Thursday, July 21

ESRB needs to fuck off.

more next time... that is all

Friday, July 1

The job search

Well, its day three of my unemployment. And thus far, the pickings, they be slow. As of now, I'm in gainesville at my buddies' house. I don't want to do anything but lounge around for the next month or so or until i get a reply from Ggate or Stetson. But I still need money, and I don't see myself as a daily goer of Derby Lane gambling. So, I guess I should find something. The venture with Van and his Insurance gig as opened up a new avenue to look upon. i've also decided to look to other fields too, ones that would have shitty pay like the Shitty Data Probing Company. Anyways... I hate my managers... they Suck Dick Professionally... thats all... I'm going to get me some chop Chae, and go to the mall, and get me some boba... I wish I could get to the mall now... oh well....

Oh yeah... Danielle Gamba is soooo hot... shes like the perfect hot hometown honey... with her freckles.