that afraid of being a loner... its how most of my life has been dictated: fly by my own wind. the other thing is: you shouldnt try to explain the ladder theory to the Mutt Asian guy, phong... especially if you aren't going to make sense in the first place...

Final thing for right now: i DO NOT LAUGH OR GIGGLE WHEN i TELL MY OWN JOKES OK? ITS JUST THE HIGH AT THE TIME AND THE ATOMSPHERE AND IM RIDING ON THE FUMES, SO I JUST START BUSTIN OUT, not my fault... at least I got that STOOPID Snaps Game solved, raight when all the dumbfcuks stop... boo, i wanted to express my esp, and screwup the remaining nitwits that didnt know... oh well... back to lecture...

Ill finish the rest of the DC thing later... because I dont feel like finishing it now...


I am so sick now, I think its from the temp change from cold dc to warm fl... So sick... I faintled in the afternoon on my bed, going to sleep... slept from 2 to 630... i was supposed to go to the library, to study my shitz, and in the hopes that ill run into TT, but I am so sick that I couldnt even manage that... I prolly wouldve stayed in bed if Xuan didnt drag me out to go find her a watch for her dad... and then she left her walllet in my car... thats two things shes left in the civie... get a lanyard geez.

something good I got to chat with jimjim... havent talked in a long while... mostly i fired it up bcz i saw jims senior project that wasn't too bad, though i think they already do that in real lift, and he just had a small version of it for you engineering ppl that need an idea, this is a REALLY GOOD PROJECT,!!!!!
so afterward, I found out shekkie has a xanga too (no kidding, so does sue, i wonder if ray has one... YOU HEAR ME JIM?!?) and so does his girl vickie, the person I hooked him up with (yes, I take personal credit for it, not Alby, all ME MEMEMEMEMEMME heheheheh).

Finally some other notes... I had a couple weird dreams... first was some robot tech big robot planes zoid thingy... and another one was a scary one where my clutch dried out so i couldnt drive... not like that happens in real life...

all other crap that happened today (tues), got solicited for votes, but i didnt vote, made it to group session where we figured out a game plan for tomorows role play... drove around... realized I am burning up miles alot.

Thats all... Soon I'll finish DC's stuff and critique Charlotte Sometimes

Tuesday, February 25

I can't believe i have sooo much shit to do this week... Test on friday, which means tutoring on wedsday, group thing today, test hw weds, group thing thurs... damn... and i havent even gone and started whoring myself for a real job yet... i wonder if its possible to land a job for half a semester.

FIRST, ppl, I'm supposed to have 25 clicks a day, not 19, so pick up the pace!!!!

ok, sorry for the gap in entries... i was busy....

IN DC!!!

Yup thats raight, I was in terrorist zero tolerance zone, aka washington, aka where georgetown was, aka where ECASU was... so it was fun... and though I want to share all the details, I cant remember all of it, so I'll simplify it to all the bare details in a two day span.

Left on thursday morning, took 14 hours from here to arlington... wat a long trip... good thing I had metroid and half a whole van seat to myself... got there 10 pm, seeing snow!!! snow everywhere!!! lots of snow... I love snow... so much I throw the snow at everyone in erratic moments... 3 rooms... two for gurls 1 for guys... soo, after checkin in, we all go to cheesteaks, and come back and Long (i dunno how to spell) screwed up all the guys keys by registering the room we were in, thus making four card keys useless and only providing two keys... (that sucked)... so most all the guys (troi and tuyen and peter slept with the gurls, for sexy results and such) =P, and we all had a good night.

friday: woke up, we all got to the mall and mary kay, our guide, toured us around the nearby monuments, while everyone engaged in random ball fights and snow romping... then after the major round about, the majority of us went to the american history museum... at first me phong the lees, and peter were in the 9/11 exhibit, but then we got seperated from the latter 3, and then me and phong got seperated in the internment camp, so i went to the sub gallery and met up with everyon else downstairs, where most all the guys got dog tags in the gift shop... then troi and ebru (our grad student person) went to pick up liz i guess, while the rest went to chinatown to chow down on dimsum (something I was advocating all day)... after that, we all got back to the hotel to head back out and lead a big group of college asians from the hotel to the kickoff for ecasu... there was actually a nice sorta pretty chick from UoRI that was with us at the front. we all got regged up, and atteneded the kick off, then a short indie movie (Charlotte sometimes, I'll tell you later), then a lameo asian american idol. Oh while this happenned, it was starting to rain like a mofo. we all got back home and we were all hungry. thankx to me, we got ahold of Dominos and got pizza on the way... also, alot of ppl were discussing about ecasu and aagig, while the sane ppl slept.

Saturday: our keynote speaker, a congressman, got sick and couldnt make it, so everyone trudged through the rain (the pouring soaking rain) to their workshops. me and fong were well into our workshop when I got two calls from liz. (had we not had that quick chat that lowered some of the barriers btwn us, I doubt she wouldve called) the first one was just to tell troi to look for her if I see him (yeah right, like i'll see him, he's phantom), so I said alright. the second call was scarier, because she was lost and her voice trembled when she was talking, so reprioritizing everything, I grabbed the crappy poleless umbrella I jacked from someone and set out to find her at the keynote auditorium... waiting for ten mins, i looked around at all the ppl walking around the area and in the distance saw the wettest, soaked shuddering shivering liz ever... litterally a sponge, with a drenched wbreaker shirt, jeans, even her purse bag... every inch of fabric was an absorbent for water. (this is not right, really, someone should be more attentive).. got her inside and took almost a roll of ptowels to wrap her around and dry her off; i think if i didnt find her she would have had pneumonia, because her hands were ice cold. i lent her one of the 4 layers of shirts i was wearing to her b/c of her watersoaked apparel. then we trudged back to the registration building where everyone was meeting. i got liz a tea and sat her down to engulf the hot warmth, while the group threw all their coats onto her to warm her up. through out all these times I had emotions of anger because of how yu ended up like that, fright, as the first time i saw her sadly shuffling in the rain and her appearance, and compassion, the feeling to help someone you care for, even after a huge rift and a long silence btwn the two. ok, mostly anger and almost bawlin; i could feel tears and my voice almost breaking while grillin annie, who was supposed to be the moderator for the two. but after getting mystuff from phong who got myself since i bolted out my workshop, and collecting myself. i let annie and jeanie watch over liz. after this event, ive realized my platonic feelings toward liz (PLATONIC PPL, PLATONIC; aka, NOT ROMANTIC OK LEO?) are what going to keep me from finishing and posting my dissertation that i was set out to do last week (doesnt mean I wont finish it eventually, but it wont be so outright or lambasting)...

I'll continue this tomorrow...

"Going to war without France is like going duck hunting without your accordian."
---Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense

"You know why the French don't want to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is
French, people."
--Conan O'Brien

Q: Why are there so many tree-lined boulevards in France?
A: Germans like to march in the shade.

***No matter where you stand on Iraq, I think we all stand in the
same place when it comes to France. Silly bastards.

Monday, February 24


Saturday, February 22

im in georegetown.... its wet with sdnow.... and... im tired... more later...

Wednesday, February 19

Addendum to blackout

This sucks, my average hit rates is going down, b4 it was like 25 ppl, now its like 22... where are you ppl going? is it because theres no more juicy shitz on anymores? well fine then, be that way... I was gonna cut back on my shits anyways... I'm getting real paranoid now... gossip about me going around, gossip about my gossip to the gossip... (ow, brain hurt)... eek. I'm not obsessive, I'm obsessive compulsive... you should see my room, all the anti-effort I go into cleaning it, and then go look at the kitchen, where I try to keep an iron fist on that shit, in contrast to my weedsmoking roomates annoying piggness...

Well, thanks to 8 hours of library time, 1/3 studying, 1/3 phone, 1/3 sleeping... I got alot of work done, albeit not academic... Got the address for AAA, got the info on what workshops I should sign up so I can not be bored with the lee twins. Also, trying heavily to find wei to actually see if that bastard went to class... which he dididnt... argh... so, how did this all result in? I hate Finance, I hate Ops, I find MktMgt fun but annoying... And thankfully, I got all the preparations for Washington ready... Got to AAA today and got tons of maps for DC Metro, and the nice lady helped draw a line, in case our chaperones get us lost... got all the regs done for Ecasu... blah... its all good... ah... soo tired...

I dont know if I should get any Tea today... so tired... dont think I should sleep.

Here's an interesting story... remember the story I had abt my coz and her friend with benefits thing? yeah, well, b4 that, like 2 weeks b4 the worst situation I could be in proximity in... she was secretly reading the guy's xanga, while he didn't know... it was just so she could find out what he was thinking, w/o him knowing... mostly it was an ace card for her... then I realized, thats just plain conniving... like bordering eveel... so I got to thinking... I should cap my endeavour some more... or at least switch to one of the 4 other languages I know... hmm... how do I type in snoop dogg, its more a dialect than a writing style .. *ugh*

Lastly, chatted w/ van on old stuff... why I value van? i guess its because our circles and adventures don't interact... so comparing notes on dissimilar lifes is always refreshing... that and van always has an ear perking adventure that you always gotta hear... I still can't believe someone can live stranded in california for a month on 20 dollars and super mooching... thats just balzac...

Reflection: how did the thing with kittie work... dammit, I dont know... I mustve been drunk or didnt care for shit at the end of my time... argh... its like slick and his groove... think, think... oh well... my shit sooo wouldnt have had the same affect had i have the bitch journal on back then...
Also, I need a new computer... you know when you need a new computer is when all the favorate games you wanna play are outta your computer specs... I really need a new computer... waaaahhh...

Happy Bday to DAD, who gets older again and grayer... and isnt so much deadbeat b4, maybe I shoulda mailed the card today

aights... maybe tea and pool... watching pool, im not up to see the other stuff...

DAMN U BLOGG, why aren't you working when I need you?!?!?

STUPID BLOGGER, they decided to update the servers midway, so I got screwed with half a blog... so, heres the whole thing... again...

I should kill phong's cat as a show of the don't mess the the boss man... yeah... that cat is a crazy ass thing... i should just kill it just to get it out of its misery from phongs ritualistic molestation of the cat.... yup... he likes to put his thumb in her mouth for sensual sucking.... ewww.... oh, nm, its biting him trying to go for the jugular... ima kill that cat soon... kats are eveell

In other news... jennys mean, not really mean, but evil mean, like, likes to joke and pick on you on serious things mean like, "oh jon, i accidentally broke your flamedrammon" then go another few minutes with the story and then be like "oh j/k okie?" (in reality, my poor digimon was crushed and destroyed, i was just using a hypothetical situation... so yeah, your lucky i dont erase the tape of evan and mojo... oops...; (j/p jen, don't take THIS seriously then)

I seriously dont know how to end up with my situation. it sucks; argh, my scenario-analysis of my brain is overloaded with what-ifs. must think of cars.

Ahh... the best BMW car there is... too bad she don't exist anymore.

Ohkay so studying was distracting... but oh well... I can't study well anyways, evn though it IS marston... blah balh balh, and after you do a hardcore cram session in the daytime, you can't help but start veggin out after 7 hours... blah blah blah...

im so happy, almost time to head to another state... whee... im going to washington... maybe the coolest part is its not a family thing and all the tons of pictures ill take with the ppl who got my back and the ppl i love, in my fantasies *smirk*.

Oh one last thing... FCUKIN CARTOON NETWORK!!! they CUT OFF my ZOIDS at 6am!!! DAMMIT, I'll never see the end of the show now!!!! ARGH!!!! FCKUITY FCKU CUCK... and I CANT even watch the weeklong marathong of Battlestar Galactica on Sci-fi... errk... Ok I'm done... gonna kill the kat now.

I should kill phong's cat as a show of the don't mess the the boss man... yeah... that cat is a crazy ass thing... i should just kill it just to get it out of its misery from phongs ritualistic molestation of the cat.... yup... he likes to put his thumb in her mouth for sensual sucking.... ewww....

In other news... jennys mean, not really mean, but

Tuesday, February 18

Don't question my loyalties, fuckers

Oh yeah, I want to point this out b4 I sleep... I was asked yet again, whether phong is friends with me... I think this is like the third time I've been asked this question, from another person... and it's getting really repetitive people. It's like its a curse to have phong as a friend to you all, or its aweing or something. listen you maggots, friendship can seem to alot of you people like a toggle switch: your friends with them, on, you hate them, off. its so simple to you to write people off because of heresay actions or events that have happened in yore. everyone has skeletons in their closet, everyone has a damn story to tell. but when the lines are drawn, its pretty simple that the more erratic unstable side will garner more support, without an advocated case. at this point in time, this is how groups and circles will regress to.. I'm not out to see how many bridges I can burn down (although some of them were already saturated with gasoline in the first place), but I am out to try and have alot of these conflicts resolved, even though much of these things are beyond my deity power, or everyside is a stubborn bitch and bastard, a hard dense head of ill-reason. many of you people have know kieu a long time, longer than me, and yet I'm surprise after those years here at college and high school life, you'll just cut the line off. maybe you have this brain problem where longstanding experiences are not cause to keep ties up; I don't know, I'm not a brain surgeon or psychologist. maybe you'll think about how all things of b4 started, and realize its a stupid thing, and absorb it, or get to a resolution. I know you people have b4, I've seen ties that have been re-bonded (albeit due to emotional stupidity or just stupidity total), so maybe those certain ppl I'm singling out now (if you fell i'm talking to you, youre prolly right) will have the actual scholarly intellect thats acquired here, and get real and learn about burying the hatchet. geez, we're in college, this is where what we experience is part of life so, yes, you three crazy gurls, phong is my friend, someone who has my back, in exchange for me torturing his cat and stashing some delicious dumplings in his freezer... the main thing you should be asking is: why isn't he your friend, and give me a damn good reason why, without pulling any shit info from the fall.

I'ma make this shortand unedited.

I'd like to thank God for the opportunity hes giving me tuesday... I just hope its not going to blow up in my face with a shower of flames around me... *nostalgia tas vcheer chant* "be aggressive, be be, aggressive." yup... gonna study, hopefully useful stuff..

I like the accord coupe... did you see that car yet? it has such a nice round contoured ass, and you add a stock spoiler, looks like beauty... oh, if only it came in a 6 already, and i had dough for that... oh well...

Joe millionaire was a complete twist... I thought you couldn't choose someone you already booted off? So the ass picked Mojo after all, after she stalked him around europe, and THEN they tell you shes a rich stripper? damn!!! thats twisted as fcuk... yup... yup... don't need to review the tape anymore, i spoiled it for you all...

liz is such a baht-po... i had opponents that were at least cynical... just another entry for the dissert, still being etched out...

can you believe credit unions are closed for P-day? that sucks! why did I stay till monday if the damn bank is gonna be closed... argh!!! At least, I got my fill of Shanghai Exp, ahh, another few weeks without good fast chinese food to go...

aights, crashing, I'll delve later.

Monday, February 17

who the hell is looking for sue? how da hell did they know what to string search? oh look, they found my site too somehow... im fucked

I can't believe the legacy quote from the group will be "yeah, filipino's are the mexicans of asia," or whatever the hell they warped from a rip session... i think thats just as bad as the "kosol is black" part of steakNshake. Course, it is funny hearing the quote repeating and repeating through poor half-irish half-flip mike, or ryan, or whatever... I met like 2 ryans and 2 mikes from 5 ppl, and I still mixed up the ppl half the time... I would still like to be famous for being a hunter on CS than the confucious of stereotyping >.< On the plus side, i now know a group down here who can help me if I need to upgrade the precious

Oh, and speaking of which... I did NOT get to Gasparilla... ya know, I found out thats not the gasparilla night parade... its really supposed to be the Santiago Knight Parade... whatever... its still beer and boobs and beads (with tons of testosterone punching and chick fighting caught on tape)... nope didnt go, cuz cozensa left earlier... apparently the damn parade was at 6, and the flashing was later, but they all split at 6, and i didnt get to tpa till 9... but lucky i found Rocco. Joined up with him and we went to import car get-together (the weekly street import nights). I was really hoping to see some illegal street racing going down on Gandy or somewhere, but none of that went down with all those cars, but there were 150 bikes that road across the bridge through tampa... wish we coulda seen some of that shit... oh well. stayed over at roccos with TC and Tre, didnt wanna wake up father at home...

Sunday, its raining, raining like a mother fcuker. I took super precautions covering the seats when I opened the door because the rain water was literally attracted to suede... didn't get to the I-mall. dammit... this is more like a little break for me than a having fun thing...

Updates for the ppl bound for DC: its two feet of snow up in terror danger central, i mean, washington... they say the snow will be done by tuesday, but that means its gonna be super wet ecasu weekend, and also 40ish... or it could be snowing again... so I recommend going to buy a huge ass down snow jacket or go fish one outta your closet. I really hopoe I can stick to going

I can't think of too much else, except that I hate looking at the old yearbook... its all the past... its memories, you cant go back in time... try to relive the best times of life... all those times... never forget the memories, never dwell on the past.... oo, crystal looks so cute in junior year... its weird, flipping through the book, the ones that are always sought have a normal picture.. looks all conservative on picture day, but thats not typical... Hey... artemis lin.. artie.. I forgot about her... i forgot how I know her... but I remember being good with her. yeah, I remember the name, but damn, see, this is the problem with soo many ppl at my school... faces... i'll have to do some sleuthing...

Aight, gota sleep or something... there is a pig on 5th wheel... oh yeah, Simpson rule, Married with Children RULE, DRAGNET ROCKS, I love SG-1.

Oh, and ppl, when I'm in mobile mode, that means I'm not home, i prolly aint in gvile, and that means i aint replying... so stop multi-IMing me. really, you ppl... do not abuse mobile AIM. ahh shit, 5th wheel is getting weird, gtg.

Saturday, February 15

I'm supposed to be in hillsborough or pinellas, but im still here, in alachua county... yup... i call it super laziness... but i gotta split soon. Guido rounded up the gang (all for me, its good to be an influence in a group) for gaspar night parade... so, be on the look out for 3 blacks two italians and 2 greeks and one asian... we'll be watching yiou

New final thoughts, b4 I sleep...

Lauren!!!, Sorry, the crazy IMing on Thursday, that was someone else using my computer, not me... so don't be seduced by anything that was said okie?! ^_^

Phongs apt sucks... because their stupid parking chucks scratched my precious' bumper (im calling her precious, like the One Ring)... mofo ass things are too high... argh... hopefully ill get a new front wing or kit for it.
two, im sick... stil... not head hurt or anything... but i think my body cant eat too much of a good thing... like food... so only in small bites now... boo...

I got to rethink my strategy, Cause I'm in too deep and I'm trying to keep up above in my head instead of goin' under.

I like rummaging through people's old photos, you never know who your going to see in those things...


Really, its vin diesel when he was mortal.

Pop and Shove it
I guess, its from the pre-steroid days... b4 he was banging chicks and enjoyed a good game of D&D

Ugh, my throat is irritating... stupid cold.... (Inside joke: Hey 'Sol, remember what I said at the theatre, the thing that ruined your fragile little mind? hahahah)

Ok, thanx for the 24 hits a day, but once in awhile it would be nice if some of you could comment to yell at me, or say something... or you know... something

Another shoddy day

Yeah, so I finally slept in a place, not my bed and not my floor, in fact, I was stuck there cuz phong was a lazy ass and didnt want to take me home in the old-n-busted. Lets recap, cuz I havent been in volume.... lets just say, 48 hours sucked.

SO, i forgot if i posted what I did on wedensday. So, lets backtrack. Thursday, super sick. I dunno how I got sick, but I blame all the evil sick ppl taht got me sick. Yup. And its still relapsing... So, thursday, I actually got to class at 830... how did I get there? heres the timeline again.. Got into bed at 3, (this is wed night, thurs morning), tried to sleep at 4, tossed till 5, slept at 530, woke up 6, zoids till 630, shower, teeth, milk, class at 830... I'm going to kill myself from actually staying up through the class. But I realize I actually stay awake in the class and listen to the prof because he is not boring... too bad that just makes me more tired... Walked around all sick, almost upchucked on my tacos and burritos, waiting around broward, for miracles, and i didnt chuck, so I went back to the student union and hung around ASU. Angela called me there... (Heres the way to make plans with her, call her, and wait two weeks for the return call) Went to the mall, hung around, did stuff, nice spending time... got back to my place to hung out and show off how cool chinese inputing is. yup. then phong goes and bloes everything by not bringing his loving stupid cat over (grrr)... oh, then went over to phongs stupid house to see the supid kat which I tortured again... and again... and again... wat an evil cat... not loving at all... would you bite someone to love them? hell naw... So after Angie left, I'm stuck at phongs, like, forever... and end up on the floor where the psycho kat tried to kill me...

Man, good thing I have Friday off... (had a good dream, like flying 1st class in a jet with good food). Got home, reviewed recordings... went back out to Bento's at the wrong time, no thanks to leo's "Lets go later" schedule... derr... Xuan breaking the bad news to me... argh... then, to make matters worse... We're watching DareDevil, and the stupid Theatre's power went out... halfway through the thing!!! ARGH, I HATE THIS PARK CINEMA THING!

Got home, rummaged through Vickie's photo album, which has lots of incriminating and funny pictures photos of ppl i know, and ppl I hate and would like to skewer with a rail gun, kuz they hate shooters... but the rest of the pictures were a good tresure trove... yup.... and now I'm still here, even though I'm supposed to be back in Tampa by now... cuz I'm supposed to get to the credit union and get some shit down... even get to MEt Life and level some shit...

Oh, guess what was a downer... shes from IB, like vicki is from ib, like scott is from IB, like phong is from ib... oh, and Phongus, yeah, he was fuckin VALEDICTORIAN!! Can we say, Super Nerd? SUPER, no life NONE!!! NERD... and guess what, that school pumps out 22 SUPER NERD VTORIANS!!... NERDS, WHO PLAY D&D prolly... Hold on...
Here are where all the nerds congregate

Yup, watch them....
Ok, thats pretty much all... still <3 broken... gotta wait till monday... no thanks to viky... grrr.

Friday, February 14

Once again, another thing sent by ryan... my own personal spammer

( 50 most romantic things to do w/ you b/f or g/f)

1. Watch the sunset together.

2. Whisper to each other.

3. Cook for each other.

4. Walk in the rain.

5. Hold hands

6. Buy gifts for each other.

7. Roses.

8. Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it
every time you're together.

9. Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.

10. Write poetry for each other.

11. Hugs are the universal medicine.

12. Say I love you, only when you mean it and make
sure they know you mean it.

13. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.

14. Tell her that she's the only girl you ever want.
Don't lie!

15. Spend every second possible together.

16. Look into each other's eyes.

17. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes,
tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.
18. When in public, only flirt with each other.

19. Put love notes in their pockets when they aren't

20. Buy her a ring.

21. Sing to each other.

22. Always hold her around her hips/sides.

23. Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two deal.

24. Spaghetti? (Ever see Lady and the Tramp?)

25. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand
and then put it over your heart.

26. Dance together.

27. I love the way a girl looks right after she's
fallen asleep with her head in my lap.

28. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so
that they have to look in a mirror to read it.

29. Make excuses to call them every 5 minutes

30. Even if you are really busy doing something, go
out of your way to call and say I love you.

31. Call from your vacation spot to tell them you were
thinking about them.

32. Remember your dreams and tell her about them.

34. Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears.

35. Be Prince Charming to her parents.

36. Brush her hair out of her face for her.

37. Hang out with his/her friends.

38. Go to church/pray/worship together.

39. Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the
parts she liked.

40. Learn from each other and don't make the same
mistake twice.

41. Describe the joy you feel just to be with him/her.

42. Make sacrifices for each other.

43. Really love each other, or don't stay together.

44. Let there never be a second during any given day
that you aren't thinking about them, and make sure
they know it.

45. Love yourself before you love anyone else.

46. Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages.

47. Dedicate songs to them on the radio.

48. Fall asleep on the phone with each other.

49. Stand up for them when someone talks trash.

50. Never forget the kiss goodnight and always
remember to say, "Sweet dreams."

27. I love

I got this from HotPinoy69, ryan.

You might be best friends one year...
pretty good friends the next year...
don't talk that often the next year...
and don't want to talk at all the year after that...
So, I just wanted to say,
even if I never talk to you again in my life,
you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life,
I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you.

Send this to all your friends,
no matter how often you talk,
or how close you are,
and send it to the person who sent it to you.
Let old friends know you haven't forgot them and tell new friends you never will.
Remember, everyone needs a friend,
someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all,
just remember this
and take comfort in knowing
somebody out there cares about you and always will

Im not soo sick anymore... spent the daty with angela... that was fun...oh well... gnite

Thursday, February 13

l: she wasnt trying to piss you off
l: she was trying to ask you a question
j: she didnt piss me off
j: she blocked me
l: no that was todd
j: its the same username anyways
l: yeah
l:i think you're just misunderstanding things
l: plus she felt you were giving her attitude
j: uh, ohkay, she imed me first and blocked me
j: oh, i can't get mad at her alot, but she can?
j: fuck it
l: blah

ugh, i think im sick for real... my head hurts when i shake it (a sure sign), my arms legs and body are soo acky, and i coultnt sleep well. i try to sleep at 4 but i tussled for a whole hour... when i finally get to sleep. my 6am alarm wakes me up... and ive been up since... my head still hurts... who the hell gave me the sickness... i havent been in close proximity to anyone (that i know of that has a sickness), so my question is ... wtf? ugh... my face is flushed warm, my forhead is burn up, i th8inik.. i can't even spell anything.... i blame todd.. hes sick, he mustve transmitted it, so i blame him... i don't like him anymore... this feels like when mike usedto block me... krazy kid..

argh wat do i do to stay alive... im gonna have to be like mom, go toschool sick... I have the Wang genes to do stupid things like that god, i need to stay alive... God, i didn't ask for this... you misinterpreted the prayer... ahh... who the hell was sick?!?!?!?
ugh... stay alive... oh yeah one more detail about yesterday... iwhy do I lie about who i am? Im not Jon Vo, I shoulda said like, Joe Vo (miss thatspy dude). Oh well, I like to keep my stuff personal and not in the public too much... yup...and good thing Vo is a vietnamese name, I was getting bored with Jon Tran heheheh...

Last rambling... Why is my hair a magnetic field for floating debris and dust... my god, its not dandruff, it dust bunnies... shit... i bet if i was in DFW, I would be able to attract all the remaining shuttle debris... thats how outta hand this shit is... i can make a whole bag of this shit....
Ahh, shoot me up with medicine... argh.... *thunk*

Plz god, answer my prayers... lets end this stalemate of mine

Oh, and my head hurts... someone get me a beer and a model... i mean, get me a tylenol., or nyquile


For the people that have public laundromats that they have to slave to, heres a story... It involves black people, (surprise surprise).
So, I was drying my clothes in two dryers, and I actually set my alarm to tell me when to go get them, but I was occupied with comedy and tv, so I didnt get to them until for about 40 minutes later. so I'm late, but when I get there, one load is still in a tub, another is strewn on a counter next to the machines...

I'm like, WHAT THE FUCK?!? I'm fucking pissed... And I bet it was that black dude with the big ass shopping cart, cuz all the machines were going... so I'm pissed, and I wanted to get even... I was tempted to jam my mango drink can into the dryer, but that would give me away too much, I was gonna buy a soda, chug it, and dump the rest into the load, but I didnt bring money, or andy bleach. But I was still going, fucking black ppl, you can't trust them for shit, arrogant primitive fucks (I don't give a fuck about PC, you dont touch a man's clothes.. So, nothing left, I couldve just tossed garbage into the tub, but seeing how time was crunching (the cromag man could come back) I took the nearest liquid detergent and tossed that shit into the load. Fuck, I wish I could just toss a soda into that shit... Fucker... Oh well... I'm all done venting...

I have a big nut! It goes with my big feet!!

Its like a bag of worms. hey, dont blame me, i read this shit in the web journal medical thing...

Id like to thank quy and xuan for being at BTs when i got there, since mr big dick alvarez decided he wanted to go thursday after AMA... although X pinning me down with all those lightning round questions was very offguard and off subject (reminisce lori's shotgun questions)... But seriously, I dont know why I am just stalling around... This is getting really wayyy too stupid... Errr... Plz Jebus, give me something good after my class, a close encounter, a big ole sign, something good... please... I'm usung the power of prayer... *church choir singing* I have seen the light Lord... Show me the way, and I will follow it until I find what I want!... wait, thats not very holy... hmm

And MY CAR does NOT look like a FOCUS, I think some korean is just jealous that they aint getting theyre tiburon anytime soon. (Great, everyone is against me)

Liz unblocked me, which is like after about a week, isnt it... hmm, maybe she went crazy and hit the unblock button... its like unwarranted blocking and unblocking...

Oh FYI: for the ppl who SIGNED UP FOR ECASU!! If your on the form, your going on the bus... and I think the rooms are laid down ok? Are you satisfied now jenny?~!?~!?!?~?!?! $#&!

Some new pics

This is Leo's sis, a cute latina, who looks nothing like the gruff non-hispanic leo...

Me demonstrating how to hold Elite guns in Counterstrike; basically CYF style, while putting a 3rd eye hole in someones head.

Wednesday, February 12

In the immortal words of Phillip J. Fry, (though hacked up a little to fit the point):
"You blocked me! you bitch, I can't believe you blocked me! I'll kill you!!! (pummels withmy severed arm)" ~hacked up from Futurama

I signed you up, that don't mean I know everything about whats going on... but that don't give you the right to dip outta a conversation like that (I know what you did, I have other s/names too. Man, you are soo shortfused; if you're not prepared, maybe you should rethink about going. You don't slap this shit together Fuck it... and your welcome your highness.

man, the biggest prelaw club in campus and i can't find the stupid meeting room... so much for reliable information...

ppo with manuals... word of advice... Don't be having day dreaming fantasies while driving in 4th gear through campus.... and if you do... don't faze outta onciousness while approaching a red light without deccelerating... and if you do .... don't realize your going to run a red light and jam on the brakes while making a sharp right turn ... and if you do BRAKE... DONT FORGET TO JAM ON THE CLUTCH TOO, cuz if you forget, all of a sudden your going to get the weird sound from the engine and the eery feeling you just took another hunk of life outta your baby, while the engine chokes hard in 4th... ahhh dammit, i havent had one of those day dreams while driving phaze out in a lonnng time.... this must be extra special... im not dejected at not finding the prelaw meeting, though i shoulda dbl checked where it was... so I blame you.

The new SS2G denim shoes were a success... They are the new snazzy replacements I'm wearing when I'm not walking everywhere... They're my shoes that I'll wear when I'm not styling in loafers... they're back.... booyah....

Its Wedsday, guess what that means.... Meeting day... yay... fun for the whole family

Tuesday, February 11

Oh, im sorry, I just HAD to add this...
Boba Milk Tea: 2.50
Chirashi Bowl (that made me sick): 6.50
Kickin korean ass in chinese dominated drinking games to get a free boba and impress the girls: priceless...

There are something Money can't buy, for everything else, theres my foot kickin your ass (he almost got me going... but im still CrZ like a monkey) Muahha...

Oh, I think I'll back up tuyen and help equalize the guy-girl ratio in the trip, IFF he is driving.

Comments, questions, you take them to me... complaints, send it to Mr. WhoGivesAShit

People, please... if you have a problem with commenting, I think its on ur side... like, your computer sux.... I mean, rich, lauren, jenny; god, even my friends that don't comment here alot, can comment...

so, heres the solution... get a new computer, or wait for the song to download, then click the comment, or.... refresh.... for ppl in firewalls, your shit outta luck, cuz i guess your firewall is a shitty technology thing... oh well...

Props to my classmate Jimmy.. i mean... rich, i mean... rick... for emailing mrs wang and geting him me and izora into one group... so us three make up half the body of the group.... muahhaha... and ricks pretty cool... he wraps his own cigarettes and is slick... yup... this will be an alright group.

Im going to a prelaw meeting... woohoo... finally, somehwere not in the workplace.... wait... i have no idea exactly where this meeting place is... you could have been a little more specific.... argh... thank you xuan for making me red also... grrr...

Oh, koreans aren't so tough.... so everyone can beat jimmy, and jon can beat jeanie? wait... didn't I beat jon today, for a milk tea? whos da man now... its all about skillls bitch... muhahaha, I told you, the summer crew had taught me well... I can gnaw all you down. I take down koreans, polish, cambodians, viets, and my own tw kin... cuz i came from the jedi of hwa chren...

Ahh, i dunno, i get tired now at around 11pm, but i cant seem to sleep if i push the time past 3am... argh... um, im gonna go take a nap... OH, I cleaned my room... its sooo not messy, and i got to use my other carpet.... and i moved my dresser to get more space from my closet pole, much unlike how it was arranged in the beginning of the school year.

Ppl to note: jen still sick, course you can mix illness with pms... clara on the other hand... the girl from mid october that I chatted with b4, on super bitchy irritation mode for the last 2 weeks... I thought you only get all pissed for a week at most.

Favorite Tv Shows: Dragnet (with Al bundy) and StarGate SG-1 (I luve macgyver as a wisecrack)
Quotes of the day from SG-1: "I thought the armbands were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid!"
"You are O'neil, T'ealc's apprentice." "Ye.... Apprentice?" "And a capable warrior." "Aprrentice?"

Monday, February 10

Life, Explained

I jacked this from someone... Ive seen this float around, and i wanted to be part of a hoarde for once.

~*The usual*~

1. [name:] Jon (no H) or Jonathan
2. [natural hair color at birth:] Black, dark brown, watever
3. [hair color currently:] dark brown, like dark dark dark
4. [eye color at birth:] brown
5. [eye color currently:] brown
6. [height currently:] 5'10" and up
7. [glasses/contacts:] both
8. [birthdate:] 09/18/1980
9. [sign:] Virgo, Monkey
10. [current age:] 22, like OG in this school
11. [siblings:] uh, 1 full, 2 halves, 1 step, tons of god
12. [location:] Gainesville, and Alachua county
13. [parents married?] Nope nope
14. [alternative or country?] alternative
15. [gpa:] eek, how does failed engineer sound, rather not say
16. [college plans:] graduate may and come back in spring to wreck havoc on you all
17. [planned college major:] Economics, no, Computer Engineering, no, Business Admin, no, CIS, no, Marketing, yeah, no, law. Mkting
18. [planned college minor:] wat?
19. [ne piercings:] none at all
20. [ne tattoos:] no

~*social life*~

1. [best guy friend:] Jonnn Cosenza
2. [best girl friend:] no more of that please, too much drama
3. [boy/girl friend:] sensitive subject ... dang it! j/k... don't have one right now.
4. [hobbies:] BlogBitching, Sleeping, Cruisng around.
5. [cell phone:] Hell yea
6. [are u the center of attention or a wall flower:] I'm the center of a wallflower , watever that means
7. [when was the last time u were on the phone:] When phong called me.
8. [wat do u drive:] JDM, nope, nm, Civic Si, with Rally Shifting BITCH!
9. [wat type of car do u wish u drove:] soo many, M3, Benz SL, H2, Ferrari
10. [are u timely or always late:] Realtime- mostly late for social shit, but it counts toward Azn Time
11. [where is the best hangout:] BENTOS
12. [do u have a job:] not anymore... is prostitution a job?
13. [if so where:] lala land.
14. [where do u attend church:] in my room, in my mind, in the shrine of Aries
15. [are u active in ur youth group:] Aries sacrifices little children
16. [do u like being around people:] sometimes, but not the haters and hoes

~*out of ur friends*~

1. [have you known the longest:] Dan turkk.. the big guy, they call me "admiral"
2. [who is ur fav:] everyone, that is kewl, and i have a new list of those ppl... oh wait, jenny too.
3. [makes u laugh the most:] me
4. [has been there thru all the hard times:] fong, ang, liz, jenny van.
5. [is the most sensitive:] Van, the most *cough*sensitive (LOL)
6. [has the coolest parents:] Krassner
7. [has the coolest sibling:] DAVE LIU
8. [has the coolest house:] oh, Geo had the best house, or robs old house.
9. [does the best foxy lady dances:] would leslie count? yeah, leslie
10. [is the most blunt:] JENNY
11. [is the shyest:] LIZ
12. [is the most outgoing:] Gabe, and Raymond
13. [is most rebellious:] Dunno
14. [is most likely to become famous:] Crystal or Freya.
15: [is most likely to become rich:] The kids who are already rich
16. [is most likely to wind up in jail:] Van (heheh)
17. [is most likely to have a million kids:] The slutty friends i know.
18. [is most likely to never have kids:] the gay friends that I dont know of.
19. [always wears a smile:] Quy, smiles like 24/7
20. [calls u the most:] Phong
21. [has the biggest attitude:] Troi
22. [would without thinking about it, die for u:] would you die for anyone? I think not.
23. [complains the least:] uhmm.
24. [biggest flirt:] im gonna say.... gabe... or ... david... or ... roger.
25. [needs a good man/chick:] Phong, goddamit
26. [never ever betrayed u:] Van, hopefully
27. [who acts the cutest:] god, put me on the spot.


1. [describe urself in 4 words:] weird, crazy, sexy, cool
2. [have u ever loved someone u had no chance with:] unfortunately yes... GOD YES
3. [have u cried over someone of the opposite sex:] yes, hello? this is me
4. [do u have a type of person u always go after:] yes, the one everyone wants, i have good taste. (or cheergurls), usually the one someone else has.
5. [ever wanted to get revenge on someone becuz they hurt u:] yes... yes, but thats cuz she deserved it
6. [ever been lied to by a significant other:] yes
7. [want someone u dont have rite now:] YES YES YISSS
8. [ever liked a close guy/girl friend:] Yes
9. [are u lonely rite now:] a little bit, I mainly miss having someone to hold
10. [ever afraid u'll never get married:] occasionally, but theres always mailorder
11. [who do u wanna marry:] my soulmate
12. [do u want kids and how many:] yes, 2-3
13. [if u could change something in ur life rite now, wat would it be:] my age and status in college so i can repeat it all over again with the new hunniez

~*think of when u hear these names*~

[steve:] Wang, the leader of old RIT PhiE
[Pat:] McGowan, the guy with the poop bathroom pix
[john:] me, mixing me up, spelling me wrong.
[mike:] Jennys psycho ex and him breaking my Digimon
[jimmy:] bentos
[nicole:] Kidman?
[matt:] Roomie
[danielle:] Steele?
[elizabeth:] Dole?


1. [quotes:] "The latitude I give to you shouldn't be the attitude you give to me."
2. [room in house:] my room, cuz its messed up
3. [girl's name:] Jenny, Crystal, or Donna
4. [guys name:] DUKE, oh man, i should name him duke, my next dog.
5. [person to talk to about ur problems:] Van
6. [type of music:] Asian pop, Hiphop, bands that dont suck.
7. [song:] Right now, The Click, by Good Charlotte (Undergrad mix) cuz of the words
8. [actor/actress:] Vin Diesel and Ayumi (is she an actress?)
9. [time of day:] Sleeptime; useless time
10. [family member:] I dont have one, maybe mom, cuz shes given me the most finance
11. [memory:] looking up at my personal star in the sky
12. [days of the week:] WEEKEND
13. [color:] Navy Blue
14. [cologne/perfume:] Anything the gurl swoons on
15. [flowers:] champagne roses, Orchids.
16. [pair of pants:] The pants from Xxposure, cheap and thuggish... I've worn these blue ones on me for the longest time... like a week straight w/o washing... cuz i love them.
17. [fast food place:] SHANGHAI EXPRESS
19. [teacher:] Mr Thomas, the black guy from JC
20. [love song:] 4 seasons of loneliness, Boyz II Men,
21. [piece of clothing:] my Structure/Express Coat that women drool over.
22. [possession:] my 18th birthday necklace
23. [month:] September, and July.
24. [season:] Winter
25. [vacation spot:] TW, Thailand, NYC, big Citys in Cali.
26. [person to give advice to:] whoever wants my help
27. [person to get advice from:] ppl that arent bitch or crazy, who have sound advice
28. [band:] Blink 182, still.

~*the last 48 hrs, have u*~

1. [cried:] not really, maybe in the mind
2. [bought something:] food, alky, and more food, goddamit
3. [gotten sick:] stomach flu
4. [sang:] sorta, hows lipsyncing in the club
5. [eaten:] duh, what are you not dead or something
6. [been kissed:] asian friend greeting kiss.... i forgot by who.
7. [felt stupid:] yes, stupid FINANCE TEST GODDAMIT NAZI FASCIST PROF
8. [said i love u:] to make up to Jenny, after rippin on her
9. [wanted to tell someone u loved them but didnt:] yes, but that would blow my cover
10. [met someone new:] yes, tons of new ppl, whos J? oh, and Minh
11. [had a serious talk:] I guess the one with tw Jen was serious at some pt.
12: [missed someone:] my crush
13. [hugged someone:] in asians, isnt that our life?
14. [fought with a friend:] our body language says we're fighting, and phong too.
15. [dreamed about someone u can't be with:] i think so... my heart pains.
16: [had alot of sleep:] I SLEEP IN THE DAYTIME

Sunday, February 9

wow, that BMW guy is in the bourne identity, hes cool... i dunno who is he anyways either

i wasted too much money today... lets itemize b4 i sleep...
ok, lets itemize the past couple days.

Bentos - $5.
mori- $5 sidetip+$22 std
perkins - $20
gas- $17
Matsuris- $0, that was fong.
Eden cover - $5
Driunks @ eden - $4, $4, $4...
Blowing money out the ying yang, not for any special woman = crap
blowing money for your own pleasuer= priceless.

oh, still writing the letter... in tandem with the stupid paper... I wonder if I shoulda mentioned that to tw jen, we should compare drinking games again.

why is gabe's xanga hittin my site so much? Hmm, I think hes stalkin me, heh, he should hook me up with those Kgirls.
Priscilla works at that japanese place... how do i know, cuz im GOD, hello? I know all... actually, im a black man, cuz all the negros know what shit iz up... haha. oh, whats her name said andrew worked there b4... but it sucked... heheh..

Ahh, saturday nite ended up goodish...

woke up- like 5pm... uh... oh yeah... went to eat Thai's food, got a call to eat at mori's with lori and emily and anne and some ppls... i dun think i shoulda stayed too long... no offense lori... cuz i did have bentos on a priority list b4 they closed (that didnt happen), and I was looking for any ride to the party (which was too late), cuz the dinner ended from 8pm to 11pm... lonnng time... yup... sooo drunk, damn sake... so got home, got all composed... yup... everyone went.... even jenny "i am gonna study, im not going to party kuz i keep my word" lee... so, i went anyways...yup... it was alright.., well, it couldve been better.. liz was all 38 again... its like middle school... but anyways, saw some fine hunniz... roger was going gaga over that thin korean version of jeanie.... whos a pretty fine korean one... yeah, saw her at the afterparty... oh yeah... ther ewas an afterparty. went with quy and xuan and minh to the afterparty... it mostly seemed like a kcrew get together... like the most set of koreans in one setting for me... how odd that donna wouldnt be here... oh, must not be with this group... but the get2gether was fun... i had a real good talk with taiwan jenny "with those big eyes" about stupid beer games, how dice games are fun, and other stuff... while... the sake bottles were being taken down... i like this crew... its a family here... drunk, but still good, still good.... linda was there too, and she said she said hi at eden, but i dont remember that... but damn, she was bustin out in that outfit... man. if only i had a digicam... then id show you all my descriptions... xuan critizises me for my "weekly infatuations", but its not weekly, its periodic... oh, and we found something cool out... its best to mix lemondade powder with sake, so you wont puke with aftertaste, really, its good... I dunno wat was up with Edward, its like all the time I see him, hes pised about something or something... oh well, party ends with ppl smoking up and ppl spillin sake... and Gabe is right in the middle of it. its like, 1 Gabe, 5 girls all around him on the sofa... Got home, watched my videos for the day...

Hope that didnt blow your mind away... Oh, I didnt get to be a man-whore today, even though i guess ppl were gonna buy me... or something... i was disappointed that thai didnt go with my hootchi mama black top with leather pants idea, but her choice was good enuf too, enuf to snatch her around the floor... yeah, so many fine hunniz, and then the drunk ones that just grab me and pull me to the dance floor... what was her name? J? must be short for something... Also worth mentioning... Jenny and Tina... fashionably good... Tina 'specially, that outfit was like "ahhhh yeah babee", if only i was allowed to tap dat ass... and Lezlie's fine bootay shakin, its like art when she dances. (oh, fyi, this is all commentary, not to be construed with raging male hormones contained in a bottle)... oh well, i wasnt drunk enuf to get with the flow, though it was almost one step closer to room 18, right down to the foreigners running around too.. ok, thats all... oo ooh, one more note, bumped into this korean version of a frances... but korean... did i meantion i luv koreans... and taiwanese and koreans were ment for each other? ^_^ yeah, its true...

its 630 am, I'm going to sleep... got some shitz to do... Oh, everyone, you should buy this months popular science (when I mean everyone, I mean just taiwanese people), because they have a nice article and picture of what the New Taiwan 101 will be, which when compleeted will be the tallest building in the world!!! TW Rulez ALL BITCH! It looks sooo kewlll!!!

Saturday, February 8

Ai Aileen Aimee Akiko Amber Amy Angela Anina April Ashely Becky Brittan Catherine Cathy Chanelle Charmaine Chelsea Christy Crystal Denise Donna Dorothy Emily Erin Ester Evelyn Faye Freya Helen Jean Jennifer Jennifer Jenny Jessica Jessica Jessie Joanna Josephine Kristeen Labri Lisa Mason Melanie Melissa Michelle Michelle Monica Naoko Natalie Phyllis Piya Rebecca Roanne Sandy Savanh Selina Stephanie Sue Suzanne Sylvia Tammy Teena Thi Tiffany Tiffany Tina Tran Zainab. Thats alot isnt it Bennett Bos Bridges Burgess Chang Chapman Chi Chiang Chiang Chiou Choi Dew Dvoravic Fang Heckrow Hong Hsu Hsu Hunt Kinzel Ko Ku Langston Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Liao Liao Lim Lin Lin Liu Lo Meershoek Mitchell Nouramountri Ohara Rish Sanders Stuart Tang Tran Walss Wang Wang Wang Watanabe Wong Wong Wu Yamada Yang Yang Yu *pause a beat* I Lyke U O_o

Jorge Jeng, Michael Chang, Duke Wu, Edmund Tu, uh... that other guy from roch, alot of other LA ppl, I know all these peeps from Psi, and its moot, cuz whats his name wants Lambda to come... and my alumni base is smaller wit dem... oh well... Im an OG still... Van's right, we'll prolly be old and gone b4 Psi or Lamda come.

Jef N Tab linked this, so I will too

I Do NOT GET DRUNK, that much... I'm a Depth Charge, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!
I'M 54.5% X-rated. HOW HORNY ARE YOU? (this is stupid... so take it)
I'm 79% fanatical about IM. HOW SICK ARE YOU? (all you AIM ppl take this)

I'ma make this short, since i want Friday's entry to be near the top... 1st: Note to Self: add that childish shit today to bitch log. Ok, the condensed version, in short fragments. Woke up... pick up fongs lazy ass... signed up 3 ppl to ecasu, went to kill fong's cat, went back to school for stupid new year thing (look, apathy), molested everyone (heheh) went to matsuri to help stalk ppl. dropped lazy ass off... went home, changed, went to bentos to get teas and oogle (she she recognized me and said hi first, supposedly going to parties; sorry, no solo crashNburn today), went to jennys to go to parties... Sol and Roger and mims came too... midnight... Larry's party = dead... FSA= packed... bored.. went back to jens... went to steakShake... ran into ppl... ate... went back to party 230... FSA = done. Larry's = packed and drunk... van drunk, andy drunk, tev not drunk kim's man super drunk, humping her against stucco wall (that was funny, hearing her yell out for van while being hoisted against the wall)... watched jimmy get his ass kicked by a novice in Hwa Chren, my god, i kicked her ass b4, jimmy must suck big time... got a few beers, hung around smoked, danced... thats pretty much all... no Kgirl today =( ... oh well... at least there is tomorrow...

After Thoughts: Jelee: Damn girl, you so foine today... regardless of your illness... u burning up the room... I'd split you open if we were blasted and you weren't so sick >_<... and my bad on the rip session, but you deserve a little humility, with out your night owl man to protect you (muahahha) and serve you right for picking on the only black man at our table... but anyways, i only rip because i love.... ripping on you.... no, i joshing... bcuz of my love O_o, and your fine ass (heehee)... oh, and look into this

Kieu: my bad on what i said at crapsuri's... but you go one step near my woman, i will blow your polygamy out the window, and your kittie will need crutches to live...

Thats all, tomrorow... Jon Bigelow, Asian Gigalo... ( I know who gabe luuuuuvss)

Friday, February 7

"The CLick"
just because i walk like obi-wan kenobi, you people talk but you don't even know me
and all these guys that think they wanna fight me, and all these girlsi know that they don't like me
i hear them laugh they do it just to spite me and the in crowd none of them are like me

but i don't care what they say, i don't need them anyway
i'll just go about my day, but anyway

you go out on friday night
i'll stay in but that's alright
cause i have found a clique to call my own
in crowd, out crowd i don't care
your crowd, my crowd we can't share
cause i have found a clique to call my own

so come and talk to me on my computer screen, the best years of our lives aren't as easy as they seem
but one day we'll look back and then we'll have to laugh, they used to call us names now they want our autograph

to get the girl and make the grade, it's all a show, it's all a game
and i would lose it if i played, it's all the same

so i don't care what they say
i don't need them anyway
i'll just go about my day
but anyway

you go out on friday night
i'll stay in but that's alright
cause i have found a clique to call my own
in crowd, out crowd
i don't care
your crowd, my crowd we can't share
cause i have found a clique to call my own

she said she'd call
but i know she won't
she won't
she won't


I was gonna clean out the closet, dust out all those skeletons, let the panda outta the box or watever... but I'm gonna take a raincheck, becuase I'm way too tired to formulate a coherent editorial/commentary/flame because of today... so, I'll move it to another day... I'll give a day or so notice b4 I post it... but more or less.. the teaser sentence will be like this: So, liz had capacity to block me... took her awhile (capacity is a law term)... troi must be grinnin from ear to ear. Thats the rough draft... I'll be typing it throughout the weekend or so... give it 3-4 days... i have otehr things I have to add... like flashy graphics.... pix of the key players... cool sound effects... but thats not aside from the research I have to do for McD's (not eating there, looking stuff up)... and Catching up on everything, and LSATS, and a jorb... But without delay...

The crappiest day on EARTH, this semester

(I'm going to try to mimic certain aspects of the dialogue like Diary, where phrases will be bolded (hopefully it looks unique).

In two days I slept 4 hours... this is how its broken down... Tues night: Go to review session for Finance... stay till 11... go to leos to pick up calculator... stay till 12... stay awake doing stuff, and redrafting resumé 5 times, fall asleep at 5am... hoping to wake up by 9-10am...

Wedsday: Woke up... noon... realize I'm fucking late... shower, put on the suit and tie, redraft rez another 4 times (because I screwed up formatting) ran to Career Fair... 15 minutes till close... most businesses (MS, Boeing, LockheedMartin, Busch, etc.) want Engineers, and sometimes not even Comp Engineers... so it closes, and I stay for the Cultural Diversity fair (basically the miniorities get a special buffet and some companies come visit us... stay past 4... skippin Sales Management... get out at 530... get home... race to library to meet group at 6 to discuss McDonald's Financial future (i am one semi-prepared OG, thats what I was doin last night too), argue, debate, dismiss around 7... get home change... back to normal kid... find out I forgot to ask to be with James and Izora's group... we're supposed to mail the prof, I forgot, so I got stuck with a group i dunno... and I missed class. well, Wei's not in my group, so thats something else. oh well.. go to Marston library again... study my ass off as much as possible on formulas till 1am... go home... chill for an hour... till 3... watching the taped American Idol (I knew Julia was gonna win... aside from the story, she was bouncing around everywhere without support, thats what the men like) went to the area office study room, stayed there cramming till 7am... (its an odd feeling, when I look up from studying, it happens to be in the direction of liz's window all the time, with the poster in the window) study... going insane...

Thursday: Going insane... studying... trying to figure out how formulas work.. this goes there, that goes there... no wait... that goes THERE... no... fcuk! ... go back to room and slow down... change... get to 830 class.. still able to listen to lecture w/o fully passing out... group met afterwards... we need to reorg our McD strat... went to student union to have 5 minute game break... then went across campus (this is like 5x now in 2 days) to the chinese fastfood that sucks... then hunted for a sofa... This school sucks, all the money they get , and you can't find a nearby sofa anywhere... fuck... Well, anywhere near classes... settled for the one in the auditorium... slept at noon... shooting for 3 hrs... made it 4 hrs... went to Marston AGAIN... ran into Bingh... studied with him... Vy was there too studying...

Crunch Time: I am going through the exam I went over b4, trying to find strategies... and I thought I had it pinned down, helping bingh with problems... Vy was conscripting ppl for Date Auction and easily drafted me to be whored out... Like I could ever say no to a girl like Vy, hello?? have you seen her before?!?!? dayamn I've never been on one of those auction things b4, I think I was tired and hungry and my mind just saied , uh ok so now I'm on that... so its now getting close to game time... oh, yes, my stress gets ever soo closer.... flash foward.. past the test... GOD DAMN FASCIST TEACHER WHAT THE FUCK IS HE SMOKIN CRACK OR JUST MENTAL! ALL THOSE QUESTIONS WERE FUCKING HARD AREYOU TRYING TO MAKE US FAIL ON PURPOSE, WHY DO THAT AND GIVE US A HUGE CURVE, WHY NOT JUST GIVE US AN EASY TEST WITH A SMALLER CURVE, WHERE THE FUCK DO ALL THESE FORMULAS COME FROM, THAT DINO BRAIN OF YOURS, DO YOU THINK WE CAN DO ALL THISE IN 2 HOURS? YOU WANT US TO USE HOW MANY FORMULAS IN ONE QUESTION?!?!? 15?? WAT? FCK YOU!! ARGHH! MAKE ME STAY TIL THE END!!! So that sucked, and I'm tired, and I have a 40 lb. bag on my back and its cold and i didnt drive... but on a more sunny note to end most of this day... I ran into Vy on the way home... so I was certain of 8 questions and her 10... so it sucked... I don't know what you are talking about CueBall... she has a very nice ass (I mean that in the most non-sexist way)... so, I got home, and drank... and drank... and drank... Oh, did I mention there was Career fair today too, and I couldnt go because the finance nazi prof is satan? so I couldnt check it out... fuck... so I've been very buzzed from 4 amber bocks in 30 minutes... and i was gonna lay down the Rift issue... but hatred for my teacher is a higher priority... that and listing all the girls too... on the top...

This Is my New Theme Song


I can't think of anything else to say.. its 530 agai... I'm going to sleep, get some energy... good nite...

Ah... wat da hell.. heres sinfest

soon, the truth shall be my weapon... and the worldly bitching will continue

Thursday, February 6


Da Shit Hits the Fan tonite!!

ahh fuck... i have to publicly wish my bro lawrence happy birthday, even though I 1) already called him up and left him a msg on voicemail, 2) mix him and my old man's b-day up all the time because its both in february, and one is 5th and one is 17th, 3) can't remeber how old he is without actually counting from the year he was born (pathetic) 4) know he doesn't care for me, though loves me as the sai lo, and 6) know he doens know I have this site... but anyways, happy birthday to my dai lo, who is one year away fromthe big 3 0... yup... thats when you get old... and he dont even have a woman (that I am aware of..., or got me a newphew or niece, or illegitamete ones too)

fuck... I really need to go to sturdy... jorb... ahh fcuk it all.. im outta here...

damn, i can't honestly say tas pumps out hot women up the wazoo, but i think this is good evidence that tas is all lookin good. got this from a younger alumnus' xanga (yah, da foos), which is obviously a picture from his prom (whatever its call this year... always a weird name... man, last years was an odd looking name).

A mong nan and his Ma-zi

In other news, I should be studying, but im typing on blog... ran into bingh... my god, he has a better grasp on the finance formulas than I do... ahhh, the test is in fucking 16 hours... fuck... ok... oh, and you all think business classes are easy? well, fuck yall, you obviously havent taken tapley the finance nazi.

We've all seen the horror pics of my babe... well, this is what I hope to turn her into one day...

yeah, dust you...

Vroom... Type R, bitch.

Career fair sucks... free food is good... my flashy threads are suai... man, i am one sexy bitch...

Im pushing sinfest to tomororw, and also adding a commentary on getting women you dont want, and wanting women you can't get... if im not burned from Finance.

Special thanks to Smoke... whom I don't know.
(I know why I dont want to be on xanga... cuz if you want to know me and find out about everything, you have to visit my site every fucking single day bizatch.. not gonna be all xanga shit where you like get my shit through your email... you want to know all about me? come find me... "you think you know, but you have no idea." This is the diary, of me, DUH

Wednesday, February 5

dammit, rich, i hate it when you have an ounce of sense... why arent you drunk more... maybe you should apply all this toward not getting axed at kojen

Tired now... damn its 530 am again... gonna leave this...
ya know, i never realized leo was hispanic... lol, man, and i thought it was bad when jenny gave me that "viet or laos" quiz b4.

Q: Oh ok I get it, so the black guy did it huh? automatically blaming the black guy, ah!! nice.

Sparks: Well a minute ago you were all ready to blame the latino

Q: no i didnt

Marco: you wanna to play the race card quinn? is that it? wat so latinos steal? were just a bunch of theives, gringo?

Q: I never said that!

Murphy: you dont have to, *sniff* I can smell it on you.

Sparks: you discussing bigot.

Debbie: I cant believe I had sex with you a jillion times!

Stormy: What? you said you were saving yourself for marriage!.

All: *LOL*

Denny's Menu I dedicate this to leo and dan for showing me the site which had this dumb techno song... i also put up the theme song until sunday, in their honor... because its annoying but funny... ill have a more relating song later...

Something else I found out... I have a ton of shit i have to do... fuck, I cant go to Q&A tomororw, bc i got a meeting with my group... so i have to rely on my FIN from today... but since my synapses are shot, i dunno...
i have to research MCD's for the group... and bring some viable stuff for tomororw... I also have to fire up my resume around 9 am, if i wake up, since i have to go to career fair... in my threads... and look all smart and shit... I have to call my old bosses from pizza hut, compusa (both of them), and Texas instruments, and see about them getting me references in the next couple months or so... i have to hunt down liz and dialogue adult conversation to her... or jam my point down her throat like she did ^_^ (see, i have a happy smile) ... i have a ton of shit to do... and i have to study for FIN soon... very soon...

Ill tell you this later

OH the top comic is NOT part of the blogger, for you dumb stupid fucks who just skim the top to see if i have updates..!!! ok? Thanx to rich's *cough* expertise in web design =P ... make that web feng shui

Tuesday, February 4

oops, i pigeonholed it, not ever needing to see the contents of it... because why? letters are a show of disrespect... didnt you ever see NewRadio, where they sent each other memorandums? memos that went no where. you know why? cuz lisa miller is a crazy-ass baby-wanting news producer...

Technology has made it so that all the rules of dialogue has been through out the winder like the tupperware party. Why, instead of a personal dialogue in a neutral enviroment, where you can see the inflections made by your opponent, be it business dialogue or coutring (i got alot of this from sociology journals), we have gone to an emotionaless society with phones and email... lets not stress that phones only act out what we hear, and email/IM what we see... but mono y mono, that is the best old skool tech that would work... not email tag, or IM lag chat...

letters... did salesppl ever make a sale on account of letters, did anything ever get through with letters? i was coerced into a business workshop, a presentaion where we were all herded into a room where ppl talked with us, in interaction (interaction is the key). I doubt the same effect would work on mailings or cold calling, cuz we can all disconnect from that... but interaction, personal selling, that is the highest credibility that can be negotiated... not LETTERS!

so, no, i didnt and will not read ur, most likely, emotions on my monitor.... you disapprove. well too bad. we're in it for the species people... survival of the best...

Even though I have a kick-ass car... I still am afraid that that gurls car is muccch nicer than, if i got to sit i that thing, i bet i could rip up archer road...

Special thanks to phong for NOT helping out today... no support for anything...

Watching tv wit jen, I realized some things... 1)Jenny is weird, 2) I love Sealab, and Undergrads, 3)I got jenny to love Sealab 4) she dont knw what Risk is 5) NEVER EVER leave stuff at Stoneridge Y, because if you do (like FLAMEDRAMMON WOMAN), you will NEVER see it again!!!... you CANT STEAL MY VCR !!! BUY YOUR OWN!! YOU ARE SOOOO MONEY!!!

Went through 3 hours of lectures... thats like, 10 hours left... ahh shit... and I gotta work on the resume soon... Ohh, but I get to deck myself out in my flashy DKNY threads... So if your lucky you get to see the new hotness traversing around school from the oconnell...heyy, me and Izora get to see each others sophistica clothes. Tonite, TUTORINGSONE!!! PLEASE!!! MAKE MY 10 HOURS USELESS PLEASE!!! nO MORE LECTURES!!!! AHHH!!!... I can't go wedsnday... I'll have to go friday...

Xuan: you think us doing mando talk was a bad signal? I think it was...

.You have to listen to this song... because Hitler shouldnt be so lucky
Oh, and download this, and watch it... Terry Tate is the Man!!!

Monday, February 3


I got into michael changs cmu folder... cuz i needed to grab a song (thanx yo, PDPsi 4eva), and I was skimming through his PDPsi pics... guess who I saw...!!!!! Its GEORGE!!!! George JEng (Or Cheng, one of those)... DAMN! He went to CMU too? their both brothers??? I found someone I can talk to about a Pi chapter in florida... and since Nu chapter is pretty well know, like rochester, I think I might be able to swing a vote... good thing mike and george are the big brothers this year... good... hmm, I think Edmund is still in Roch, I should try to find him too... nothing like trying to get a good word to the brotherhood b4 the bid.


Watching Joe: MELISSA IS A HOE!!! "Money doesnt matter to me... (Money does matter, money talks, when you have money, you rule... I gotta get my game on)"
Evan:"I was trying to listen to her, but I couldnt stop looking (at her mammaries and cleavage)"

What a slut... ohhh, Game means putting out... I see.

(Crazy, and shes actually cold now... thats something different... step in the wrong direction)

~Apologize to her.
~why should I.
~just apologize.
~can I apologize with sarcasm?
~just apologize.
~how bout, Im sorry you already judged me since november.
~Im sorry you cant keep stuff to yourself like you usually do with other shit.
~Im sorry you cant keep stuff to urself. Im sorry I can't trust you.
~Im sorry your impulsive and naive?
~why do I even have to? I can use , whats that word, judicial restraint and cite other instances where others didnt have to after so long.
~thats not an answer.
~just apologize.
~its not my fault.
~who cares.
~Im not into apologies, because I know its all empty shit anyways.
~then just do it.
~dude, no.
~how bout apologize when i get to argue my case when im rite.
~how bout you first apologize, then you can argue.
~dude apologize.
~your not helping.
~just do it.
~no, I'm going to settle this like adults.
~shes not one.
~shes old enough. you can't run though life like a child forever, letting avatars do your work. thats not the way. the real world is shit, and you have to live it one day.
~you should feed her and apologize... like take her to Roadhouse, she loves road house.
~Im not going to feed her... this isnt a cat or animal.. and Im not done with you about Outback.
~Im not going to, because I dont feel it, and she wont feel it because she dont realize it. whats the point.
~man you still haven't fixed your shit up.
~apologize and get it over with.
~I'll settle this with discussion, not blank apologies.
~apologies work.
~in Maria Carey's lalaland maybe... not reality.
~(thats your word of the day, sell out, grrr) no.
~(man, you should be helping me out, not giving me one word answers) Im not.
~just apologize...
~I apologize while I belittle her?
~yo mama.
(This gets no where... so the topic changes, the end)

Yes, we weill have to look into the "don't just judge a checkbook by its cover" cliché. Like for real... there are alot of ppl already that have a nice pretty outside and a psycho inside... one that you can't exorcise...
yay, I woke up b4 1pm... thats some big imporovement... tomororw. 7am (i hope).

Ohh, Sandy wrote me an email... cuz she was bored at work, and she has nothing better to do... (what da hell you do in a pharmk company anyways) so she decided to write emails to everyone... I've tryed to twist her into a weblog, but if she did, shell prolly be as bad as helen... hhmm, wonder if she would come back down for spring break... so i can give her the pictures from the last spring break *snicker*... oh wait, the grown up ppl down have spring break anymore, they ahve cubicles.

Holy Shit, this xanga gurl is cute!!, and shes subscribed to me!!! and shes KUTE!!! DAmnn!!! shes cute... Oh wait... I forgot, I added her b4... Oh... anyways... Damn... kute!!! Shes real city ghetto, like mah and da, but its all unique creativity... ooo, she likes the phone I want... the 7210.. Well, i like that phone, but I also want the one with the built-in camera... Wonder if she reads this daily... hmm... doubt it... still... kuuuute... ahh, she likes Edison and Willber... Hmm, I haven't heard about Wilbur in a while... I dont know why he just calls himself Will. His chinese name is Pan Wei Buo. Ahh, shes from SFO, know waht? I think shes like the same age as Boa... hmmm.... ok... no more info... gotta focus on school and monogamy...

New Song... Hitler had a girlfriend you know that?

You know, you would think it would be awkward to be in the same room as two lovebird doing a lip smack session, but its not.. you know why, cuz the exact same thing happened 2 weeks ago with my cousin's sister and her "he's not anything, we just hang out" which turned into a 4am tongue wrestling, quoting, (waking up) "What time is it?" (this is all whispering), (slurp) "430" "shit, i have to get home, my mom will wake up, its MLK day" (slurp) "ok" (slurp) (slurp) (sllluurp) (*smackslurp*) "your cousin is on the other sofa" "really?" (slurp) "yeah" "well, at least hes not awake" (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (this goes on for a few minutes, and im tryying to sleep, but noo, i cant leave or get up) "ok, i should go" (slurp) "yeah" (slurp) (slurp)... and then they leave... couldn't they get that done in her room... goddammit...

Its BoA, Thankx Van

With some help, I found out the girl in the Honda fair commercials is Boa. According to some snooping, Honda has contracted her to be there new cf model... Boa turned 16 in november... Boa was molded into a popular singer... Boa is kute... didn't I say that Koreans were kute. I need BoA pictures... dammn, I cant refer Boa to Bank of America anymore... I'll have to be like everyone else and say B of A... BoA... ahh... lets look at the commercial again...

Thank god I know how to read chinese now... Really, I'm helping Donkey Kung with his hw, and I'm reading Xangas and Blogs in Chinese, and getting most of the gist of it... Damn... I'm pretty good at reading... screw chinese class... Muahhahahahah...

Hearing the news coverage on Columbia, I have two theories... 1)The shuttle's tiles were zippered off, and the the hull began to melt, and the ship burned up on belly foward re-entry, the normal reentry way, or 2)The zipper effect happened , and the ship rolled and the computer wasn't able to compensate the rolling, and the shuttle rolled to the side or upside down, putting the naked alluminum on toward the heat, incinerating the hull and the crew... That's wat I think now... those are my two theories...

What I Did Sunday
I slept till 4. cuz I slept at 6. I was going to tutoringzone to get the exam review for finance, but then I found out the damn thing is somewhere else, at another location... so I was going to go to the monday one, but then I realized that Monday is monday, and I have to be somewhere on monday, So I'll have to go on Tuesday then... which gives me two days afterwards till the test... but then I have Career Fair... so I need to do that on Wedsday... damn... I dont have time then... I need to work on my Resume... God... so much stuff to do... went to fongs. where I found my phone, finally... then I *blog entry deleted by webmaster* until I got bored and went home. Miss the car... *sigh*... blah...

I think this line I jacked from jef who got this from anh, this quote puts everything into perspective on my not doing shit the past week... even if it means dear certain death...
Procrastination is like masturbation: it feels good until you realize that you're only fucking yourself.
-Fight Club

Gotta look my best tomorrow... gotta get some of those lecture hours reduced... for crist sake, I need to watch a couple....


To Be ConTinUed in a couple days... like tuesday night or so... or tomrorow... or something, I mean... you wanna miss the Sinfest BitchFite???

Thats all... donna is hot